Ketahanan Pangan Dan Keragaan Pangan Hewani Rumahtangga Peternak Sapi Potong Di Kabupaten Donggala Sulawesi Tengah

Handayani, Sayekti (2018) Ketahanan Pangan Dan Keragaan Pangan Hewani Rumahtangga Peternak Sapi Potong Di Kabupaten Donggala Sulawesi Tengah. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Gizi kurang dan gizi buruk (malnutrisi) merupakan indikator dari kerawanan pangan. Seseorang dikatakan mengalami gizi buruk, jika mengkonsumsi kalori atau protein dengan jumlah yang tidak mencukupi kebutuhan, mengkonsumsi pangan dengan kualitas yang buruk atau jika tidak dapat memanfaatkan secara utuh makanan yang dikonsumsinya. Malnutrisi dapat merusak daya tahan dan pertumbuhan, menjadi penyebab bobot badan kurang dan tinggi badan kurang (stunting) bagi anak-anak. Kemiskinan merupakan faktor utama tidak terpenuhinya kebutuhan pangan (kerawanan pangan) dalam rumahtangga. Hampir 64% penduduk miskin di Indonesia tinggal di daerah pedesaan, yang pekerjaan utamanya adalah bertani, termasuk beternak. Kondisi kemiskinan menyebabkan rumahtangga tidak memiliki cukup akses untuk memperoleh pangan dengan jumlah yang cukup, terlebih dengan kualitas yang baik. Pendapatan yang rendah menyebabkan kurangnya daya beli terhadap pangan. Hal ini dapat menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa konsumsi protein yang bersumber dari pangan hewani masih rendah. Harga pangan yang bersumber dari ternak relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan pangan nabati. Peran ternak dalam menunjang terwujudnya ketahanan pangan bagi rumahtangga tidak dapat diabaikan. Ternak sebagai penyedia pangan sumber protein hewani menjadi penentu bagi aspek ketersediaan, yang diharapkan dapat terjaga kestabilannya. Sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan rumahtangga, ternak dapat meningkatkan pendapatan yang menjadi akses bagi rumah tangga untuk memperoleh berbagai jenis pangan termasuk pangan hewani. Ternak juga memiliki kontribusi terhadap modal keluarga, sehingga mereka mampu membeli dan memproduksi pangan dengan baik, membiayai kebutuhan pendidikan dan kebutuhan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat ketahanan pangan rumahtangga peternak sapi potong, menganalisis keragaan pangan hewani rumahtangga peternak berdasarkan aspek ketahanan pangan yaitu ketersediaan, aksesibilitas dan pemanfaatan terhadap pangan hewani daging, telur dan susu dan menganalisis pengaruh perubahan faktor sosial dan ekonomi terhadap ketahanan pangan rumahtangga peternak. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, rumahtangga peternak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan energi anggota rumahtangganya. Tingkat ketahanan pangan rumahtangga peternak bervariasi berdasarkan kriteria kecukupan energi dan besarnya pangsa pengeluaran pangan. 73,91% rumahtangga tergolong rentan pangan, dimana rumahtangga dapat memenuhi konsumsi energi di atas 80% dari standar kecukupan energi 2.150 kkal/kapita/hari dengan pangsa pengeluaran rumahtangga yang masih cukup tinggi di atas 60%. 22,83% rumahtangga tergolong kurang pangan, yaitu konsumsi energi ≤ 80% dari kecukupan energi tetapi pangsa pengeluaran ix pangan rendah < 60%. Hanya 3,26% rumahtangga yang tergolong tahan pangan dan tidak terdapat rumahtangga rawan pangan. Konsumsi pangan hewani rumahtangga didominasi oleh konsumsi ikan disusul telur, susu, daging ayam, daging sapi dan daging babi dengan total konsumsi pengan hewani sebesar 96,22 gr/kapita/hari dengan energi sebesar 144,9 kkal/kapita/hari. Ketersediaan ikan lebih tinggi dibanding pangan hewani lainnya demikian pula dari aspek akses. Kebutuhan rumahtangga akan daging sapi, daging ayam, daging