Seran, Yoseph Nahak (2019) Profil Populasi Dan Pemodelan Regenerasi Tumbuhan Cendana (Santalum Album L.) Di Hutan Dan Kebun Di Pulau Timor Barat Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Cendana (Santalum album L.) merupakan tumbuhan tropik dan spesies endemik dari Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Kontribusi cendana bagi peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) NTT sangat besar setiap tahunnya yakni 28,20-47,60 %, sedangkan kontribusi cendana bagi PAD Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) dan Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) sebesar 50 % per tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi profil populasi, membandingkan variasi spasial distribusi dan regenerasi cendana masa kini, mengidentifikasi karakteristik habitat alami maupun buatan yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan cendana, menguji faktor-faktor pembatas yang mempengaruhi regenerasi, analisis kondisi sosial, ekonomi, budaya, kebijakan, menyusun rekomendasi pengembangan strategi konservasi cendana secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam lima tahap yang diawali dengan tahap persiapan penelitian, yaitu melakukan studi pendahuluan meliputi pengumpulan data sekunder populasi cendana, pembuatan peta dasar sebaran cendana dengan kombinasi variasi populasi, kelerengan dan suhu, penentuan lokasi sampling, rencana lokasi survei data sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan kebijakan. Penelitian tahap pertama yaitu melakukan sampling profil populasi, distribusi dan regenerasi cendana masa kini di hutan dan kebun dengan metode sampling lapang dengan plot. Penentuan plot dilakukan secara purposive sampling atau selective sampling. Pengambilan data koordinat cendana menggunakan Geographic Position System (GPS). Variabel pengamatan meliputi kerapatan, tinggi (T), tinggi batang bebas cabang (TBBC), tinggi pancang (TP), diameter batang (DB), lebar tajuk (LT), dan kerimbunan (coverage) untuk semai. Analisis data tentang profil populasi, distribusi, dan regenerasi cendana dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis struktur populasi cendana, peta distribusi dan regenerasi cendana dengan menggunakan ArcGis Map 9.0. Variasi spasial struktur populasi dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif dan multivariate dengan biplot dan cluster menggunakan software PAST 3.0. Hasil penelitian tahap I menunjukkan struktur populasi cendana secara keseluruhan struktur populasi cendana di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) didominasi oleh populasi semai (69,410 ind.ha-1) dan pancang (sapling) (2,547 ind.ha-1) jika dibandingkan dengan populasi tiang (578 ind.ha-1) dan pohon (48 ind.ha-1). Struktur populasi cendana di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan atau dapat dikatakan hampir sama jumlah kerapatan populasi tiang, pancang, dan semai. Penelitian tahap II adalah mengidentifikasi karakteristik habitat yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan cendana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik habitat alami dan buatan yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan cendana, kualitas interaksi populasi cendana dan vegetasi dengan faktor lingkungan. Pengambilan data kualitas vegetasi sebagai habitat cendana dengan cara menganalisis vegetasi pohon, tiang, pancang, dan semai, mengukur faktor abiotik meliputi kandungan bahan organik tanah (BOT), pH, dan konduktivitas tanah. Metode penelitian yaitu metode sampling vegetasi menggunakan nested plot secara purposive sampling. Variabel ii pengamatan meliputi kerapatan, diameter batang, tinggi pohon, tinggi pancang, dan TBBC. Analisis data kualitas vegetasi, interaksi populasi cendana, dan faktor abiotik dilakukan menggunakan statistik univariate dengan uji ANOVA dengan Games-Howell test, staitistik multivariate dengan biplot dan cluster menggunakan software PAST 3.0. Hasil penelitian tahap kedua yaitu kualitas vegetasi di habitat cendana sangat bervariasi antar lokasi. Hasil analisis biplot dan cluster menunjukkan bahwa kualitas interaksi vegetasi, populasi cendana, dan faktor fisika kimia sangat bervariasi dan dikelompokkan menjadi lima group. Hasil uji ANOVA dengan Games-Howell test menunjukkan bahwa kandungan kualitas fisika kimia bahan organik, pH, dan konduktivitas tanah paling tinggi terdapat di tiga kebun, yaitu stasiun pengamatan Binaus dan Oelbubuk (TTS), serta Upfaon dan hutan Oinbit (TTU). Diversitas inang cendana paling tinggi terdapat di stasiun Oinbit, Upfaon, Binaus, dan Banamlaat. Kualitas fisika kimia paling rendah terdapat di stasiun pengamatan Tetaf. Karakteristik habitat yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan cendana terdapat di kebun Binaus dan hutan Oinbit. Penelitian tahap III yaitu menguji faktor-faktor pembatas yang mempengaruhi regenerasi cendana menggunakan pemodelan struktural WarpPLS 6.0. