Mitigasi Risiko Manajemen Rantai Pasok Kopi Dengan Pendekatan Model SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) pada Agroindustri Kopi di Situbondo, Jawa Timur

Fika, Iga Meirina and Dr. Silvana Maulidah,, SP., MP and Heptari Elita Dewi,, SP., MP (2021) Mitigasi Risiko Manajemen Rantai Pasok Kopi Dengan Pendekatan Model SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) pada Agroindustri Kopi di Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pendistribusian kopi secara domestik biasa diproses melalui rantai pasok. Pola rantai pasok dalam mendistribusikan kopi sangat beragam. Pola rantai pasok yang cukup sederhana hanya meliputi 3 (tiga) pelaku utama, yaitu petani-industri- konsumen. Kopi dapat dijual dalam bentuk belum diolah, maupun sudah diolah serta pendistribusiannya dapat dilakukan melalui jaringan rantai pasok dengan berbagai macam proses. Proses inti bisnis pada pendekatan SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) di dalam manajemen rantai pasok tidak terlepas dari risiko yang ada. Risiko-risiko tersebut kemudian dapat menjadikan rantai pasok didalamnya terganggu ataupun mengalami kerugian. Risiko dalam rantai pasok perlu dicegah dan dikurangi intensitasnya dengan menerapkan kegiatan pencegahan atau mitigasi. Risiko pada rantai pasok berhubungan dengan kualitas bahan baku yang digunakan dalam pemenuhan produksi serta kelancaran proses produksi dan distribusi produk. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penelitian di Agroindustri kopi memiliki tujuan yaitu (1) Mengidentifikasi sistem manajemen rantai pasok kopi di Agroindustri kopi (2) Mengidentifikasi kejadian risiko dan sumber risiko manajemen rantai pasok kopi dengan pendekatan Model House of Risk (HOR) di Agroindustri kopi (3) Menganalisis hubungan antara kejadian risiko dan sumber resiko serta tingkat prioritas risiko dengan pendekatan Model House of Risk (HOR) di Agroindustri kopi dan (4) Merumuskan mitigasi manajemen risiko rantai pasok kopi dengan pendekatan Model House of Risk (HOR) di Agroindustri kopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang dilakukan di Agroindustri kopi yang bertempat di Jalan Melati 2 No. 12, Situbondo. Responden yang dipilih merupakan owner sekaligus manajer dari Agroindustri Kopi, yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai informasi risiko rantai pasok kopi industri tersebut. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, metode delphi, metode House of Risk serta pendekatan model SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference). Pendekatan SCOR digunakan sebagai referensi proses inti bisnis dalam rantai pasok sedangkan metode HOR digunakan dalam mengidentifikasi risiko dan sumber risiko prioritas serta menyusun strategi mitigasi yang efektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola rantai pasok yang dimiliki melibatkan petani, manufaktur, reseller, serta konsumen. Berdasarkan identifikasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) yang terdiri atas plan, source, make, deliver, dan return, diperoleh sebanyak 15 kejadian risiko (risk event) serta 12 sumber risiko (risk agent). Pemeringkatan prioritas risiko (risk priority) yang telah dilakukan dan dianalisis berdasarkan perhitungan ARP secara kumulatif dan diagram pareto menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 7 dari 12 sumber risiko yang harus dimitigasi. Terdapat 9 rancangan strategi mitigasi risiko pada rantai pasok industri kopi yang dapat diterapkan untuk menekan terjadinya risiko potensial.

English Abstract

Domestic coffee distribution is usually processed through the supply chain. The pattern of the chain in distributing coffee is very diverse. The quite simple chain of supply only covers three main actors, namely farmers-industrial- consumers. Coffee can be sold in the form of unprocessed, or already processed and its distribution can be done through a supply chain network with various processes. The core business processes of the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) approach in supply chain management are inseparable from the existing risks. These risks can cause the supply chain to be disrupted or suffer losses. Risks in the supply chain need to be prevented and their intensity reduced by implementing prevention or mitigation activities. The risk in the supply chain management related to the quality of the raw materials used in the fulfillment of production as well as the continuity of the production process and product distribution. Based on these problems, research at Coffee Agroindustry has several aim, consist of: (1) Identifying the system of coffee supply chain management in Coffee Agroindustry (2) Identifying the types of risks event and risk agent in coffee supply chain management using the House of Risk (HOR) approach at Coffee Agroindustry (3) Analyzing the correlation of risk events and risk sources as well as the level of risk priority with the House of Risk (HOR) Model approach in Coffee Agroindustry and (4) Formulate supply chain risk mitigation with the House of Risk (HOR) Model approach at Coffee Agroindustry. This study uses a quantitative approach that is carried out in the coffee agroindustry located at Jalan Melati 2 No. 12, Situbondo. The selected respondents are the owner and manager of the Coffee Agroindustry, who have knowledge of information on the risk information of the industrial coffee supply chain. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis, the Delphi method, the House of Risk method and the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model approach. The SCOR approach is used as a reference for core business processes in the supply chain, while the HOR method is used to identify risks and priority risk sources and develop effective mitigation strategies. The results show that the supply chain pattern involves farmers, manufacturers, resellers, and consumers. Based on the identification done using the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) approach consisting of plan, source, make, deliver, and return, there were 15 risk events and 12 risk agents. The risk priority ranking that has been done and analyzed based on the cumulative ARP calculation and the Pareto diagram shows that there are 7 out of 12 risk agents to be mitigated. There are 9 risk mitigation strategies in the coffee industry supply chain that can be applied to reduce potential risks

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052104
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 04 Feb 2022 06:13
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2024 04:27
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