babi, telur, susu dan ikan adalah berturut-turut 1,16, 2,73, 0,02, 11,55, 10,50 dan 39,16 kg/kap/thn. Sementara kemampuan rumahtangga untuk membeli pangan hewani adalah 6,28, 6,30, 1,05, 5,93, 4,65, 43,34 kg/kap/thn berturut-turut untuk daging sapi, daging ayam, daging babi, telur, susu dan ikan. Dari aspek akses secara fisik ikan lebih banyak dikonsumsi karena daerah penelitian adalah daerah pesisir pantai dan harga ikan yang relatif lebih murah dari pangan hewani asal ternak lainnya. Produksi padi dan ternak sebagai penentu ketersediaan pangan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Produksi padi secara nyata dipengaruhi oleh jumlah benih dengan hubungan positif, sementara jumlah pupuk sebagai input produksi dipengaruhi oleh luas lahan usahatani. Produksi ternak sapi dipengaruhi oleh jumlah pemeliharaan ternak sapi dan curahan kerja pada usaha ternak. Semakin banyak jumlah pemilikan ternak dan semakin tinggi curahan tenaga kerja akan meningkatkan produksi ternak. Jumlah pakan secara nyata dipengaruhi oleh jumlah ternak, sementara harga pakan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata, karena sebagian besar pakan diperoleh tanpa pembelian. Aspek akses terhadap pangan dalam hal ini pengeluaran pangan rumahtangga, sangat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendapatan, baik pendapatan dari usahatani padi maupun usahaternak sapi. Pendapatan usahatani lahan kebun dan pendapatan dari non pertanian lebih mempengaruhi pengeluaran rumahtangga dari kelompok non pangan. Aspek pemanfaatan pangan yang dicerminkan melalui Angka Kecukupan Energi (AKE) dan Angka Kecukupan Protein (AKP), maka AKE dipengaruhi oleh jumlah anggota rumahtanga dan produksi padi, sedangkan AKP dipengaruhi oleh jumlah anggota rumahtangga, pendapatan usahatani padi dan pendidikan istri. Simulasi perubahan jumlah anggota rumahtangga sebanyak 1 orang yang dapat disebabkan oleh kelahiran atau hal lain, akan direspon oleh rumahtangga dengan menurunnya AKE sebesar 14,91%, AKP sebesar 12,16% dan menurunkan tingkat ketahanan pangan rumahtangga sebesar 15,27%. Sementara simulasi peningkatan skala kepemiilikan ternak sapi sebanyak 1 ekor akan meningkatkan pendapatan total rumahtangga sebesar 6,6% dan meningkatkan indeks ketahanan pangan sebesar 1,38% Peningkatan harga daging sapi sebesar 15% menurunkan AKP sebesar 5,03% dan menurunkan indeks ketahanan pangan rumahtangga sebesar 0,935%. Sementara peningkatan harga ikan 15% akan menurunkan konsumsi protein lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar 8,77% dan berdampak pada penurunan tingkat ketahanan pangan rumahtangga sebesar 1,64%. Peningkatan harga jual ternak sapi sebesar 15% akan meningkatkan pendapatan dari usaha ternak sebesar 16,21% dan menambah pendapatan total rumahtangga sebesar 5,51%. Pangsa pengeluaran pangan berkurang sebesar 4,65%, yang berarti peningkatan pendapatan ternak digunakan untuk membeli kebutuhan non pangan. Ketahananan pangan rumahtangga meningkat sebesar 0,57%. x Peningkatan harga input produksi pada usahatani padi sebesar 30% akan menurunkan pendapatan rumahtangga sebesar 2,82% dan menurunkan indeks ketahanan pangan rumahtangga sebesar 2,30%. Sementara peningkatan harga input sebesar 15% pada pemeliharaan ternak sapi akan berdampak pada penurunan pendapatan rumahtangga sebesar 1,14% dan penurunan ketahanan pangan rumahtangga sebesar 1,96%. Jika peningkatan biaya operasional pada usahaternak sapi sebesar 30% diimbangi dengan harga jual yang juga meningkat sebesar 15%, masih meningkatkan pendapatan usahaternak sebesar 13,78%, menambah pendapatan total rumahtangga sebesar4,69% dan meningkatkan indeks ketahanan pangan sebesar 0,23%.

