Hermawan, Budi (2017) Pengaruh Spiritualitas Destinasi Wisata, Word Of Mouse Dan Citra Destinasi Wisata Terhadap Niat Berkunjung (Studi Pada Wisatawan Mancanegara Yang Berkunjung Ke Candi Borobudur Dengan Pemoderasi Multigrup Sosio-Demografi). Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menjelaskan pengaruh spiritualitas destinasi wisata terhadap niat berkunjung wisatawan mancanegara ke Candi Borobudur. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel mediasi word of mouse dan citra destinasi wisata, sedangkan sosio-demografi digunakan sebagai variabel moderasi multigrup. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh wisatawan mancanegra yang pernah mengunjungi Candi Borobudur dengan kriteria: (1) beragama Buddha, (2) waktu kunjungan antara tahun 2012 hingga tahun 2015, dan (3) memiliki akun Facebook. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling tidak acak dengan kuota. Ukuran sampel sebesar 144 responden yang terbagi dalam 2 sub sampel berdasarkal asal tempat tinggal wisatawan yaitu Asia sebesar 71 responden, dan dari luar Asia sebesar 73 responden. Responden yang memenuhi kriteria dikirimi link e-questionnaire melalui Facebook® messengernya. Analisis GeSCA Multigrup digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian. Temuan penelitian menunjukan (1) semakin tinggi spiritualitas destinasi wisata akan meningkatkan niat berkunjung baik secara langsung maupun melalui word of mouse dan citra destinasi wisata; (2) variabel sosio-demografi memoderasi pengaruh spiritualitas destinasi wisata terhadap citra destinasi wisata. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi teoritis antara lain (1) memperdalam model niat berkunjung dengan memasukan spiritualitas destinasi wisata sebagai variabel antesenden; (2) spiritualitas destinasi wisata mempengaruhi word of mouse dan citra destinasi wisata secara langsung; (3) spiritualitas destinasi wisata mempengaruhi niat berkunjung melalui word of mouse dan citra destinasi wisata sebagai variabel mediasi.
English Abstract
The objective of this research is to examine and explain the influence of tourism destination spirituality on the visit intention of international tourists of Borobudur Temple. This research uses word of mouth and tourism destination image as the moderating variables with socio-demography as the multi-group moderator. The population of this research is all international tourists who had visited Borobudur with the criteria of (1) Buddhist, (2) visiting the temple during 2012 to 2015, and (3) having Facebook account. Using non-random sampling with quota, 144 people were selected as the respondents, grouped into two sub-samples based on their origin, i.e. 71 respondents are from Asia and 73 are not from Asia. E-questionnaire links were sent to those who met the criteria through their Facebook messengers. GeSCA Multi-group analysis is used to assess the research hypotheses The result of the research shows that (1) the higher the spirituality of the tourism destination, the higher the visit intention becomes, either directly or through word of mouse and tourism destination image; and (2) Socio-demography moderates the influence of tourism destination spirituality on tourism destination image. The theoretical implications of this research are that (1) this study elaborates visit intention model by including tourism destination spirituality as the antecedent variable; (2) tourism destination spirituality directly influences both word of mouse and tourism destination image; and (3) tourism destination spirituality influences visit intention through word of mouse and tourism destination image as the moderator variables.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Doktor) |
Identification Number: | DIS/338.479 1/HER/p/2017/061906528 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Spiritualitas Destinasi Wisata, Word of Mouse, Citra Destinasi Wisata, Niat Berkunjung,-tourism destination spirituality, word of mouse, tourism destination image, visit intention |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.4 Secondary industries and services > 338.47 Services and specific products > 338.479 1 Services and specific products (Geography and travel) |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 23 May 2022 03:21 |
Last Modified: | 23 May 2022 03:21 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/190707 |
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