Implikasi Struktur Biaya Pemeliharaan Kuda Terhadap Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Stable

Kusumawardani, Dina Agustin and Dr.Ir. Bambang Ali N., MS.DAA., IPM., ASEAN Eng and Dr.Ir. Kuswati., MS., IPM., ASEAN Eng (2022) Implikasi Struktur Biaya Pemeliharaan Kuda Terhadap Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Stable. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian dilakukan di stable yang berkonsep horse riding school di Rumah Berkuda Yogyakarta dan berkonsep semi wisata di Jogja Horse and Resto. Waktu penelitian pada bulan Desember 2020 sampai bulan Februari 2021. Pengambilan data di lokasi horse riding school dilakukan setiap hari dan lokasi semi wisata dilakukan di hari libur dan akhir pekan. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel lokasi menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan insidental sampling dalam penentuan key informan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis implikasi struktur biaya pemeliharaan, mengidentifikasi penerapan kegiatan bisnis berdasarkan Business Model Canvas dan mengevaluasi tingkat kepuasan customer pada bisnis stable berkonsep horse riding school dan semi wisata. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, kuisioner dan wawancara. Variabel yang diamati meliputi manajemen pemeliharaan kuda, aktivitas bisnis stable struktur biaya pemeliharaan kuda dan kepuasan dan persepsi pelanggan. Analisis data menggunakan Business Model Canvas (BMC), metode Importance performance analysis (IPA) yang dilanjutkan dengan Customer satisfaction index (CSI). Hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil implikasi biaya pemeliharaan dalam bisnis stable yang berkonsep horse riding school meliputi fixed cost per bulan sebesar Rp.2.013.093 atau 15,85% total biaya pemeliharaan dan variable cost per bulan sebesar Rp.10.691.550 atau 84,15% dari total biaya pemeliharaan. Stable i berkonsep semi wisata memiliki fixed cost per Rp.5.917.715 atau 36,63% dari total biaya pemeliharaan dan variable cost sebesar Rp.10.240.000 atau 63,37% dari total biaya pemeliharaan stable. Hasil BMC pada stable berkonsep horse riding school didapatkan hasil customer segment diantaranya orang tua anak yang ingin berlatih dan berinteraksi dengan kuda, orang dewasa yang ingin berlatih menunggang kuda, orang dewasa yang membutuhkan foto momen bersama kuda dan para pemilik kuda yang tidak memiliki kandang untuk kudanya. Value proposition berupa lokasi strategis dengan suasana alami, menerima latihan menunggang untuk anak dan dewasa, menerima jasa sewa kandang dan perawatan kuda, harga paket yang ditawarkan beragam, waktu latihan mengikuti pengunjung, serta kuda untuk latihan beragam. Channels melalui promosi sosial media dan word of mouth. Customer relationship meliputi membuat desain kaos sederhana dan menarik untuk pengunjung yang berminat, menyewakan kandang include pakan, dan perawatan kuda dan memberikan souvenir dan bonus lesson. Revenue stream berasal dari transaksi penjualan jasa sekolah berkuda dan penitipan kuda. Key resources berupa kuda, sumber daya manusia, fasilitas, dan finansial. Key activity yaitu pemeliharaan kuda, pelayanan pengunjung dan promosi dan administrasi. Key partnership berupa toko pakan, obat dan alat berkuda, penyedia alas kandang, penyedia rumput, konveksi kaos dan sosial media mengenai info daerah sekitar Kabupaten Bantul dan Provinsi Yogyakarta. Dan cost structure berupa biaya pokok pemeliharaan kuda dan biaya operasional pemeliharaan kuda. Hasil BMC stable berkonsep semi wisata mendapatkan hasil customer segment meliputi