English Abstract

Poor nutrition and malnutrition are indicators of food insecurity. Someone is said to experience poor nutrition, if they consume calories or protein with an amount that does not meet the needs, consume food of poor quality or if they cannot fully utilize the food they consume. Malnutrition can damage endurance and growth, causing less body weight and stunting for children. Poverty is the main factor of not fulfilling food needs (food insecurity) in households. Nearly 64% of the poor in Indonesia live in rural areas, whose main job is farming, including livestock. The condition of poverty causes households not to have enough access to get enough food, especially with good quality. Low income causes a lack of purchasing power for food. This can be one reason why consumption of protein derived from animal foods is still low. The price of food sourced from livestock is relatively higher than vegetable food. The role of livestock in supporting the realization of food security for households cannot be ignored. Livestock as a provider of food sources of animal protein is a determinant of the availability aspect, which is expected to maintain stability. As one of the sources of household income, livestock can increase the income that becomes access for households to obtain various types of food including animal food. Livestock also contribute to family capital, so they are able to buy and produce food well, finance education needs and health needs. This study aims to analyze the level of household food security of beef cattle farmers, analyze the performance of household animal husbandry food based on aspects of food security namely availability, accessibility and utilization of animal food meat, eggs and milk and analyze the effect of changes in social and economic factors on household food security of farmers . The results of the analysis show that in general, household farmers are able to meet the energy needs of their household members. The level of farmer household food security varies based on the criteria of energy sufficiency and the share of food expenditure. 73.91% of households are classified as food vulnerable, where households can meet energy consumption above 80% of the standard of energy adequacy of 2,150 kcal / capita / day with the share of household expenditure that is still quite high above 60%. 22.83% of households classified as less food, namely energy consumption ≤ 80% of energy sufficiency but the share of food expenditure is low <60%. Only 3.26% of households are classified as food resistant and there are no food insecure households. xii Household consumption of animal food is dominated by consumption of fish followed by eggs, milk, chicken meat, beef and pork with total consumption of animal foods at 96.22 gr / capita / day with energy of 144.9 kcal / capita / day. The availability of fish is higher than other animal foods as well as from the aspect of access. Household needs for beef, chicken, pork, eggs, milk and fish are 1.16, 2.73, 0.02, 11.55, 10.50 and 39.16 kg / cap / year respectively. While the ability of households to buy animal food is 6.28, 6.30, 1.05, 5.93, 4.65, 43.34 kg / cap / yr respectively for beef, chicken, pork, eggs milk and fish. Based on the aspect of physical access, fish are consumed more because the study area is the coastal area. While based on economic access, the price of fish is relatively cheaper than animal foods from other livestock. Rice and livestock production as a determinant of food availability are influenced by several factors. Rice production is significantly affected by the number of seeds with a positive relationship, while the amount of fertilizer as a production input is influenced by the area of farming. Cattle production is influenced by the amount of cattle raising and the outpouring of work in livestock businesses. The more the amount of livestock ownership and the higher the outflow of labor will increase livestock production. The amount of feed is significantly affected by the number of livestock, while the price of feed does not have a real effect, because most of the feed is obtained without purchase. The aspect of access to food in this case household food expenditure, is strongly influenced by the level of income, both income from rice farming and cattle business. Farm land farm income and non-farm income affect household expenditure from non-food groups. The aspect of food utilization as reflected in the Energy Adequacy Rate (AKE) and Protein Adequacy Rate (PPA), is influenced by the number of household members and rice production, while the PPA is influenced by the number of household members, rice farming income and wife education. Simulation of changes in the number of household members as much as 1 person that can be caused by birth or other things, will be responded by