Respon Protein Metallothionein Pada Keong Tutut (Filopaludina Javanika V.D Busch 1844) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Pb Dengan Cara Penggelontoran

Aminin, - (2018) Respon Protein Metallothionein Pada Keong Tutut (Filopaludina Javanika V.D Busch 1844) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Pb Dengan Cara Penggelontoran. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Keong Tutut (Filopaludina javanika v.d Busch 1844) di sungai dan tambak jumlahnya mencapai 10 – 100 individu/ m2 serta hampir bisa didapati sepanjang tahun. Keong tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan tambahan bagi itik yang dipelihara serta dapat dikonsumsi manusia. Namun demikian dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya didapati bahwa pada tanah sawah di Kecamatan Glagah Kabupaten Lamongan mengandung kadar Pb : 0,67 mg/kg kadar ini paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan Pb beberapa kecamatan yang ada di Kabuapaten Lamongan seperti kecamatan Laren (0,56 mg/kg), Karanggeneng (0,44 mg/kg) dan Kedungpring (0,19 mg/kg). Kadar Pb pada keong tutut di Kecamatan Glagah terukur paling tinggi sebesar 4.48 mg/kg. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan kadar Pb pada Keong Tutut, Mendapatkan respon Metallothionein terhadap penurunan kadar Pb, menganalisa histologi “Whole organ” pada Keong Tutut sebelum dan sesudah proses depurasi, dengan metode penggelontoran, perendaman dan perendaman dengan ganti air. Penelitian disusun menggunakan metode eksperimen Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan 3 ulangan, P1(penggelontoran 6 jam), P2 (penggelontoran 12 jam), P3 (penggelontoran 18 jam) dan P4 (Penggelontoran 24 jam). Penggelontoran 24 jam menurunkan Pb terbanyak sebesar 53,2 % dari 2,65 ppm turun menjadi 1,24 ppm sedangkan penurununan terendah pada penggelontoran 6 jam dengan penurunan sebesar 7,2 %. Kadar Pb pada Keong sudah berada dibawah ambang batas yang ditetapkan BPOM (2009), Perikanan (DKP) No: Kep 20/Men/2004, SK Ditjen POM No. 03725/B/SK/VII/1989, batas cemaran logam berat dalam bahan pangan sebesar 1,5 ppm sehingga aman dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan itik dan dikonsumsi manusia. Proses depurasi dengan metode penggelontoran menurunkan kadar Pb pada “Whole organ” keong dan meningkatkan Kadar Metallothionein. Kadar Metallothionein P1 sebesar (0,826 ng/m), P2 (1,035 ng/m), P3 (0,950 ng/m) dan P4 (1,376 ng/m). Hasil uji anova rerata kadar MT menunjukkan pengaruh tidak berbeda nyata. Penggelontoran selama 24 jam menyisakan kadar Pb pada daging keong sebesar 1,24 ppm sehingga menyebabkan kadar MT tinggi. Kadar logam selain Pb pada keong diduga bertambah dari air media yang digunakan untuk penggelontoran karena air tersebut mengandung Seng sebesar 0,05 ppm dan Fe 0,02 ppm sehingga kadar MT trennya terus mengalami peningkatan. Hasil skoring kerusakan jaringan sebelum dan sesudah penggelontoran menunjukkan kondisi histologi relative sama. Nilai kerusakan jaringan sangat rendah berkisar 0 – 6,1%. Hasil pengamatan kerusakan jaringan keong tutut berupa Edema, Hyperplasia dan Vakuolasi.

English Abstract

Tutut Snail (Filopaludina javanika v.d Busch 1844) in rivers and ponds reaches 10 - 100 individuals / m2 and can almost be found all year long. The snail can be used as an additional feed for ducks and human consumption. However, previous research results found that paddy fields in Glagah District, Lamongan regency contains Pb level: 0.67 mg/kg which is the highest value compared to Pb in several district at Lamongan Regency such as Laren district (0.56 mg / kg ), Karanggeneng (0.44 mg / kg) and Kedungpring (0.19 mg / kg). The highest level of Pb of Tutut Snail in Glagah District was 4.48 mg/kg. The aim of this research is to decrease Pb concentration of Tutut Snail, to obtain Metallothionein response to decrease Pb level, to analyze histology of Tutut Snail "Whole organ" before and after depuration process, using rinsing method, soaking and immersion by replacing the water. The experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Complete Design with 4 treatment repetition, P1 (6 hours flushing), P2 (12-hour flushing), P3 (18-hour flushing) and P4 (24-hour flushing). The 24-hour flushing decreased the most Pb by 53.2% from 2.65 ppm to 1.24 ppm. The lowest value was obtained at 6-hour flushing with a decrease of 7.2%. The level of snail Pb is below the limit set by BPOM (2009), Fisheries (DKP) No: Kep 20 / Men / 2004, SK Ditjen POM No. 03725 / B / SK / VII / 1989, the limit of heavy metal contamination in foodstuff is1.5 ppm. Therefore Tutut snail is safe to be used as duck feed and human consumption. Depuration process was conducted through flushing method. It decreases the Pb level on the "Whole organ" of the snail and increases the Metallothionein content. Metallothionein levels were as follows: P1 (0.826 ng / m), P2 (1.035 ng / m), P3 (0.950 ng / m) and P4 (1.376 ng / m). The average ANOVA test result of MT content exhibits no significant difference. Flushing for 24 hours leaves Pb on the snail meat at 1.24 ppm causing high MT levels. The metal content other than Pb in the snail is supposedly increased due to water used in flushing process. The water contains Zinc at 0.05 ppm and Fe 0.02 ppm. Therefore MT content tend to increase. The scores of tissue damage before and after flushing showed similar histological conditions. The value of tissue damage is very low ranging from 0 to 6.1%. The results of the observation of tissue snail damage are in the form of Edema, Hyperplasia, and Vacuolation.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/572.6/AMI/r/2018/041803718
Uncontrolled Keywords: Timbal Pb, Keong tutut, Gelontor, Perendaman,-Lead Pb, Tutut Snail, Flushing, Immersion
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 572 Biochemistry > 572.6 Proteins
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 31 May 2022 07:17
Last Modified: 31 May 2022 07:17
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