Urgensi Pengaturan Batasan Tarif Tertinggi Skrining COVID-19 di Indonesia (Tinjauan Yuridis Surat Edaran Dirjen Pelayanan Kesehatan tentang Batasan Tarif Tertinggi Skrining COVID-19)

Sari,, Laras Ayu Lintang (2021) Urgensi Pengaturan Batasan Tarif Tertinggi Skrining COVID-19 di Indonesia (Tinjauan Yuridis Surat Edaran Dirjen Pelayanan Kesehatan tentang Batasan Tarif Tertinggi Skrining COVID-19). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pada skripsi ini, penulis mengangkat permasalahan Urgensi Pengaturan Penetapan Batasan Tarif Tertinggi Skrining COVID-19 di Indonesia. Pilihan tema tersebut dilatar belakangi oleh terbitnya surat edaran Direktorat Jenderal Pelayanan Kesehatan yang menetapkan batasan tarif tertinggi skrining COVID-19 sebagai bentuk kepastian hukum akan harga skrining COVID-19 yang variatif di masyarakat. Tujuan kepastian hukum dalam surat edaran tidak selaras dengan karakter produk hukum yang diterbitkan. Dengan demikian hal ini menimbulkan kekaburan norma hukum antara tujuan pembentukan aturan dengan karakteristik aturan tersebut. Berdasarkan hal itu, rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini: (1) Bagaimana keabsahan Surat Edaran Batasan Tarif Tertinggi Skrining COVID-19? (2) Bagaimana akibat hukum surat edaran Batasan Tarif Tertinggi Skrining COVID-19 ditinjau dari aspek kepastian hukum? (3) Apakah Urgensi Penetapan Batasan Tertinggi Tarif Skrining COVID-19? Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Bahan hukum yang digunakan berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier dengan teknik penelusuran bahan hukum menggunakan studi pustaka dan menganalisis bahan hukum tersebut dengan analisis deduksi. Hasil penelitian, penulis memperoleh jawaban bahwa terdapat tiga syarat keabsahan tindakan pemerintah yang tidak terpenuhi oleh Surat Edaran Direktorat Jenderal Pelayanan Kesehatan tentang Batasan Tarif Tertinggi Skrining COVID-19. Pertama, pembentukan surat edaran tidak memenuhi aspek prosuder yang meliputi asas negara hukum. Kedua, pembentukan materi muatan surat edaran tidak memenuhi aspek substansi yang jelas dan pasti. Ketiga, pembentukan surat edaran tidak taat asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik (AUPB) yaitu asas kepastian dan asas kecermatan. Bahwa surat edaran batasan tarif tertinggi skrining COVID-19 tidak memiliki kepastian hukum karena kedudukan surat edaran yang bukan peraturan perundang-undangan. Urgensi dari penetapan batasan tertinggi tarif skrining COVID-19 adalah surat edaran batasan tertinggi tarif skrining COVID-19 tidak sah secara hukum dan kedudukan surat edaran yang tidak mampu mengandung jaminan kepastian hukum sehingga mengakibatkan lemahnya penegakan hukum dan penyalahgunaan aturan. Perlu untuk membentuk suatu aturan yang memiliki kepastian hukum dan kekuatan mengikat serta memiliki karakteristik aturan yang sesuai dengan tujuan pelaksanaan kebijakan penetapan tarif tertinggi skrining COVID-19.

English Abstract

In this thesis, the author raises the issue of the Urgency of Setting the Highest Rate Limit for COVID-19 Screening in Indonesia. The author was motivated by the issuance of a circular letter from the Directorate General of Health Services which stipulated the highest rate limit for COVID-19 screening as a form of legal certainty on the various prices of COVID-19 screening in the society. The purpose of legal certainty is not in line with the characteristics of the legal product issued. Thus, it creates a confusion of legal norms between the objectives of the formation of the regulations and the contents. Based on the above background, the research problems are: (1) how is the validity of the Circular Letter on the Highest Rate Limit for COVID-19 Screening? (2) In terms of legal certainty, how is the legal consequence of the Circular Letter on the Highest Rate Limit for COVID-19 Screening? (3) What is the Urgency for Setting the Highest Rate Limit for COVID-19 Screening? The research method used in this thesis is juridical normative with a statutory approach. The legal materials used are primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials with the technique of tracing legal materials using literature studies and analyzing the legal materials using deduction techniques. In the results of this research, the author found three unfulfilled requirements for the validity of government actions from the Circular Letter of the Directorate General of Health Services regarding the Highest Rate Limit for COVID-19 Screening. First, the formation of the circular letter does not fulfill the procedural aspects which include the rule of law principle. Second, the formation of the contents of the circular letter does not fulfill a clear and definite substance aspect. Third, the formation of the circular letter does not comply with the general principles of good governance (AUPB), namely the principle of certainty and the principle of accuracy. That the circular letter on the highest rate limit for COVID-19 screening does not have legal certainty because the circular letter is not a statutory regulation. The urgency of setting the highest rate limit for COVID-19 screening is that the circular letter on the highest rate limit for COVID-19 screening is not legally valid and it is unable to contain legal certainty, resulting in weak law enforcement and abuse of rules. It is important to establish a regulation that has legal certainty and binding force and has regulatory characteristics that are in line with the implementation objective of the policy of setting the highest rate for COVID-19 screening.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521010047
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 340 Law
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 23 Nov 2021 01:44
Last Modified: 07 Oct 2024 07:08
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/186720
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