Perbaikan Stabilitas Lereng Dengan Terasering, Rumput Vetiver Dan Dinding Penahan Tanah Dengan Bantuan Perangkat Lunak (Studi Kasus Jl. Brigjend Abd Manan Wijaya, Dadapan Wetan, Bendosari, Kecamatan Pujon, Malang, Jawa Timur).

Hidaatulloh, Syarif and Dr. rer. nat. Ir. Ir. Arief Rachmansyah and Ir. Eko Andi Suryo, ST., MT., Ph.D. (2022) Perbaikan Stabilitas Lereng Dengan Terasering, Rumput Vetiver Dan Dinding Penahan Tanah Dengan Bantuan Perangkat Lunak (Studi Kasus Jl. Brigjend Abd Manan Wijaya, Dadapan Wetan, Bendosari, Kecamatan Pujon, Malang, Jawa Timur). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kelongsoran lereng tebing kebanyakan terjadi pada wilayah dengan tingginya curah hujan. Dan terjadilah peningkatan tekanan air pori pada lereng. Hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya penurunan kuat geser tanah (c) dan sudut geser dalam (υ) yang menyebabkan longsor. Analisis stabilitas lereng dilakukan pada penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui angka keamanan lereng. Cara meningkatkan stabilitas lereng disini menggunakan perkuatan terasering, rumput vetiver dan dinding penahan tanah. Lereng dibagi menjadi 2 lapisan dan memperkecil sudut dalamnya. Lapisan 1 mempunyai tinggi lereng 10 m, dan lapisan 2 mempunyai tinggi 13 m. Setiap lapisan dibuat dengan sudut 45° sehingga bisa melandaikan kemiringan lereng dari sebelumnya.Analisis dengan program geoslope dan manual metode fellenius dan Bishop. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh perhitungan manual dengan sudut kemiringan 58° yaitu angka keamanan lereng tanpa perkuatan dengan metode fellenius SF = 1,257 < 1,5 dan metode bishop SF = 1,263 < 1,5. Program geoslope metode fellenius SF = 1,119 < 1,5 dan metode bishop SF = 1,149 < 1,5. karena nilai SF kurang dari 1,5, maka lereng masih belum aman. Hasil perhitungan manual dengan sudut kemiringan 45° dan terasering yaitu didapatkan angka keamanan lereng metode fellenius SF = 1,462 < 1,5 dan metode bishop SF = 1,488 < 1,5. Dan program geoslope metode fellenius SF = 1,201 < 1,5 dan metode bishop SF = 1,211 < 1,5. karena nilai SF kurang dari 1,5, maka lereng masih belum aman. lereng masih belum aman sehingga perlu ditambah perkuatan dengan rumput vetiver. Dan hasil setelah ditambahkan perkuatan rumput vetiver yaitu didapatkan perhitungan manual angka kemanan metode fellenius SF = 1,801 > 1,5 (aman) dan bishop SF = 1,6114 > 1,5 (aman). Seteah itu hasil dari geoslope metode felleniu SF = 1,409 < 1,5 (belum aman) dan bishop SF = 1,496 < 1,5 (belum aman). Dari hasil tersebut terdapat kenaikan angka keamanan tetapi masih ada yang belum aman sehingga perlu ada tambahan perkuatan dinding penahan tanah. Dan hasil angka keamanan setelah ditambah DPT didapatkan yaitu stabilitas guling SF = 2,6728 > 1,5, stabilitas geser SF = 6,435 > 1,5 dan daya dukung tanah SF = 17,8575 > 1,5. karena nilai SF lebih dari 1,5, maka lereng sudah aman. Dan untuk program geoslope metode felleniu SF = 2,230 > 1,5 (aman) dan bishop SF = 2,525 > 1,5 (aman).

English Abstract

Most of the slope failures occur in areas with high rainfall. And there is an increase in pore water pressure on the slope. This results in a decrease in the shear strength of the soil (c) and the internal shear angle (υ) which causes landslides. Slope stability analysis was carried out in this study, to determine the slope safety value. How to improve slope stability here is using terrace reinforcement, vetiver grass and retaining walls. The slope is divided into 2 layers and reduces the inner corner. Layer 1 has a slope height of 10 m, and layer 2 has a height of 13 m. Each layer is made at an angle of 45° so that it can slope the slope of the previous one. Analysis with geoslope program and manual method of Felenius and Bishop. The results of this study obtained a manual calculation with a slope angle of 58 °, namely the slope safety number without reinforcement with the fellenius method SF = 1.257 < 1.5 and the bishop method SF = 1.263 < 1.5. Program geoslope method fellenius SF = 1.119 < 1.5 and Bishop method SF = 1.149 < 1.5. because the SF value is less than 1.5, the slope is still not safe. The results of manual calculations with a slope angle of 45° and terracing are obtained by the slope safety rate for the fellenius SF method = 1.462 < 1.5 and the bishop method SF = 1.488 < 1.5. And program geoslope method fellenius SF = 1,201 < 1.5 and bishop method SF = 1,211 < 1.5. because the SF value is less than 1.5, the slope is still not safe. the slope is still not safe so it is necessary to add reinforcement with vetiver grass. And the results after adding vetiver grass reinforcement are manual calculations obtained by the fellenius method SF = 1.801 > 1.5 (safe) and bishop SF = 1.6114 > 1.5 (safe). After that the results from the geoslope method of felleniu SF = 1,409 <1.5 (not safe) and bishop SF = 1,496 <1.5 (not safe). From these results, there is an increase in the number of safety points but there are still some that are not safe so that additional reinforcement of the retaining wall is needed. And the results of the safety number after adding DPT are obtained, namely the overturning stability of SF = 2.6728 > 1.5, the shear stability of SF = 6.435 > 1.5 and the bearing capacity of the soil SF = 17.8575 > 1.5. because the SF value is more than 1.5, then the slope is safe. And for the geoslope program the felleniu method SF = 2.230 > 1.5 (safe) and bishop SF = 2.525 > 1.5 (safe).

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522070084
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci : Stabilitas Lereng, Angka Keamanan, Terasering, Rumput Vetiver, Fellenius, Bishop, Dinding Penahan tanah.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 624 Civil engineering
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: yulia Chasanah
Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2022 07:37
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2022 02:18
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