Optimasi Pembekuan Lambat Menggunakan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy Dalam Pembuatan Sediaan Serbuk Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata Duch)

Kristianto, Yohanes and Prof. Dr. Ir. Wignyanto,, MS and Dr. Bambang Dwi Argo,, DEA and Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso,, MP (2021) Optimasi Pembekuan Lambat Menggunakan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy Dalam Pembuatan Sediaan Serbuk Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata Duch). Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Konsumsi antioksidan mampu menurunkan risiko penyakit degeneratif. Antioksidan labu kuning telah dibuktikan dapat memperbaiki kondisi diabetes. Penanganan diabetes dengan obat, selain mahal seringkali mendatangkan efek negatif dan memerlukan waktu lama. Di Indonesia, konsumsi suplemen kesehatan meningkat dan secara global pengobatan herbal menjadi tumpuan 75% penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan proses pembekuan labu kuning yang optimal untuk membuat sediaan serbuk tinggi antioksidan. Penelitian dilakukan dalam empat tahapan. Pertama, rancang bangun sistem pembekuan menggunakan FLC inferensi Takagi-Sugeno. Sistem dirancang berdasarkan input eror dan delta eror suhu sensor untuk mendapatkan output PWM sebagai nilai masukan kompresor. Pemrograman dibuat dalam bahasa C dan diimplementasikan pada ATmega2560. Tahap kedua, penentuan efek pembekuan terhadap struktur seluler labu kuning. Rentang suhu pembekuan ditentukan berdasarkan titik beku labu kuning yang diketahui dengan metode cooling curve. Efek pembekuan dievaluasi berdasarkan struktur seluler citra SEM, derajat disintegrasi, EC, kandungan dan aktivitas antioksidan, dan perubahan senyawa volatil. Analisis citra metode AMT dan GLCM dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi perubahan mikro struktur secara objektif. Data citra lebih lanjut dianalisis dengan PCA dan PLS-DA. Tahap ketiga, melakukan optimasi pembekuan dengan pendekatan RSM dan prediksi menggunakan BRANN. Kondisi pembekuan yang menghasilkan antioksidan tertinggi dipilih untuk membuat sediaan serbuk. Gambaran efisiensi pembekuan diketahui dengan ekstraksi serbuk labu kuning. Tahap keempat, membuat sediaan serbuk labu kuning hasil optimasi. Pembuatan serbuk dilakukan dengan teknik FMD menggunakan maltodekstrin dan polisorbat 80. Mutu produk jadi dievaluasi berdasarkan peraturan BPOM No. 17 Tahun 2109. Hasil perancangan dan pembuatan sistem pembekuan FLC berupa unit mesin pembekuan lambat. Termistor PT100 3 kabel yang digunakan memiliki linieritas tinggi dengan R2=0,99, dan MAPE=9,52% pada simulasi alat. Nilai masukan sensor dan tombol input difuzzifikasi berdasarkan 18 aturan dasar. Hasil kalibrasi dan pengujian performa sistem menunjukkan variasi suhu temporal dan spasial alat masing-masing -1,0 oC dan 1,9 oC, rise time 21,38 ± 2,40 menit, settling time 31,36 ± 1,29 menit, steady eror positif 1,55 ± 0,11 oC dan negatif -1,28 ± 0,33 oC. Pembekuan labu kuning menggunakan FLC mampu mendekomposisi struktur seluler dengan derajat disintegrasi 0,47 dan kenaikan EC hampir dua kali lipat. Analisis AMT menunjukkan peningkatan MA secara bermakna sebagai indikator perubahan tekstur yang terjadi. Separasi antara sampel-sampel yang memiliki antioksidan tinggi dan rendah pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% dapat diamati dengan jelas berdasarkan hasil PCA dan PLS-DA. Pembekuan pada suhu -18 oC selama 6 jam meningkatkan TPC sampai 70%. Peningkatan senyawa fenolik didominasi oleh caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid dan pcoumaric acid. Semua data-data yang diperoleh mendukung kesimpulan tentang efek positif pembekuan FLC terhadap kenaikan antioksidan labu kuning. Hasil percobaan RSM menunjukkan hubungan kuadratik antar suhu dan waktu pembekuan terhadap kandungan antioksidan dengan R2 untuk TPC, flavonoid, DPPH dan ABTS masing-masing sebesar 0,85, 0,86, 0,83, dan 0,88. Kondisi optimum pembekuan terjadi pada suhu -20 oC selama 9 jam. Kondisi tersebut berhasil dikonfirmasi menghasilkan kenaikan TPC dan aktivitas antioksidan metode DPPH sebesar 54,44% dan 36,60%. Prediksi menggunakan BRANN dengan arsitektur jaringan 2-15-1 yang dilatih tanpa over fitting menghasilkan performa yang setara dengan RSM berdasarkan parameter R2, MSE, dan AAD. Ekstraksi serbuk labu kuning hasil optimasi menggunakan pelarut metanol pada suhu 80 oC selama 30 menit menghasilkan 3,82 mg GAE/mg TPC. Nilai tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil dari proses lain yang serupa maupun ekstraksi ultrasonik. Sediaan serbuk labu kuning memiliki kandungan air 5,92% dengan Aw 0,14, TPC 9,15 mg GAE/g, flavonoid 6,65 mg QE/g, penghambatan aktivitas antioksidan DPPH dan ABTS masing-masing 45,94% dan 50,89%. Senyawa fenolik dalam sediaan serbuk labu kuning sebagian besar adalah caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, isorhamnetin-3- rutinoside-4' rhamnoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside, dan isoquercitrin. Semua parameter mutu sediaan serbuk; yaitu kandungan air, mikroba pencemar, dan logam berat sesuai persyaratan mutu BPOM. Berdasarkan kajian kelayakan, usaha sediaan serbuk dapat memberikan keuntungan pada tingkat bunga 15%. Sebagai kesimpulan, pembekuan lambat menggunakan FLC dapat digunakan untuk mendisintegrasi sel labu kuning dengan optimum sehingga didapatkan produk yang tinggi antioksidan sesuai standar suplemen kesehatan.

