Pengaruh Perbedaan Waktu Depurasi Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Pb Dan Coliform Pada Kerang Corbicula Largillierti dari Sungai Kapuas, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat

Rahayu, Widya and Prof. Dr.Ir. Diana Arfiati,, MS and Andi Kurniawan,, S.Pi, M. Eng, D. Sc (2021) Pengaruh Perbedaan Waktu Depurasi Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Pb Dan Coliform Pada Kerang Corbicula Largillierti dari Sungai Kapuas, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kerang Corbicula largillierti merupakan kerang khas air tawar bernilai ekonomis tinggi yang banyak di temukan di Sungai Kapuas. Kerang ini dikonsumsi masyarakat sebagai sumber protein hewani dan juga digunakan sebagai bahan pakan ternak. Hasil uji laboratorium dari kerang Corbicula largilliert tersebut diketahui mengandung Pb dan Coliform rata-rata sebesar 1,74 ppm dan 5000 MPN/100ml. Kadar Pb pada air Sungai Kapuas sebesar 0,0021 ppm dan Coliform sebesar 24000 MPN/100ml, sedangkan Kadar Pb pada sedimen sebesar 4,8 ppm dan Colifom sebesar 15 MPN/100ml. Kadar Pb tersebut menurut KEPMENLH (2004) telah melebihi ambang batas baku mutu perairan dan biota yaitu 0,0010 ppm. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu terbaik dalam menurunkan kadar logam berat Pb dan Coliform terbanyak pada kerang Corbicula largillierti dengan depurasi menggunakan kombinasi UV light 35 watt, asam sitrat 14 ppm dan hidrodinamik dengan kecepatan air (debit) 0,005 Liter/detik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April - November 2020 dengan metode eksperimental Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF). Penelitian menggunakan 4 perlakuan lama perendaman (3 jam, 6 jam, 9 jam, 12 jam) pada perlakuan depurasi menggunakan air bersih tanpa aliran air (stagnan) dan perlakuan kombinasi UV light – asam sitrat – hidrodinamik dan 3 ulangan. Pengambilan sampel kerang Corbicula largillierti dilakukan di Sungai Kapuas, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. Sebagai kontrol digunakan kerang tanpa perlakuan depurasi yang langsung diukur kadar Pb dan Coiform nya. Kadar Pb dan Coliform pada kerang tersebut diamati setelah perlakuan. Disamping itu juga dilakukan pengukuran kualitas air pada air media perendaman (suhu, pH, oksigen terlarut, Pb dan Coliform). Kadar Pb pada kerang sebelum depurasi (kontrol) adalah 1,74 ppm. Perlakuan terbaik menggunakan air bersih tanpa aliran air adalah perendaman 9 jam karena kadar Pb menurun 14,41% menjadi 1,4892 ppm, sedangkan depurasi menggunakan kombinasi UV light - asam sitrat – hidrodinamik perendaman 6 jam merupakan perlakuan terbaik dalam menurunkan logam Pb sebesar 84,09% menjadi 0,2768 ppm. Coliform pada kerang sebelum direndam adalah 5000 MPN/100ml. Setelah dilakukan depurasi menggunakan air bersih tanpa aliran air (stagnan) perlakuan terbaik adalah perendaman 9 jam karena Coliform mengalami penurunan sebesar 99,96% menjadi <3 MPN/100ml, sedangkan depurasi menggunakan kombinasi UV light - asam sitrat – hidrodinamik perendaman 3 jam Coliform sudah mengalami penurunan sebesar 99,96% menjadi <3 MPN/100ml. Penurunan kadar Pb dan Coliform diduga dari keluarnya logam Pb dan Coliform bersamaan dengan feses dan lendir selama proses metabolisme. Perlakuan terbaik dalam menurunkan kadar Pb sebanyak 84,09% dan Coliform sebanyak 99,96% yaitu selama 6 jam dengan depurasi menggunakan kombinasi UV light – asam sitrat - hidrodinamik. Hasil analisis kualitas air selama perendaman masih dalam batas baku mutu kehidupan kerang, suhu yaitu 26,4 – 31,15 0C, pH 5,7 – 6,8 dan oksigen terlarut 5,2 - 6,9 masih dalam batas toleransi. Dengan demikian kerang Corbicula largillierti dalam keadaan hidup dari Sungai Kapuas sebaiknya di rendam dengan kombinasi UV light –asam sitrat – hidrodinamik selama 6 jam sebelum dimanfaatkan.

English Abstract

Corbicula largillierti is a limnetic clam that has an economic value found in the Kapuas River. These clams can be consumed as a source of protein and can be used as feed ingredients for animal. The resul laboratory test to the heavy metals Pb and Coliform in the waters of the Kapuas river in the city of Pontianak, it shows that the average Pb contamination in the Kapuas river water is 0.0021 ppm and the Coliform is 24000 MPN/100ml. The average Pb in clam is 1,74 ppm and Coliform is 5000 MPN/100ml, while the Pb in sediment is 4,8 ppm and Coliform is 15 MPN/100ml. The standard quality of Pb contamination for aquatic biota is 0.0010 ppm and Coliform is 1000 MPN/100ml. It shows that the heavy metals Pb and Coliform in the Kapuas River have exceeded the limits designated for aquatic biota.Tthis research aims is to find out the best duration to reduce Pb and Coliform contents in Corbicula largillierti clam are used combination 35 watt UV light, 14 ppm citric acid and hydrodinamic with a discharge speed of 0.005 L/s in depuration. This research was conducted in April - November 2020 with experimental method Factorial Completely Random Design. the research using four treatments of water flowing (3-hour, 6-hour, 9-hour, 12-hour flow) and 3 replication in depuration treatment using clean water without water flow (stagnant) and treatment combination UV light - citric acid - hydrodinamic. The took sample of the Corbicula largillierti clam it is done Kapuas River, Pontianak, West Kaliamantan. As control used clam without depuration treatment which directly measured the levels of Pb and Coiform. The Pb and Coliform levels in these clam were observed after treatment. In addition, water quality measurements are also carried out on water immersion media (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, Pb and Coliform). The level Pb in clam before depuration or control is 1,74 ppm. The best treatment using clean water without water flow (stagnant) is 9-hour because the Pb level decreased by 14,41% become 1,4892 ppm, whereas for the depuration using combination UV light - citric acid - hydrodinamic the best treatment was 6-hour because the Pb level decreased by 84,09% become 0,2768 ppm. The Coliform in clam before depuration is 5000 MPN/100ml. After depuration treatment using clean water without water flow (stagnant) the best treatment was 9-hour because the Coliform decreased by 99,96% become <3 MPN/100ml, whereas for the depuration using combination UV light - citric acid - hydrodinamic the best treatment was 3-hour because the Coliform decreased by 99,96% become <3 MPN/100ml. The decrease in Pb and Coliform levels is thought to be from the release of Pb and Coliform metals along with feces and mucus during the metabolic process. The best treatment was 6-hour with depuration using a combination of UV light - citric acid - hydrodinamic because the Pb level decreased by 84,09% and the Coliform level decreased by 99,94%. The water quality parameters were in the range appropriate for mussel life, temperature 26.4 - 31.15 0C, pH 5.7 - 6.8 and dissolved oxygen 5.2 - 6.9, which were still within tolerance limits. Thus, the clam of Corbicula largillierti alive from the Kapuas River should be depuration using a combination of UV light - citric acid - hydrodinamic for 6 hours before being utilized.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042108
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 639 Hunting, fishing & conservation > 639.3 Culture of cold-blooded vertebrates
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2021 07:03
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2024 01:30
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