Jaedi, - and Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS, and Dr. M. R. Khairul Muluk, M.Si (2019) Dampak Evaluasi Keberhasilan Studi di Perguruan Tinggi (Studi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Perguruan tinggi merupakan salah satu penghasil sarjana yang berkompeten di bidangnya. Untuk mengemban amanat tersebut, perguruan tinggi perlu melakukan peningkatan kualitas dengan terus mendorong keberhasilan studi mahasiswa. Namun, berdasarkan pengamatan masih ada mahasiswa yang terkena DO, mengundurkan diri, tidak melakukan daftar ulang, dan banyaknya mahasiswa yang menyelesaikan studi di penghujung waktu (akhir studi). Oleh karena itu penelitian ini mengkaji dampak evaluasi keberhasilan studi yang berfokus pada (i) kriteria keberhasilan studi di perguruan tinggi; dan (ii) dampak evaluasi keberhasilan studi di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi yang dianalisis menggunakan model analisis interaktif Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana (2014). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan evaluasi keberhasilan studi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan berhasil. Upaya evaluasi keberhasilan studi di FIA Universitas Brawijaya dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan (1) sosialisasi sistem akademik kepada mahasiswa baru dan orang tua/wali mahasiswa. (2) evaluasi keberhasilan studi akhir semester yang dilakukan berkesinambungan pada tahun pertama, tahun kedua, tahun ketiga, tahun keempat, dan pada akhir studi program sarjana, (3) sosialisasi pemrograman kkn/magang, (4) sosialisasi pemrograman skripsi, (5) pemanggilan dan pengarahan mahasiswa yang terkena evaluasi studi, (6) pelaksanaan semester semester antara (semester pendek) dan pelaksanaan ujian khusus, dan (7) pengadaan sarana prasarana, optimalisasi pengelolaan sumber daya dan peningkatan layanan akademik. Kriteria evaluasi keberhasilan studi mahasiswa dapat ditinjau dari capaian IPK lulusan, lama studi, dan nilai Efektifitas Edukasi (NEE). Berkaitan dengan capaian IPK pada tingkat fakultas di FIA selama kurun waktu 4 empat tahun terakhir antara Tahun 2015-2018, yaitu 3.47. Jika dibandingkan dengan kriteria/predikat kelulusan maka rata-rata IPK tersebut dalam kategori sangat memuaskan. Sementara itu, berkaitan dengan kriteria lama/masa studi mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya sesuai dengan program studinya selama tiga tahun terakhir dari 2015-2018 adalah 4 tahun 3 bulan. Dalam hal ini masa studi mahasiswa tersebut masih berada di bawah kriteria masa studi maksimal sesuai peraturan. Sedangkan menurut kriteria Nilai Efektivitas Edukasi (NEE) yang dimiliki oleh FIA selama kurun waktu 4 tahun capaian nilai efektivitas rata-rata sebesar 23,75 atau dibulatkan 23,8%. Sehingga saat ini nilai efektivitas rata-rata dari hasil proses pembelajaran di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi sudah mendekati ideal. Sesuai dengan ketentuan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional disebutkan bahwa nilai efektivitas pembelajaran dapat dikategorikan ideal apabila capaian nilai efektivitasnya adalah > 25%. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menyarankan untuk menyusun dan menetapkan peraturan di tingkat universitas dan pembangunan sinergitas kelembagaan di tingkat Fakultas.
English Abstract
Higher education is one of the graduates who are competent in their fields. To carry out the mandate, universities need to improve their quality by continuing to encourage the success of student studies. However, based on observations there were still students who were exposed to DO, resigned, did not re-register, and the number of students who completed their studies at the end of time (end of study). Therefore this study examines the impact of evaluating the success of a study that focuses on (i) the criteria for successful study in college; and (ii) the impact of study success evaluation in higher education. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation analyzed using interactive analysis models of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014). The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the evaluation of the success of studies at the UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences can be carried out well and successfully. Efforts to evaluate the success of studies at FIA Universitas Brawijaya are carried out through activities (1) socialization of the academic system to new students and student parents/guardians. (2) evaluation of the success of end-of-semester studies carried out continuously in the first year, second year, third year, fourth year, and at the end of undergraduate program studies, (3) socialization of KKN/ apprenticeship programming, (4) thesis programming socialization, (5) calling and directing students affected by study evaluation, (6) conducting semester semester between (short semester) and conducting special examinations, and (7) procurement of infrastructure, optimizing resource management and improving academic services. Criteria for evaluating the success of student studies can be viewed from the achievement of graduate GPA, duration of the study, and the value of Educational Effectiveness (NEE). Relating to the achievement of GPA at the faculty level, FIA has 3,47 for the past four years between the years 2015-2018. When compared with the criteria/predicate of graduation, the average GPA in the category is very satisfying. Meanwhile, related to the criteria for the length of time/study period in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, the student's length of time for the last three years from 2015-2018 is 4 years 3 months. In this case, the student study period is still below the maximum study period criteria according to regulations. While according to the criteria for Educational Effectiveness (NEE), the value of educational effectiveness in FIA for the last three years from 2015-2018 is 23.75 or rounded 23.8%. So that the average of the educational effectiveness value in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences is approaching the ideal to perform. By following the provisions of the Ministry of National Education, it is stated that the effectiveness of learning can be categorized as ideal if the value of its effectiveness is> 25%. Therefore, the researcher suggested to formulate and establish regulations at the university level and build institutional synergy at the Faculty level.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/658/JAE/2019/d/0419030003 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2022 02:18 |
Last Modified: | 19 Jan 2022 03:24 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/188481 |
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