English Abstract

Dietary antioxidants consumption can reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. Pumpkin antioxidants have been proven to improve diabetes conditions. Medicine for diabetics, apart from being expensive, often has negative effects and takes a long time to use. In Indonesia, consumption of health supplements has been increasing and globally herbal medicine is the hope for 75% of the population. This current study aimed to obtain the optimal freezing process of pumpkin to formulate dietary supplement high in antioxidants. The research was conducted in four stages. First, design and development of the freezing system using the fuzzy logic of Takagi-Sugeno inference. The system was designed based on the temperature sensor and delta errors input to obtain the values assigned as PWM for the compressor input. The FLC program was written in C language and implemented on ATmega2560. The second stage, determination the effect of the freezing system on the cellular structure of the pumpkin. The freezing temperature range was determined based on the freezing point of the pumpkin which was calculated by the cooling curve method. The freezing effect was evaluated based on the cellular structure of SEM images, degree of disintegration, EC, antioxidant content and activity, and changes in volatile compounds. Image analysis using AMT and GLCM methods were performed to objectively evaluate changes in the micro structure. Image data were further analyzed by PCA and PLS-DA. The third stage, optimization of the freezing parameters with the RSM approach and prediction using BRANN. The optimized conditions which produce the highest antioxidants were then chosen to formulate dietary supplement. The general freezing efficiency was estimated by pumpkin powder extraction. The fourth stage was to develop the dietary supplement from the selected pumpkin powder. The supplement was formulated using FMD technique with maltodextrin and polysorbate 80 addition. The quality of the finished product was evaluated based on BPOM regulation No. 17/ 2109. The result of designing and development the FLC for the freezer was a slow freezing system. The 3-wire PT100 thermistor used offered a high linearity character with R2=0.99, and MAPE = 9.52% during the simulation. The values from sensor and button inputs were fuzzified according to 18 basic rules. The calibration and the system performance testing showed the temporal and spatial temperature variations of the system were -1.0 oC and 1.9 oC respectively, rise time 21.38 ± 2.40 minutes, settling time 31.36 ± 1.29 minutes, positive steady error 1.55 ± 0.11 oC and the negative -1.28 ± 0.33oC. Freezing of pumpkin using the FLC was able to decompose cellular structures with a degree of disintegration of 0.47 and an increase in EC almost doubled. AMT analysis showed a significant increase in MA as an indicator of changes in texture that occurred. The separation between high and low antioxidant samples at the 95% confidence level can be clearly observed based on the PCA and PLS-DA results. Freezing at -18oC for 6 hours increased the TPC up to 70%. The increase in phenolic compounds was dominated by caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and p-coumaric acid. All the data obtained were all in agreement to support the conclusion of the positive effect of the FLC on the increase in pumpkin antioxidants. The RSM experiment result showed a quadratic relationship between temperature and freezing time on the antioxidant content with R2 for TPC, flavonoids, DPPH and ABTS were 0.85, 0.86, 0.83, and 0.88 respectively. The optimum freezing conditions occurred most likely at the temperature of -20oC for 9 hours. This condition was well confirmed by additional runs to result in an increase in TPC and antioxidant activity as per DPPH method by 54.44% and 36.60% respectively. Prediction using BRANN with a 2-15-1 network architecture trained without over-fitting has resulted in a performance equivalent to RSM based on parameters of the R2, MSE, and AAD used. Methanol extraction at 80oC for 30 minutes of pumpkin powder produced by optimized freezing yielded 3,820 mg GAE/mg TPC. This value was higher than that of obtained from other similar extraction or even ultrasonic extraction. The dietary supplement of pumpkin powder contained 5.92% water and Aw of 0.14, TPC of 9,15 mg GAE/g, flavonoids of 6,65 mg QE/g, and inhibition of DPPH and ABTS antioxidant activity of 45,936% and 50,89% respectively. Most of the phenolic compounds in the dietary pumpkin supplements were caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, isorhamnetin-3-Routoside-4 'rhamnoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-Routoside, and isoquercitrin. All the quality parameters of the supplement; namely the water content, microbial pathogens, and heavy metals were comply with the BPOM regulation for the respective supplement product. Based on interest rate of 15%, the pumpkin powder business can generate sufficient benefits. In conclusion, slow freezing using FLC can be used to disintegrate pumpkin cells optimally so that a product high in antioxidants can be formulated according to health supplement standards.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: 0621100002
Uncontrolled Keywords: pembekuan, fuzzy logic control, labu kuning, antioksidan, serbuk,freezing, fuzzy logic control, pumpkin, antioxidant, powder
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2022 02:22
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 02:52
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/188119
Yohanes Kristianto.pdf
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