Uji Kinerja Mesin Penyawut Serbaguna DM-TEP Menggunakan Komoditi Ubi Jalar (Ipomea batatas L.)

Sari, Evilia Widya and Dr. Ir. Ary Mustofa Ahmad,, MP and Joko Prasetyo,, STP., M.Si (2022) Uji Kinerja Mesin Penyawut Serbaguna DM-TEP Menggunakan Komoditi Ubi Jalar (Ipomea batatas L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) termasuk umbi-umbian dari tumbuhan semak bercabang, berbatang gundul dan bergetah, serta terkadang saling membelit. Ubi jalar memiliki daun berbentuk segitiga berlekuk. Daun ubi jalar memiliki 3-5 lekukan dan bertangkai panjang. Ubi jalar juga mempunyai bunga berbentuk payung dan terdapat di setiap ketiak tangkai daun. Ubi jalar bisa hidup liar menjalar dan tumbuh subur di ketinggian 2.200 meter dari permukaan laut. Selain itu, ubi jalar tidak membutuhkan tanah subur untuk media tumbuhnya. Ubi jalar berasal dari Barat Daya Amerika Selatan, seperti Guatemala, Kolombia, Ekuador, dan Peru. Ubi jalar menyebar ke seluruh dunia, terutama negara beriklim tropis diperkirakan pada abad ke-16. Oleh orang Spanyol, ubi jalar mulai dibawa ke kawasan Asia, terutama Filipina, Jepang, dan Indonesia. Sejak saat itu, ubi jalar mulai menyebar dan memiliki nama, seperti ubi jawa (Sumatera Barat), gadong jalur (Batak), ketela (Jakarta), ketela rambat (Jawa), katila (Dayak), dan watata (Sulawesi Utara). Ubi jalar memiliki bermacam kandungan gizi, seperti karbohidrat, vitamin A, C, dan K, serta zat besi. Di Indonesia, dikenal empat macam ubi jalar. Keempatnya adalah ubi jalar putih, merah, ungu, dan madu. Ubi jalar dapat diproses menjadi bahan baku industri setengah jadi,misalnya gaplek, tepung, pati, gula cair, dan alkohol. Untuk mempermudah proses produksi dilakukan pengecilan ukuran dengan bantuan mesin penyawut. Mesin penyawut merupakan mesin yangdirancang untuk mereduksi ukuran dan ketebalan bahan. Mesin ini biasa digunakan untuk mereduksi ukuran umbi-umbian seperti : ubi jalar, singkong, talas, kentang, dan sebagainya. Pengecilan ukuran berfungsi memperluas permukaan bahan hasil pertanian agar mempermudah proses lanjut diantaranya pendistribusian, tahap pengecilan ukuran lanjutan, pengeringan, penggorengan, mempermudah difusi dan osmosis bahan substitusi larutan. Pada penelitian ini mesin penyawut serbaguna DM-TEP menggunakan tenaga penggerak berupa motor listrik 0,5 HP/1400 rpm dan memiliki 4 mata pisau penyawut. Proses pengujian mengunakan dengan alat speed control untuk perlakuan kecepatan putar pisau, yaitu rendah (435,5 rpm), sedang (445,5 rpm), dan tinggi (456 rpm) dengan masing-masing perlakuan 2 ulangan. Berdasarkan hasil uji kinerja mesin penyawut serbaguna tipe DM-TEP memiliki kapasitas penyawutan sebesar 44,070 Kg/Jam. Nilai torsi yang dihasilkan pada ketiga perlakuan rendah, sedang dan tinggi berturut-turut 2,456 N.m, 2,508 N.m, 4,440 N.m. Energi spesifik yang dihasilkan pada ketiga perakuan rendah sedang dan tinggi berturut-turut 10,459 KJ/Kg, 9.407 KJ/Kg, 15,525 J/Kg. Efisiensi mesin penyawut yang dihasilkan pada ketiga perlakuan rendah, sedang, tinggi berturut- turut 74,237%, 83,013%, 80,509%. Untuk proses pengujian hasil penyawutan didapatkan nilai ketebalan rata – rata berkisar antara 0,653mm – 0,851 mm. Persentase koefisien keragaman sebesar 25,607%,dan persentase hasil penyawutan yang rusak sebesar 0,103 %. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pengujian antara lain, bentuk potongan bahan, kecepatan putar pisau maupun kecepatan putar motor penggerak, tenaga operator saat peng-input-an bahan, dan human error.

English Abstract

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) includes tubers from branched shrubs, with bare and gummy trunks, and sometimes twists together. Sweet potatoes have curvy triangular leaves. Sweet potato leaves have 3-5 indentations and are long stemmed. Sweet potatoes also have umbrella-shaped flowers and are present in each axillary of the petiole. Sweet potatoes can grow wild and thrive at an altitude of 2,200 meters above sea level. In addition, sweet potatoes do not need fertile soil for growing media. Sweet potatoes come from Southwestern South America, such as Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Sweet potato spread throughout the world, especially countries with tropical climates estimated in the 16th century. Bythe Spaniards, sweet potatoes began to be brought to Asia, especially the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia. Since then, sweet potatoes have begun to spread and have names, such as Javanese ubi jawa (West Sumatra), gadong lane (Batak), ketela (Jakarta), ketela rambat (Java), katila (Dayak), and watata (North Sulawesi). Sweet potatoes have various nutritional content, such as carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, and K, and iron. In Indonesia, there are four kinds of sweet potato. The four are white, red, purple, and honey sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes can be processed into semi-finished industrial raw materials, for example gaplek, flour, starch, liquid sugar and alcohol. To simplify the production process, the size reduction is carried out with the help of a writing machine. The writing machine is a machine designed to reduce the size and thickness of the material. This machine is commonly used to reduce the size of tubers such as: sweet potato, cassava, taro, potato, and so on. Size reduction functions to expand the surface of agricultural products to facilitate further processing, including distribution, further reduction of size, drying, frying, facilitating diffusion and osmosis of solution substitution materials. In this study, the DM-TEP multipurpose cutting uses a driving force of 0.5 HP/1400 rpm electric motor and has 4 blades. The testing process uses a speed control tool for the treatment of blade rotational speed, which is low (435.5 rpm), medium (445.5 rpm), and high (456 rpm) with each treatment 2 replications. Based on the results of the performance test, the DM-TEP type multipurpose cutting machine has a pruning capacity of 44.070 Kg/hour. The torque values produced in the three treatmentswere low, medium and high, respectively, 2,456 N.m, 2,508 N.m, 4,440 N.m. The specific energy produced in the three low, medium and high treatments were 10,459 KJ/Kg, 9,407 KJ/Kg, 15,525 J/Kg, respectively. The efficiency of the pruning machine produced in the three treatments was low, medium, high, respectively 74.237%, 83.013%, 80.509%. For the process of testing the results of the peeling, the average thickness value ranges from 0.653mm to 0.851 mm. The percentage of the coefficient of variance is 25.607%, and the percentage of damaged palm oil is 0.103 %. Factors that affect the testing process include the shape of the material cut, the rotational speed of the blade and the rotational speed of the driving motor, the operator's power when inputting materials, and human error.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100020
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mesin penyawut DM-TEP, ubi jalar, uji kinerja,DM-TEP cutting machine, sweet potato, performance tes
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 28 Apr 2022 02:42
Last Modified: 28 Apr 2022 02:42
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/190258
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