Hutabarat, Elvionita Agustin and Dr. Eng Novi Sunu Sri Giriwati, ST., M.Sc. (2021) Evaluasi Kenyamanan dan Keamanan Fasilitas Wisata Kuliner pada Era New Normal di Kota Malang (Objek Studi: Nakoa Cafe, Cafe Litchi, dan Kotask Kaffe),. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pandemi Covid-19 yang telah ada sejak awal tahun 2020 memberikan perubahan besar terhadap dunia dalam jangka panjang. Pandemi Covid-19 yang telah berlangsung lama ini membuat industri restoran berguguran (Andri, 2021). Sejak Oktober 2020 hingga saat ini, diperkirakan sebanyak 125-150 restoran tutup per bulannya (Iwantono, 2021). Namun, sejak awal tahun 2021, telah ada beberapa kafe baru di kota Malang yang baru membuka gerainya pertama kali pada bulan Februari-Maret 2021 (Suseno, 2021). Penelitian ini mengevaluasi fasilitas wisata kuliner khususnya kafe di kota Malang dengan berfokus pada aspek kenyamanan dan keamanan, baik pada area ruang makan outdoor, maupun area ruang makan indoor. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi langsung terhadap ketiga kafe sebagai objek studi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada masing-masing aspek kenyamanan dan keamanan, terdapat beberapa unsur yang perlu diperhatikan dalam adaptasi kafe terhadap era New Normal. Pada aspek kenyamanan, antara lain: area pintu masuk, fasilitas cuci tangan, media informasi, signage, dan area pengecekan suhu tubuh.
English Abstract
The Covid-19 pandemic that has existed since the beginning of 2020 has brought major changes to the world for a long term. The long-lasting Covid-19 pandemic has paralyzed the restaurant industry (Andri, 2021). From October 2020 till now, it is estimated that as many as 125-150 restaurants are closed per month (Iwantono, 2021). However, since the beginning of 2021, there have been several new cafes in Malang city which opened their outlets for the first time in February-March 2021 (Suseno, 2021). This study evaluates culinary tourism facilities, especially cafes in Malang city by focusing on aspects of comfort and safety, both in outdoor and indoor areas. This study was conducted in a qualitative descriptive manner. The study method was carried out by direct observation of the three cafes that became the object of research. The results show that in every aspect of comfort and safety there are several elements that need to be considered in adjusting the cafe to the New Normal era. In terms of comfort, among others: lighting, ventilation, space, circulation, and furniture. The safety aspects include: entrance area, hand washing facilities, information media, signage, and body temperature check area.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0521070299 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata kunci: kafe, new normal, kuliner, Covid-19 |
Subjects: | 700 The Arts > 720 Architecture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Arsitektur |
Depositing User: | yulia Chasanah |
Date Deposited: | 29 Mar 2022 01:56 |
Last Modified: | 03 Oct 2024 03:57 |
URI: | |
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