Analisa Kebutuhan Oksigen pada Unit Biofilter Aerobic di IPAL Komunal

Nainggolan, Sherenada Tiara Narlina and Dr.Eng.Akhmad Adi Sulianto,, STP, M.Eng and Fajri Anugroho,, STP, M. Agr., Ph. D (2021) Analisa Kebutuhan Oksigen pada Unit Biofilter Aerobic di IPAL Komunal. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Inkubator Bisnis (INBIS) Permata Bunda merupakan program inkubasi kewirausahaan penyandang disabilitas usia produktif, dengan tujuan untuk mencetak pengusaha disabilitas yang mandiri, berdaya dan mampu turut serta dalam memberdayakan lingkungannya. Aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukan di INBIS menghasilkan limbah domestik berupa grey water dan black Water. PT Pupuk Kaltim selaku mitra binaan, mencetuskan adanya pembuatan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) untuk mengolah air limbah agar tidak mencemari lingkungan. Limbah yang akan diolah hanya berupa grey water, untuk black water langsung masuk ke dalam tangki septik. IPAL yang telah di bangun memiliki 4 unit pengolahan, unit pertama yaitu unit penampungan awal. Unit ini berfungsi menampung influent air yang datang, sekaligus menyaring air limbah menggunakan metode pasir lambat (Slow Sand Filter). Unit kedua, terdapat unit biofilter anaerob, pada unit ini terjadi penguraian air limbah menggunakan bakteri anaerob. Unit ketiga, yaitu unit biofilter aerob. Unit ini mengolah air limbah menggunakan bakteri aerob ditambah proses aerasi. Unit keempat, terdapat unit pengendapan akhir. Unit ini bertujuan untuk memisahkan atau mengendapkan kotoran padatan tersuspensi (TSS) yang masih terkandung dalam air limbah Unit biofilter aerob, dua sistem arasi yaitu aerasi alami berupa “air mancur” dan aerasi mekanik dari aerator. Proses aerasi sangat bergantung pada aktivitas mikroba dalam degradasi polutan. Mikroba dapat beraktivitas dengan baik jika memiliki cukup suplai oksigen dari aerator. Pada unit ini diharapkan aerator dapat menyuplai oksigen dengan optimal untuk dapat menurunkan beban pencemar BOD COD. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu memanfaatkan hasil perhitungan data kualitatif dan di jelaskan secara deskriptif. Penelitian mencakup analisa karakteristik kondisi eksisting unit biofilter aerobic yang selanjutnya akan dibandingkan dengan PERMEN LHK Nomor 68 Tahun 2016. Kemudian dilakukan analisa operasional unit dengan pehitungan parameter organic loading rate, waktu detensi, hydraulic loading rate dan kebutuhan oksigen. Analisa operasional juga dilakukan pada proyeksi perkiraan penghuni 5 tahun mendatang. Proyeksi penghuni di pilih dari hasil perhitungan metode aritmetika, geometri dan least Square Hasil pengujian pada karakteristik pada masing-masing parameter yaitu pH, amonia, TSS, COD, BOD, Minyak dan Lemak dan Total Coliform mendapati dua parameter yang memiliki nilai di atas baku mutu yaitu BOD dan COD. Hasil analisa operasional pada kondisi eksisting menghasilkan nilai OLR sebesar 0,05 kg/m3.hari, waktu detensi sebesar 60 jam, nilai hydraulic loading rate sebesar 0,11 m3/m2.hari, nilai produksi lumpur sebesar 0,07 kg/hari dan nilai kebutuhan oksigen teoritis sebesar 0,133 kg O2/hari. Pada kondisi perkiraan kenaikan penghuni menghasilkan nilai OLR sebesar 0,173 kg/m3.hari, waktu detensi sebesar 32 jam, nilai hydraulic loading rate sebesar 0,209 m3/m2.hari, nilai produksi lumpur sebesar 0,297 kg/hari dan nilai kebutuhan oksigen teoritis sebesar 0,509 kg O2/hari. Nilai kebutuhan oksigen pada hasil perhitungan saga jauh berbeda dengan nilai oksigen dari aerator. Diperlukan pergantian aerator dengan spesifikasi 4L/menit untuk hasil degradasi bahan organik yang optimal

English Abstract

Inkubator Bisnis (INBIS) Permata Bunda is an entrepreneurial incubation program for productive people with disabilities, aiming to produce an independent and empowered entrpreneurs with disabilities and encouraging them to participate in empowering their environment. Domestic wastes are produced by INBIS activities in the form of gray water and black water. PT Pupuk Kaltim as a foster partner, initiated the instalation of waste water treatment plant or IPAL to treat waste water so as not to pollute the environment. The gray water is the only waste to be processed and for the black water, it goes directly into the septic tank. WWTP that has been built have 4 processing units, the first unit is the initial storage unit. This first unit functions to accommodate incoming influent water, as well as to filter waste water using the Slow Sand Filter method. The second unit is an anaerobic biofilter unit and the decomposition of wastewater in this unit occurs using anaerobic bacteria. The third unit is the aerobic biofilter unit. This unit treats waste water using an aerobic bacteria with the addition of aeration process. The fourth unit is the final deposition unit. This unit aims to separate or precipitate suspended solids or TSS which are still contained in waste water. Aerobic biofilter unit is two aeration systems, a natural aeration in the form of a “water fountain” and mechanical aeration from the aerator. The aeration process is highly dependent on microbial activity in the degradation of pollutants. Microbes can function well if they have sufficient oxygen supply from the aerator. In this unit, it is needed that the aerator can optimally supply oxygen to reduce the pollutant load of BOD COD. The research method was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner, by utilizing the results of qualitative data calculations and descriptively explained. The research includes an analysis of the characteristics of the existing condition of the aerobic biofilter unit which will then be compared with PERMEN LHK number 68 of 2016. Next, an operational analysis of the unit is carried out by calculating the parameters of organic loading rate, detention time, hydraulic loading rate and the demand of oxygen. Operational analysis is also carried out on the estimated population projections for the next 5 years. The occupant's projection is selected from the calculation results of arithmetic, geometric and least square methods. The test results on the characteristics of pH, ammonia, Oil and Grease, TSS, COD, BOD, and Total Coliform, found two parameters that had values above the quality standard, which is BOD and COD. The results of the operational analysis in the existing conditions resulted in an OLR value of 0.05 kg/, a detention time of 60 hours, a hydraulic loading rate of 0.11 m3/, a sludge production value of 0.07 kg/day and the theoretical oxygen demand value is 0.133 kg O2/day. On condition The estimated increase in occupants results in an OLR value of 0.173 kg/, a detention time of 32 hours, a hydraulic loading rate of 0.209 m3/, a sludge production value of 0.297 kg/day and a theoretical oxygen demand value of 0.509 kg O2/day. The result on the need of oxygen is far different from amount of oxygen that is produced from the aerator. It is necessary to change the aerator to which the specification is 4L/minute for an optimal organic matter degradation

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521100322
Uncontrolled Keywords: Biofilter Aerobic, Aerator, Operasional, IPAL,Biofilter Aerobic, Aerator, Operational, WWTP
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2022 07:29
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 07:55
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