Vision-text time series correlation for visual-to-language story generation

R.S. Perdana, - (2021) Vision-text time series correlation for visual-to-language story generation. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems.


Automatic generation of textual stories from visual data representation, known as visual storytelling, is a recent advancement in the problem of images-to-text. Instead of using a single image as input, visual storytelling processes a sequential array of images into coherent sentences. A story contains non-visual concepts as well as descriptions of literal object(s). While previous approaches have applied external knowledge, our approach was to regard the non-visual concept as the semantic correlation between visual modality and textual modality. This paper, therefore, presents new features representation based on a canonical correlation analysis between two modalities. Attention mechanism are adopted as the underlying architecture of the image-to-text problem, rather than standard encoder-decoder models. Canonical Correlation Attention Mechanism (CAAM), the proposed end-to-end architecture, extracts time series correlation by maximizing the cross-modal correlation. Extensive experiments on VIST dataset ( ) were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the architecture in terms of automatic metrics, with additional experiments show the impact of modality fusion strategy.

English Abstract

Automatic generation of textual stories from visual data representation, known as visual storytelling, is a recent advancement in the problem of images-to-text. Instead of using a single image as input, visual storytelling processes a sequential array of images into coherent sentences. A story contains non-visual concepts as well as descriptions of literal object(s). While previous approaches have applied external knowledge, our approach was to regard the non-visual concept as the semantic correlation between visual modality and textual modality. This paper, therefore, presents new features representation based on a canonical correlation analysis between two modalities. Attention mechanism are adopted as the underlying architecture of the image-to-text problem, rather than standard encoder-decoder models. Canonical Correlation Attention Mechanism (CAAM), the proposed end-to-end architecture, extracts time series correlation by maximizing the cross-modal correlation. Extensive experiments on VIST dataset ( ) were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the architecture in terms of automatic metrics, with additional experiments show the impact of modality fusion strategy.

Item Type: Article
Depositing User: Bambang Septiawan
Date Deposited: 16 Dec 2021 04:14
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2021 04:14
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