Analisis dan Perumusan Strategi Mitigasi Risiko Rantai Pasok Perusahaan Pakaian Rajut

Sartono, Hafizh Malikul Mulki and Ir. Wifqi Azlia, ST., MT., IPM. (2021) Analisis dan Perumusan Strategi Mitigasi Risiko Rantai Pasok Perusahaan Pakaian Rajut. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


CV KAMPOENG RADJOET merupakan suatu badan usaha kecil menengah yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan, penjualan dan penyaluran pakaian rajut. CV KAMPOENG RADJOET memiliki tempat produksi tersendiri dan melakukan outsourcing untuk membantu perusahaan untuk dapat memenuhi permintaan barang yang melebihi dari kapasitas produksi perusahaan. Permasalahan terjadi pada penyelesaian pesanan oleh perusahaan sendiri dan menggunakan pihak outsourcing berupa waktu penyelesaian yang melebihi batas waktu, hal ini disertai sering terjadi kesulitan dalam memperoleh bahan baku benang yang sesuai dengan permintaan. Hal ini mengakibatkan kegiatan produksi terhambat, sehingga perusahaan menjadi terpaksa untuk mencari bahan baku benang di pemasok lain atau menunggu stok di pemasok langganan kembali tersedia. Sehingga diketahui bahwa pada CV KAMPOENG RADJOET terdapat risiko-risiko yang perlu diidentifikasi supaya bisa diukur dan dikendalikan, salah satu caranya adalah menggunakan metode House of Risk Pada metode House of Risk pertama dilakukan identifikasi dan penilaian severity kejadian risiko terlebih dahulu, pengidentifikasian ini dapat dilakukan menggunakan model SCOR berupa pengelompokan berdasarkan 5 proses inti rantai pasok yaitu plan, source, make, deliver, dan return. Setelah itu dilakukan identifikasi dan penilaian occurance agen risiko yang merupakan penyebab dari kejadian risiko, kemudian diberikan nilai korelasi antara kejadian risiko dan agen risiko yang berhubungan. Setelah didapatkan informasi tersebut dapat dilakukan perhitungan Aggregate Risk Potential yang merupakan akumulasi penilaian risiko dari keseluruhan agen risiko yang teridentifikasi, yang nantinya dapat diperoleh masing-masing nilai agen risiko yang kemudian diurutkan dari terbesar hingga terkecil untuk dibuatkan prioritas penanganan berdasarkan prinsip pareto. Setelah didapatkan urutan prioritas penanganan kemudian dilakukan perumusan strategi mitigasi dengan mempertimbangkan prioritas agen risiko yang sudah ditetapkan. Hasil strategi mitigasi risiko yang dihasilkan kemudian dilakukan penilaian untuk dipilih mana yang perlu didahulukan untuk diterapkan. Pada CV Kampoeng Radjoet berdasarkan hasil identifikasi risiko didapatkan 36 kejadian risiko dan 35 risk agent secara total. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi risiko ini kemudian dilakukan perumusan sebanyak 7 strategi mitigasi risiko yang dapat mencegah dan menanggulangi terjadinya risiko yang teridentifikasi.

English Abstract

CV Kampoeng Radjoet is a business that classified as a small and medium-sized enterprises that produce and sell a wide variety of knitted products. CV Kampoeng Radjoet has it’s own production facility and also employ the services of outsourcing as a means to help the company to fulfill it’s demand that exceed the production capacity that the company currently has. Problem arise on the process of finishing an order that are either being processed by the company itself or by the outsourced firm that the company employ, which is the time that are used to finish an order exceed the standard time that the company established. With that said, the company is also faced by the difficulties of procuring raw material which is wool threads that are used for production, this caused the production process of an order to be delayed until the company managed to procure the required raw material that match the order specifications. With these information, it can be concluded that the company is facing risks that could interrupt the company’s supply chain, those risks that are exist are required to be identified and measured, in order for the company to be able to control and manage the existing risks so it can be mitigated and eliminated. One of the method that can be used for this instance is a method called “The House of Risk” In House of Risk method, firstly the required step is to identify the risk event that after being identified are also rated with the severity level score of the risk event itself. SCOR Model can be used to help risk identification by categorizing the supply chain into 5 core processes which is plan, source, make, deliver, and return. The next required step is to identify the risk agent which are the causes of the risk event that are already identified, risk agent is also rated with occurrence level score that determine the frequency level of the risk agent that happened. After the severity and the occurrence level score are obtained, the next step is to determine the correlation level between the risk event and risk agent that are correlated between each other. After all the information obtained, ARP (Aggregate Risk Potential) calculation can be done which is the accumulation of risk level score from all of each risk agent that are already identified. Through this ARP it can be identified the risk level from the highest until the lowest risk level score, then it can be prioritized which risk should be dealt with first using pareto principle. After the risk priority has been established, the strategic mitigation or preventive action can be formulated based on the existing risk priority. All of the formulated strategic mitigation then scored based on the total effectiveness score of each strategy, so it can be determined which strategy should be implemented first. The risk identification results in CV Kampoeng Radjoet is that there are 36 of risk event and 35 of risk agent in total. Based on these risk, then 7 strategic mitigation are formulated to mitigate and prevent identified existing risks.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521070123
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: House of Risk, Prinsip Pareto, Rantai Pasok, Risiko, SCOR
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: yulia Chasanah
Date Deposited: 23 Dec 2021 05:51
Last Modified: 07 Oct 2024 06:52
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