Pujiwahyuni, Tri Lestari and Dr. Ir. Rini Dwiastuti,, MS and Putri Budi Setyowati,, SP.,M.Sc (2021) Analisis Sistem Bagi Hasil Antara Petani Tebu Dan Perusahaan Di PG. Kremboong Sidoarjo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Gula memegang peranan penting pada sektor industri pangan karena gula merupakan salah satu komponen yang diperlukan untuk di konsumsi masyarakat dan diperlukan sebagai bahan baku di industri olahan pangan (Badan Litbang Pertanian, 2005). Konsumsi gula nasional diperkirakan cenderung meningkat seiring meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan pertumbuhan industri makanan dan minuman (Maria, 2009). Berdasarkan survei pendahuluan, didapat informasi bahwa olahan gula di distribusikan melalui pabrik gula dan setiap pabrik gula saling bermitra dengan petani untuk memenuhi hasil produksi yang maksimal. Dalam bermitra dengan petani pabrik gula memiliki sistem bagi hasil untuk mendapatkan pendapatan yang setara agar saling menguntungkan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini penting dilakukan untuk mendapatkan alternatif dalam bagi hasil sehingga akan berdampak pada pemerataan keuntungan yang diterima masing – masing pelaku dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Kremboong,Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Pemilihan lokasi tersebut dilakukan secara purposive dengan pertimbangan dari key informan di PG Kremboong yang terdiri dari manager keuangan & umum, manager QC on farm (Quality Control). Penentuan responden dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Pemilihan metode tersebut didasarkan pada karakteristik luas lahan tebu milik petani tebu mitra relatif tidak beragam. Dari metode tersebut diperoleh responden sebanyak sebanyak 31 responden, dan terdapat 5 koperasi yang berada di PG Kremboong yaitu koperasi Sumber Rejeki, Koperasi Rukun Makmur, dan Koperasi Nira Manis, Koperasi Jalandara, Koperasi Gotong Royong. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini ialah wawancara dan dokumen arsip. Sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis pelaksanaan sistem bagi hasil dan analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan kondisi sosial ekonomi petani tebu mitra. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, secara garis besar, implementasi pelaksanaan bagi hasil antara kedua belah pihak mempunyai tanggung jawab masing-masing terhadap kemitraan yang dijalankan. Petani sebagai mitra mendapatkan hak berupa memperoleh pinjaman bibit, biaya garap, pupuk sesuai dengan luas lahan, mendapatkan bimbingan teknis dari PG Kremboong, mendapatkan jaminan pasar, memperoleh tetes dan hasil penjualan gula. Selain itu, petani mendapatkan kewajiban menanam tebu pada lahan yang telah diajukan dan menggiling hasil tebu tersebut ke PG Kremboong. Sedangkan, hak dari PG Kremboong adalah melakukan pengawasan terhadap petani tebu mitra dalam tahapan proses budidaya, mendapatkan standar tebu MBS(Manis, Bersih dan Segar), mendapat pengembalian pinjaman dari petani tebu mitra dan berkewajiban memberikan fasilitas lelang gula. Rata-rata rendemen tebu yang ditetapkan oleh PG Kremboong pada musim tanam 2020 sebesar 7,95%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif dari karakteristik sosial ekonomi petani tebu mitra, disimpulkan bahwa rata-rata responden memiliki dominasi luas lahan antara 5-10 Ha. Dari segi usia, petani tebu mitra memiliki dominasi usia produktif, memiliki tingkat pendidikan yang baik (level SMA), dan memiliki pengalaman bermitra lebih dari 20 tahun. Dapat disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya dapat disarankan kepada petani agar mematuhi seluruh keputusan yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian mitra dan penentuan rendemen hendaknya disesuaikan dengan ketentuan dari PG Kremboong. Perjanjian bermitra dapat dipatuhi dengan cara pemberian sanksi kepada pelaku bermitra yang tidak patuh kepada perjanjian seperti pemberian sanksi kepada petani yang menjual hasil tebu kepada PG lain
English Abstract
Sugar plays an important role in the food industry sector because sugar is one of the components needed for public consumption and is needed as a raw material in the food processing industry (IAARD, 2005). National sugar consumption is estimated to tend to increase in line with the increase in population, economic growth and the growth of the food and beverage industry (Maria, 2009). Based on the preliminary survey, information was obtained that processed sugar is distributed through sugar factories and each sugar factory partners with farmers to meet maximum production results. In partnering with sugar factory farmers, they have a profit sharing system to get equal income for mutual benefit. Therefore, this research is important to do to find alternatives in profit sharing so that it will have an impact on the distribution of benefits received by each actor in the research. This research was conducted in Kremboong District, Sidoarjo Regency. The location selection was carried out purposively with the consideration of key informants at PG Kremboong consisting of financial & general managers, QC managers on farm (Quality Control). Determination of respondents in this study using simple random sampling method. The choice of this method is based on the characteristics of the area of sugarcane owned by partner sugarcane farmers, which are relatively insignificant. From this method, 31 respondents were obtained, and there were 5 cooperatives in PG Kremboong, namely the Sumber Rejeki cooperative, the Rukun Makmur cooperative, and the Nira Manis cooperative, the Jalandara cooperative, the mutual cooperation cooperative. Data collection methods in this research are interviews and archival documents. Meanwhile, the data analysis used in this study used an analysis of the implementation of the profit sharing system and descriptive analysis to describe the socio-economic conditions of partner sugarcane farmers. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, in general, the implementation of the implementation of profit sharing between the two parties has their respective responsibilities for the partnership that is carried out. Farmers as partners get rights in the form of seed loans, cultivation costs, fertilizers according to the area of land, get technical guidance from PG Kremboong, get market guarantees, get drops and proceeds from selling sugar. In addition, farmers are obliged to plant sugarcane on the proposed land and grind the sugarcane products to PG Kremboong. Meanwhile, the rights of PG Kremboong are to supervise partner sugarcane farmers in the cultivation process stage, obtain the MBS standard (Sweet, Clean and Fresh) sugarcane, receive loan repayments from partner sugar cane farmers and are obliged to provide sugar auction facilities. The average yield of sugarcane set by PG Kremboong in the 2020 planting season is 7.95%. Based on the results of descriptive analysis of the socio-economic characteristics of partner sugarcane farmers, it was concluded that on average the respondents had a dominant land area of 5-10 ha. In terms of age, partner sugarcane farmers are dominated by productive age, have a good level of education (high school level), and have partner experience for more than 20 years. It can be suggested that further research can be suggested to farmers to comply with all decisions that have been agreed in the partner agreement and the determination of the yield should be adjusted to the provisions of PG Kremboong. Partner agreements can be complied with by imposing sanctions on partner actors who do not comply with the agreement, such as imposing sanctions on farmers who sell sugarcane to other PG
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052104 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 02 Feb 2022 07:41 |
Last Modified: | 30 Sep 2024 06:45 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/189175 |
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