keluarga yang ingin berlibur, orang dewasa yang ingin menunggang kuda, dan atlet olahraga berkuda. Value proposition adalah lokasi strategis di tengah kota, menerima anak dan dewasa yang ingin menunggang kuda, paket kegiatan berkuda yang ditawarkan beragam, dan menawarkan wisata keluarga berkuda dengan konsep semi wisata. Channels melalui promosi sosial media. Customer relationship dengan mengkombinasikan kegiatan berkuda dengan resto dan memanah serta membuat konsep lokasi menarik untuk wisata. Revenue stream berasal dari pengunjung yang menunggang kuda dan pengunjung yang berinteraksi memberi pakan kepada kuda. Key resources yaitu kuda, sumber daya manusia, dan fasilitas. Key activity meliputi pemeliharaan kuda, kegiatan resto, pelayanan pengunjung, pemeliharaan lingkungan, dan administrasi. Key partnership meliputi toko pakan, toko peralatan, penyedia rumput dan alas kandang, dokter hewan, ferrier, dan tim jasa desinfeksi fumigasi. Dan cost structure biaya pokok pemeliharaan kuda, biaya pemeliharaan sarana prasarana kuda dan biaya operasional pemeliharaan bisnis. Atribut yang digunakan meliputi tarif menunggang, harga pelayanan tambahan, ketersediaan kuda, ketersediaan sarana prasarana, pelayanan pelatihan/menunggang, keramahan karyawan, kemahiran pelatih, ketepatan waktu menunggang, kemudahan komunikasi, kelengkapan peralatan dan hasil latihan. Hasil perhitungan kinerja dan kesesuaian didapatkan hasil rata-rata keseluruhan diatas 2,50. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa keseluruhan pengunjung sangat puas terhadap keseluruhan atribut pada kedua lokasi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil matrik IPA di kedua lokasi stable berada di kuadran 2. Posisi atribut yang keseluruhan berada di kuadran 2 menjadikan pelaku bisnis harus tetap mempertahankan prestasi dari kinerja pelayanan yang telah ada di stable. Selain itu, hasil CSI yang didapatkan pada stable yang berkonsep horse riding school didapatkan hasil sebesar 0,83 atau 83,45% dan stable berkonsep semi wisata didapatkan hasil sebesar 0,82 atau 81,71%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa implikasi biaya pemeliharaan kuda dalam bisnis stable yang berkonsep horse riding school memiliki fixed cost sebesar 15,85% dan variable cost 84,15% dari total biaya pemeliharaan. Stable berkonsep semi wisata memiliki fixed cost 36,63% dan variable cost 63,37% dari total biaya pemeliharaan. Hasil pokok BMC horse riding school berupa value lokasi strategis dengan suasana alami, menerima latihan menunggang untuk anak dan dewasa, menerima jasa sewa kandang dan perawatan kuda, harga paket yang ditawarkan beragam, waktu latihan mengikuti pengunjung, serta kuda untuk latihan beragam. BMC pada semi wisata berupa value lokasi strategis di tengah kota, menerima anak dan dewasa yang ingin menunggang kuda, paket kegiatan berkuda yang ditawarkan beragam, kuda untuk dinaiki dan menawarkan wisata keluarga berkuda dengan konsep semi wisata. Hasil keseluruhan pengunjung di kedua lokasi merasa sangat puas. Hasil IPA di stable horse riding school dan semi wisata menunjukan seluruh atribut berada di kuadran 2. Serta hasil CSI dari stable horse riding school sebesar 0,83 dan stable semi wisata sebesar 0,82. Saran yang bisa diberikan untuk seluruh pelaku bisnis di kedua lokasi sangat disarankan untuk lebih mempertimbangkan fixed cost untuk lokasi bisnis dan aset yang dimiliki, dan mempertahankan kualitas kinerja pelayanan. Selain itu, mengoptimalkan dan memperkuat channels ataupun branding agar mampu menarik minat pengunjung di masa globalisasi melalui media sosial.

