Studi Perencanaan Konstruksi Bendungan Cijurey Tipe Beton Padat Gilas Gravitasi Kecamatan Sukamakmur Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat

Fazjrin, Muhammad Rafi and Ir. Suwanto Marsudi, M.S. and Dr. Very Dermawan, S.T., M.T. (2022) Studi Perencanaan Konstruksi Bendungan Cijurey Tipe Beton Padat Gilas Gravitasi Kecamatan Sukamakmur Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perencanaan Bendungan Cijurey Tipe Beton Padat Gilas Gravitasi bertujuan untuk membendung aliran, mengalirkan air, dan meninggikan muka air. Pelimpah yang dibangun di Bendungan Cijurey berjenis overflow yang berada di tengah bendungan. Tahapan awal dari studi ini yaitu menghitung lengkung kapasitas waduk yang selanjutnya digunakan untuk flood routing pada pelimpah. Hasil dari flood routing berupa outflow yang akan digunakan sebagai dasar perencanaan lebar pelimpah, profil muka air, serta perencanaan peredam energi. Kemudian dilakukan analisis stabilitas tubuh bendungan bagian overflow dan non – overflow, dan dinding penahan pada pelimpah dan peredam energi. Selanjutnya adalah perhitungan pembebanan untuk penentuan diameter tulangan pada struktur. Studi ini menghasilkan analisis bahwa pelimpah pada Bendungan Cijurey dapat mengalirkan debit Q100th dan Q1000th. Kemudian untuk dinding penahan pada pelimpah dan peredam energi didesain menggunakan dinding penahan tipe cantilever. Selanjutnya analisis stabilitas guling, geser, dan daya dukung pada Bendungan Cijurey dan dinding penahan pada pelimpah serta peredam energi telah memenuhi persyaratan. Pada konstruksi bendungan dan dinding penahan dugunakan beton dengan mutu f’c = 25 MPa dan fy = 400 MPa.

English Abstract

The design of the Cijurey Dam with Gravity Roller Compacted Concrete Type aims to hold back the flow, drain the water, and raise the water level. The spillway built in the Cijurey Dam is an overflow type located in the middle of the dam. The initial stage of this study is calculating the curvature of the reservoir capacity which is then used for flood routing on the spillway. The result of flood routing is in the form of outflow which will be used as the basis for planning the width of the spillway, the water level profile, and the planning of the stilling basin. Then an analysis of the stability of the overflow and non-overflow dam body was carried out, and the retaining wall on the spillway and stilling basin. Next is the calculation of the load for determining the diameter of the reinforcement in the structure. From this study it was found that the spillway on the Cijurey Dam can flow Q100th and Q1000th discharges. Then for the retaining wall on the spillway and stilling basin, it is designed to use a cantilever type retaining wall. Furthermore, the analysis of the stability of rolling, shearing, and bearing capacity on the Cijurey Dam and retaining walls on the spillway and stilling basin have met the requirements. In the construction of dams and retaining walls, concrete with a quality of f'c = 25 MPa and fy = 400 MPa is used.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522070067
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Bendungan beton tipe padat gilas gravitasi, pelimpah overflow, penulangan
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 627 Hydraulic engineering > 627.5 Reclamations, Irrigation, related topics > 627.52 Irrigation
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: yulia Chasanah
Date Deposited: 24 May 2022 06:43
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2022 08:31
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