households with a decrease in AKE by 14.91%, AKP by 12.16% and reduce the level of household food security by 15.27%. While the simulation of increasing the cattle ownership scale by 1 head will increase the total household income by 6.6% and increase the food security index by 1.38% The increase in beef prices by 15% decreases the PPA by 5.03% and decreases the household food security index by 0.935%. While an increase in fish prices of 15% will reduce protein consumption higher by 8.77% and result in a decrease in the level of household food security by 1.64%. The increase in the selling price of cattle by 15% will increase the income from livestock business by 16.21% and increase the total household income by 5.51%. The share of food expenditure is reduced by 4.65%, which means an increase in livestock income is used to buy non-food needs. Household food security increased by 0.57%. xiii The price increase of production inputs in rice farming by 30% will reduce household income by 2.82% and reduce the household food security index by 2.30%. While an increase in input prices by 15% in cattle raising will have an impact on the reduction of household income by 1.14% and a decrease in household food security by 1.96%. The price increase of production inputs in rice farming by 30% will reduce household income by 2.82% and reduce the household food security index by 2.30%. While an increase in input prices by 15% in cattle raising will have an impact on the reduction of household income by 1.14% and a decrease in household food security by 1.96%. Rice and livestock production as a determinant of food availability are influenced by several factors. Rice production is significantly affected by the number of seeds with a positive relationship, while the amount of fertilizer as a production input is influenced by the area of farming. Cattle production is influenced by the amount of cattle raising and the outpouring of work in livestock businesses. The more the amount of livestock ownership and the higher the outflow of labor will increase livestock production. The amount of feed is significantly affected by the number of livestock, while the price of feed does not have a real effect, because most of the feed is obtained without purchase. The aspect of access to food in this case household food expenditure, is strongly influenced by the level of income, both income from rice farming and cattle business. Farm land farm income and non-farm income affect household expenditure from non-food groups. The aspect of food utilization as reflected in the Energy Adequacy Rate (AKE) and Protein Adequacy Rate (PPA), is influenced by the number of household members and rice production, while the PPA is influenced by the number of household members, rice farming income and wife education. Simulation of changes in the number of household members as much as 1 person that can be caused by birth or other things, will be responded by households with a decrease in AKE by 14.91%, AKP by 12.16% and reduce the level of household food security by 15.27%. While the simulation of increasing the cattle ownership scale by 1 head will increase the total household income by 6.6% and increase the food security index by 1.38% The increase in beef prices by 15% decreases the PPA by 5.03% and decreases the household food security index by 0.935%. While an increase in fish prices of 15% will reduce protein consumption higher by 8.77% and result in a decrease in the level of household food security by 1.64%. The increase in the selling price of cattle by 15% will increase the income from livestock business by 16.21% and increase the total household income by 5.51%. The share of food expenditure is reduced by 4.65%, which means an increase in livestock income is used to buy non-food needs. Household food security increased by 0.57%. The price increase of production inputs in rice farming by 30% will reduce household income by 2.82% and reduce the household food security index by xiv 2.30%. While an increase in input prices by 15% in cattle raising will have an impact on the reduction of household income by 1.14% and a decrease in household food security by 1.96%. If the increase in operational costs for cattle operations by 30% is offset by the selling price which also increased by 15%, it still increased the business income of 13.78%, increasing the total household income by 4.69% and increasing the food security index by 0.23%.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: DIS/363.8/HAN/k/2019/061901320
Uncontrolled Keywords: FOOD SUPPLY
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 363 Other social problems and services > 363.8 Food supply
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 26 Apr 2022 07:57
Last Modified: 26 Apr 2022 07:57
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