English Abstract

The research was conducted in a stable usine with a horse riding school concept at Rumah Berkuda Yogyakarta and a semi-tourism concept at Jogja Horse and Resto. The time of the research was carried out from December 2020 to February 2021. Data collection at the horse riding school location was carried out every day and semi-tourism locations were carried out on holidays and weekends. The study was designed using a survey method with a qualitative and quantitative descriptive approach. Location sampling technique using method purposive. This research uses purposive method and incidental sampling in determining key informants. This study aims to analyze the implications of the structure of maintenance costs, identify the application of business activities based on the Business Model Canvas and evaluate the level ofsatisfaction customer in abusiness with the stable concept of horse riding school and semi-tourism. Data collection techniques used observation, questionnaires and interviews, as well as documentation. The observed variables included horse maintenance management, business activities stable horse maintenance cost structure and customer satisfaction and perceptions. Data analysis uses the Business Model Canvas (BMC), the method Importance performance analysis (IPA) followed by the Customer satisfaction index (CSI). The result of the research shows that the implications of maintenance costs in a business stable with the concept of a horse riding school include a fixed cost per month of Rp. 2,013,093 or 15,85% of total maintenance costs and a variable cost per month of Rp. 10,691,550 or 84,15%. of the total maintenance cost. The semi-tourism concept has a fixed cost of stableRp. 5,917,715 or 36.63% of the total maintenance cost and a variable cost of Rp. 10,240,000 or 63.37% of the total maintenance cost. The results of the BMC on the concept stable show horse riding school that theresults customer segmentt include parents of children who want to practice and interact with horses, adults who want to practice horseback riding, adults who need photos of moments with horses and horse owners who do not have stables for their horses. Value proposition in the form of a strategic location with a natural atmosphere, receiving riding training for children and adults, receiving stable rental and horse care services, various package prices, training time to follow visitors, as well as various horses for training and more than 2 tails. Channels through social media promotion and word of mouth. Customer relationship involves making a simple t-shirt design and attractive to visitors who are interested, rent stables include feed and horse care and provide souvenirs and free lesson. The revenue stream comes from the sale of equestrian school services and horse care. Key resources in the form of horses, human resources, facilities, and finance. Key activities are horse maintenance, visitor service and promotion and administration. Key partnerships in the form of feed shops, medicine and equestrian equipment, providers of cage mats, grass providers, t-shirt convection and sosial media regarding information on areas around Bantul Regency and Yogyakarta Province. And the cost structure in the form of the basic costs of horse maintenance and operational costs of horse maintenance. The results of the BMC stable with the semi-tourism concept get results from customer segmentts including families who want to go on vacation, adults who want to ride horses, and equestrian athletes. The value proposition is a strategic location in the middle of the city, accepts children and adults who want to ride horses, various equestrian activity packages are offered, more than 2 horses to ride, and offers family riding tours with a semi-tourist concept. Channels through sosial media promotion. Customer relationship by combining horse riding activities with restaurants and archery as well as making the concept of an attractive location for tourism. Revenue stream comes from visitors who ride horses and visitors who interact to feed the horses. Key resources are horses, human resources, and facilities. Key activities include horse maintenance, restaurant activities, visitor services, environmental maintenance, and administration. Key partnerships include feed stores, equipment stores, grass and cage providers, veterinarians, ferriers, and a fumigation disinfection service team. And the cost structure of the basic costs of maintaining horses, the costs of maintaining horse infrastructure and operating costs for business maintenance. The attributes used include riding rates, additional service prices, availability of horses, availability of infrastructure, training/riding services, employee friendliness, trainer skills, timeliness of riding, ease of communication, completeness of equipment and training results. The results of the calculation of performance and suitability obtained an overall average result above 2,50. This can be interpreted that the overall visitor is very satisfied with the overall attributes at both locations. The results showed that the IPA matrix in both stable locations was in quadrant 2. The position of the attributes which were all in quadrant 2 made business actors have to maintain the performance of existing services in the stable. In addition, the CSI results obtained for the stable with the horse riding school concept obtained results of 0,83 or 83,45% and the semi-tourism concept stable obtained results of 0,82 or 81,71%. The conclusion of the study shows that the implications of maintenance costs in a business stable with a concept horse riding school have a fixed cost of 15.85% and a variable cost of 84.15% of the total maintenance cost. Stable semi-tourism concept has a fixed cost of 36.63% and a variable cost of 63.37% of the total maintenance costs. The main results of the BMC horse riding school are the value of a strategic location with a natural atmosphere, receiving riding training for children and adults, receiving stable rental services and horse care, various package prices offered, training time to follow visitors, and horses for various exercises and more than 2 tail. BMC in semi-tourism is in the form of value strategic locationin the middle of the city, accepting children and adults who want to ride horses, various equestrian activity packages offered, more than 2 horses to ride, and offering family riding tours with a semi-tourism concept. Overall results visitors at both locations were very satisfied. IPA results in stable horse riding school and semi-tourism show that all attributes are in quadrant 2. As well as CSI results from stable horse riding school is 0,83 and stable is semi-tourism 0,82. The advice can be given from this research for all businesses at both locations is highly recommended to more expensive fixed cost to businesses and assets owned, and maintain the quality of service performance. In addition, optimizing and strengthening channels or branding in order to be able to attract visitors' interest in the era of globalization through sosial media.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0422050007
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bisnis Stable, BMC, Pelanggan, Struktur Biaya,Stable Business, BMC, Customer, Cost structure
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 18 May 2022 07:25
Last Modified: 18 May 2022 07:25
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