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghasilkan model struktural regenerasi cendana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian tahap tiga adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pembatas regenerasi cendana meliputi variabel populasi, vegetasi, geografi, tanah, iklim dan variabel regenerasi sebagai out put model. Analisis data pemodelan struktural faktor pembatas regenerasi cendana dengan statistik multivariate Warp Partial Least Square 6.0. Hasil penelitian tahap ketiga menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar indikator yang diusulkan layak atau signifikan menyusun variabel laten kecuali indikator diversitas inang. Model struktural yang dihasilkan sangat relevan dan memiliki nilai relevansi prediksi Q2 sebesar 96,65 %, sehingga model struktural yang diusulkan dalam penelitian ini memiliki nilai prediksi yang sangat relevan dan tinggi terhadap faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap regenerasi cendana. Penelitian tahap IV yaitu menganalisis kondisi sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan kebijakan pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi sosial, ekonomi, budaya, dan pengetahuan, serta kebijakan. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara semi terstruktur dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan observasi lapang. Analisis data secara statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian tahap empat menunjukkan bahwa 58,90% responden tahu tentang profil populasi dan sebaran cendana pada masa lampau dan masa kini dan 41,10% sangat tahu tentang habitat cendana. Aspek sosial di masyarakat masih sangat kuat pengaruhnya terhadap budidaya cendana. Nilai ekonomi cendana sangat mempengaruhi keinginan dan minat masyarakat untuk menanam cendana. Aspek budaya dan kebijakan, perlu memberlakukan kembali peraturan desa dan kebijakan pemerintah untuk menjaga dan melestarikan cendana. Penelitian tahap V yaitu analisis pengembangan strategi konservasi cendana. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan strategi konservasi cendana. Metode analisis data yaitu Gap analysis dan Root Cause Analysis. Hasil penelitian dengan Gap analysis menunjukkan bahwa struktur populasi cendana berindikasi positif yang berarti ada peningkatan populasi pancang dan semai. Variabel tanah memberikan pengaruh yang bervariasi terutama indikator pH dan konduktivitas tanah. Hasil Root Cause Analysis meliputi implementasi dan pemantauan masterplan cendana tahun 2010-2030, sosialisasi dan penegakan kebijakan baru, pengembangan inovasi dan model riset cendana yang low input serta pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal dalam penanaman, pengembangan dan penjualan kayu cendana.
English Abstract
Sandalwood (Santalum album L.) is a tropical plant and an endemic species from East Nusa Tenggara. Sandalwood contribution to the increase of NTT local own source revenue is very large every year, namely 28,20-47,6%, meanwhile the sandalwood contribution for local own source revenue of Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) and Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) Regencies equal to 50% per year. This study aims to evaluate the profile of sandalwood population, sandalwood distribution and regeneration, identify the criteria for natural and artificial habitats that are suitable for sandalwood growth, tests the limiting factors that affect regeneration, analyzes social, economic, cultural, policy and compiles the recommendations for the improvement of conservation strategy of sandalwood. The research was carried out in five stages beginning with the research preparation stage, namely conducting a preliminary study covering the collection of secondary data on sandalwood populations, the making of sandalwood distribution basic map with combination of variations in population, slope and temperature, determining the location of sampling sites, planning of survey location of social, economic, cultural and policy. The first stage of the study namely conducting the sampling of population profile, distribution and regeneration of present-day sandalwood at forests and plantations with a field sampling method using a plot. Plot determination is conducted by purposive sampling or selective sampling. Sandalwood coordinate data retrieval using Geographic Positioning System (GPS). Observation variables for each plot include density, height (T), clearbole height (TBBC), sapling height, stem diameter (DB), canopy width, coverage. Analysis of data on the profile of population, distribution and regeneration of sandalwood was carried out by analyzing the sandalwood population structures, map of distribution and regeneration of sandalwood using ArcGis Map 9.0. Spatial variation of population structure was carried out in using by statistic descriptive and multivariate analysis using biplot and cluster analysis by PAST 3.0. The results of the stage 1 of the study showed that the sandalwood population structure overall the structure of sandalwood population in Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) Regency is dominated by seedlings populations (69,410 ind.ha-1) and saplings (2,547 ind.ha-1) when compared to poles populations (578 ind.ha-1) and trees (48 ind.ha-1). Sandalwood population structure in Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) Regency does not show any difference or it can be said to be almost the same as the number of population densities of poles, saplings and seedlings. Stage II of the research is to identify the habitat