Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) Dalam Budidaya Berbasis Prebiotik Dan Probiotik

Pratama, M. Indra Wahyu and Dr. Ir. Anik Martinah H,, M.Sc and Dr. Ating Yuniarti,, S.Pi. M.Aqua. (2021) Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus) Dalam Budidaya Berbasis Prebiotik Dan Probiotik. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) merupakan komoditas perikanan air tawar dengan nilai ekonomi yang signifikan produksinya meningkat berpotensial untuk dikembangkan. Proses pertumbuhan pada budidaya ikan secara umum dipengaruhi oleh jumlah pakan yang diberikan tentunya mengandung nutrisi yang dapat diserap oleh ikan. Biasanya hanya 20%-25% protein yang dikonsumsi oleh ikan pada sistem budidaya intensif. Keterbatasan ikan dalam mencerna makanan bergantung keberadaan enzim yang bereaksi dengan substrat disaluran pencernaan ikan. Metode suplementasi merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan dengan cara penambahan prebiotik dan probiotik pada pakan, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan enzim exogenous dan mikrobiota di saluran pencernaan yang dapat meningkatkan nutrisi pakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dan dibagi menjadi dua tahapan. Tahap 1 dalam penelitian meliputi uji fisik (warna, aroma, tekstur dan kondisi umum pakan), Kimia (proksimat) dan Biologi pakan (kelimpahan bakteri di pakan fermentasi dan daya cerna protein secara in vitro). Sedangkan pada tahap dua penelitian dilakukan secara in vivo diujikan dengan hewan uji yaitu ikan nila yang dipelihara selama 30 hari dengan perbedaan feeding rate 3%, 5% dan 7%. Setelah itu di akhir pemeliharaan dilakukan pengamatan tingkat kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan, efisiensi pakan, kualitas air, profil dan kelimpahan bakteri di usus ikan dan pengujian aktivitas enzim protease, lipase dan amilase di usus ikan. Hasil penelitian penelitian tahap pertama menunjukkan bahwa analisis fisik pakan ikan memperlihatkan warna terlihat coklat, aroma berbau amis, tekstur dan kondisi umum pakan terlihat normal secara keseluruhan. Analisis kimia menunjukkan hasil bahwa protein mengalami peningkatan yang terbaik sebesar 34,14% dengan lama waktu fermentasi selama 72 jam. Analisis biologi menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama waktu fermentasi populasi bakteri dan daya cerna protein secara in vitro semakin tinggi. Hasil penelitian tahap kedua menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan suplementasi prebiotik (ekstrak ubi jalar 2%) dan probiotik (Bacillus megaterium 2%) dengan lama waktu fermentasi 72 jam pada feeding rate 3% berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan ikan nila (p<0,05). Feeding rate mempengaruhi beberapa respon pertumbuhan ikan nila seperti kelangsungan hidup sebesar 100%, jumlah konsumsi pakan sebesar 61,10 ± 5,05 gram, efisiensi pakan sebesar 79,00 ± 1,76%, Feed Convertion Rate (FCR) sebesar 1,27 ± 0,03, aktivitas enzim protease sebesar 29,31 ± 0,38 U/, amilase sebesar 30,36 ± 1,19 U/, lipase sebesar 3,07 ± 0,12 U/ dan populasi bakteri sebesar 7,40 ± 0,02 log CFU/ml lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kontrol.

English Abstract

Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a freshwater fishery commodity with a significant economic value, its production increases and has the potential to be developed. The growth process in fish farming is generally influenced by the amount of feed given which certainly contains nutrients that can be absorbed by the fish. Usually only 20-25% of protein is consumed by fish in intensive cultivation systems. The limitations of fish in digesting food depend on the presence of enzymes that react with substrates in the fish digestive tract. The supplementation method is one of the alternatives that can be done to increase fish growth by adding prebiotics and probiotics to feed, it is expected to increase exogenous enzymes and microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract that can improve feed nutrition. This research used an experimental method that was divided into two stages. In stage one, the study included physical tests (colour, aroma, texture, and general conditions of feed), chemistry (proximate) and biology of feed (abundance of bacteria in fermented feed and protein digestibility in vitro testing). Meanwhile in stage two, the research was conducted in vivo testing with animal tested which is the Nile Tilapia that are kept for 30 days with a difference of feeding rate in 3%, 5% and 7%. Then, at the end of the maintenance the researcher conducted observations of survival rate, growth, feed efficiency, water quality, profile and abundance of bacteria in the intestines of fish and testing of enzyme activity of protease, lipase and amylase in the intestines of fish. The results of the research stage one showed that the physical analysis of fish feed showed that the color looked brown, the aroma smelled fishy, the texture and general condition of the feed looked normal as a whole. The chemical analysis showed that proteins improved at best by 34.14% in B3 treatment with a fermentation time of 72 hours. The biological analysis showed that the longer the fermentation time of bacterial populations are, the higher the result of in vitro digestibility of proteins. Furthermore the determination of the length of fermentation time is best taken from the increase of protein feeding, population and digestibility of proteins in vitro. The results of the second stage of the study showed that prebiotic supplementation (sweet potato extract 2%) and probiotics (Bacillus megaterium 2%) with a fermentation time of 72 hours at a feeding rate of 3% significantly affected the growth of tilapia (p<0.05). Feeding rate affects several growth responses of Nile Tilapia such as survival of 100%, total feed consumption of 61,10 ± 5,05 grams, feed efficiency of 79,00 ± 1,76%, Feed Conversion Rate (FCR) of 1,27 ± 0,03, protease enzyme activity was 29,31 ± 0,38 U/, amylase was 30,36 ± 1,19 U/, lipase was 3,07 ± 0,12 U/minute. ml and the bacterial population was 7,40 ± 0,02 log CFU/ml was better than the control.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0421080003
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 639 Hunting, fishing & conservation > 639.3 Culture of cold-blooded vertebrates
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2022 01:48
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2024 06:34
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