characteristics for sandalwood growth. This study aims to identify the criteria for natural and artificial habitats that are suitable for sandalwood growth, evaluate the quality of sandalwood population and vegetation interactions with environmental factors. Data collection on vegetation quality was carried out by analyzing the vegetation of trees, poles, saplings and seedlings, measurement of abiotic factors including soil organic matter content (BOT), pH and soil conductivity. The method used is the vegetation iv sampling method using nested plots by purposive sampling. The observation variable for each plot namely density, stem diameter, trees height, saplings height, clearbole height. Analysis of vegetation quality, interaction of sandalwood populations and abiotic factors data using univariate statistics with anova test with Games-Howell and multivariate statistics with biplot and cluster PAST 3.0. The results of the second stage of the study showed that the quality of vegetation in sandalwood habitat varied greatly between locations. The results of the biplot and cluster analysis show that the quality of interaction of vegetation, sandalwood populations and physical chemical factors varies greatly and grouped into 5 groups. The results of the anova test with Games-Howell test showed that the highest physical-chemical quality of organic matter, pH and soil conductivity were found in three plantations namely the observation stations of Binaus and Oelbubuk (TTS), Upfaon and Oinbit forest (TTU). The highest diversity of sandalwood hosts at Oinbit, Upfaon, Binaus and Banamlaat stations. The lowest quality of chemical physics found at the Tetaf observation station. The ideal habitat characteristics for sandalwood growth located in Binaus plantation and Oinbit forest. Stage III of the research namely to examine the limiting factors that affect regeneration in forests and plantations by using Warp PLS 6.0 structural modeling. This study aims to identify and produce the structural models of sandalwood regeneration. The method used in this stage is to identify limiting factor regeneration is population factor, vegetation, geography, soil, climate, and regeneration. Data analysis of structural modeling of the limiting factor for sandalwood regeneration with multivariate statistics of Warp Partial Least Square 6.0. The results of the third stage of the study show that most of the proposed indicators are feasible or significant composing the latent variables except indicators of host diversity. The resulting structural model is very relevant and has a Q2 prediction relevance value of 96,65%, so that the structural model proposed in this study has a highly relevant and high predictive value for factors that influence the sandalwood regeneration. Stage IV of the research namely to analyze social, economic, cultural conditions and government policies. The main purpose of this research is to find out the social, economic, cultural condition and community knowledge and regulation. The method used in this study is a semi-structured interview method using questionnaires and field observations. Data were analyzed descriptively statistically. The results of stage four of the research show that 58.90% of respondents knew about population profiles and the distribution of sandalwood in the past and present and 41.10% know very well about sandalwood habitat. The social structure in the community still has a strong influence on cultivation. The economic value of sandalwood greatly influences people's desire and interest to plant sandalwood in plantation. Cultural and regulation aspects, need stated strongly agree to the re-establishment of village regulations and the role of customary institutions. Stage V of the research namely analysis of improvement of sandalwood conservation strategies. The aims to determine the improvement of sandalwood conservation strategies. The data analysis method used in this study namely Gap analysis and Root Cause Analysis. The results of the study based on the Gap Analysis matrix table show that the sandalwood population structure had positive indications which means there was an increase in sandalwood population especially for the sapling and seedling. Variable of soil gives a varied influence, especially the soil pH indicator and conductivity. Root Cause Analysis shows that the improvement for the implementation and monitoring of the NTT sandalwood master plan for 2010-2030, need continuously to conduct the socialization and enforcement of regional government policies, innovate develop and low input sandalwood agroforestry research model and community empowerment in the planting, development and sale of sandalwood.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DIS/583.88/SER/p/2019/060901542 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | SANTALES |
Subjects: | 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 583 Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons) > 583.8 Other orders of Rosidae |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Biologi, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 17 Feb 2022 07:14 |
Last Modified: | 17 Feb 2022 07:14 |
URI: | |
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