Nugroho, Matheus (2019) Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Untuk Revegetasi Gunung Arjuna Dan Pelestarian Area Di Sekitar Sumber Mata Air. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Konferensi Lingkungan Hidup dan Pembangunan di Rio de Janeiro, 1992 menetapkan kebijakan kesadaran yang kuat tentang prinsip hidup integral dengan alam, yaitu pentinganya revegetasi hutan oleh masyarakat secara berkelanjutan. Vegetasi hutan berfungsi sebagai sistem hidrologi, terutama efek spons mampu menyekap air hujan dan mengatur pengalirannya, sehingga mengurangi terjadinya banjir dan menjaga aliran air di musim kemarau. Namun demikian, dengan semakin berkurangnya lahan pertanian, bertambahnya jumlah penduduk yang tinggal di sekitar hutan, perubahan tata kelola hutan lindung menjadi hutan produksi dan destinasi wisata, perluasan wilayah investasi industri, serta meningkatnya kebutuhan hidup masyarakat, maka kondisi-kondisi tersebut mengakibatkan tidak terkendalinya pengambilan sumber daya hutan mencakup air, flora dan fauna oleh kegiatan manusia. Keberadaan masyarakat sekitar hutan merupakan komponen masyarakat yang secara langsung berinteraksi dengan hutan yang berada disekitarnya, yang memberikan fungsi secara efektif terhadap keberhasilan konservasi hutan untuk penyelamatan sumber mata air dan keanekaragaman hayati yang ada didalamnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain: mengkaji faktor-faktor penentu pemberdayaan masyarakat terhadap revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna; mengkaji pengaruh kondisi geografi dan tanah terhadap revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna; mengkaji pengaruh revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna terhadap pelestarian sumber mata air dan merumuskan model pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar hutan terhadap keberhasilan revegetasi dan pelestarian sumber mata air secara berkelanjutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan populasi penelitian meliputi masyarakat sekitar hutan dan sumber mata air, yaitu Desa Leduk, Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo, Kecamatan Prigen Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Pengambilan data cluster random sampling di Desa Ledug, Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo dengan jumlah sampel 210 responden. Data yang diperoleh dari responden di analisis menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Modelling), untuk mengetahui gambaran umum tanggapan responden tentang faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kelestarian konservasi sumber mata air dan keanekaragaman hayati secara berkelanjutan. Sumberdaya manusia masyarakat sekitar hutan yaitu tingkat pendidikan dan pekerjaan berkontribusi terhadap berhasilnya revegetasi hutan; kondisi ekonomi keluarga seperti pendapatan perorangan dan keluarga, kepemilikan ladang dan sawah untuk usaha, dan usaha-usaha peternakan dan perikanan memberikan bantuan terhadap berhasilnya revegetasi hutan; karakteristik sosial masyarakat sekitar hutan seperti ikatan gotong royong dan kekeluargaan antara anggota masyarakat berkonttribusi terhadap revegetasi hutan; kelembagaan masyarakat yaitu lembaga masyarakat desa hutan merupakan wadah untuk masyarakat dalam berhasilnya revegetasi hutan; ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana masyarakat desa seperti akses jalan yang sudah beraspal, alat transportasi dan jaringan komunikasi, xi fasilitas pendidikan dan kesehatan berkontribusi dalam berhasilnya revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna. Sebagian besar responden menyatakan persetujuannya bahwa sumberdaya manusia, ekonomi, sosial, kelembagaan dan sarana dan prasarana masyarakat sekitar hutan berkontribusi terhadap revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna. Persepsi responden menjelaskan bahwa faktor kelembagaan lokal, sarana dan prasarana mempunyai peranan lebih tinggi dibandingkan faktor-faktor lainnya dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna. Peranan lembaga pengelola hutan seperti LMDH Desa Leduk, Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo semakin jelas secara fungsional, dan melakukan kerja sama dengan Perum Perhutani dalam pengelolaan hutan bersama masyarakat dengan prinsip kemitraan. Lembaga masyarakat desa hutan memiliki hak kelola di petak hutan pangkuan di wilayah desa Leduk, Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo, dimana lembaga tersebut berada, bekerjasama dengan Perum Perhutani dan mendapat bagi hasil dari kerjasama tersebut. Sarana dan prasarana juga mempunyai peranan lebih tinggi dibandingkan faktor-faktor lainnya dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna. Sarana dan prasarana sebagai fasilitas yang digunakan sebagai alat dan pendukung pemberdayaan masyarakat Desa Ledug, Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo antara lain akses jalan desa, alat transportasi desa, prasarana air bersih, prasarana fasilitas kesehatan dan fasilitas pendidikan. Kondisi geografi kemiringan lahan penanaman seperti miring, berbukit-bukit, curam dan tanah berbatu-batu berkontribusi terhadap keberhasilan revegetasi hutan; kondisi kedalaman tanah seperti tingkat kesuburan, daya serap tanah terhadap air dan erosi berkontribusi terhadap keberhasilan revegetasi hutan. Kondisi kemiringan lahan area sekitar sumber mata air untuk revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna adalah kecuraman lereng 15o sampai dengan dibawah 30o, kondisi tersebut menyatakan area yang miring dan berbukit. Kondisi kedalaman tanah efektif area sekitar sumber mata air untuk revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna adalah kondisi permukaan tanah berkurang karena erosi pada waktu musim hujan. Pengamatan kedalaman tanah efektif di area sekitar sumber mata air masuk sedang, yaitu kedalaman tanah 50-90 cm. Sebagian besar responden menyatakan persetujuannya bahwa kondisi kemiringan lahan dan kedalaman tanah efektif berkontribusi terhadap keberhasilan revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna. Persepsi responden menjelaskan bahwa faktor faktor kemiringan lahan dan kedalaman tanah efektif sama-sama memberikan kontribusi terhadap keberhasilan revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna. Faktor kelerengan di lokasi revegetasi sumber mata air Lajer, Dawuan, Sumber Kuning dan Watu Pereng berpengaruh terhadap erosi yang terjadi, semakin besar presentase kemiringan pada suatu lereng akan memberikan daya erosivitas pada hujan yang semakin besar, dan kerusakan vegetasi hutan. Sementara kedalaman tanah efektif adalah kedalaman tanah yang masih dapat ditembus akar tanaman. Pengamatan kedalaman tanah efektif dilakukan dengan mengamati persebaran akar tanaman. Banyaknya perakaran, baik akar halus maupun akar kasar, serta dalamnya akar-akar tersebut dapat menembus tanah dan bila tidak dijumpai akar tanaman, maka kedalaman efektif ditentukan berdasarkan kedalaman solum tanah. Semakin dalam kedalaman tanah, maka bahan organik atau unsur hara memegang peranan penting untuk tanaman semakin berkurang dan tidak produktif tanah yang dihasilkan. Revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna yang dimulai sejak tahun 2013 yang mencakup kegiatan pemilihan spesies tanaman, pembibitan, pemupukan, penanaman dan perawatan dapat bermanfaat terhadap pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air Lajer, Dawuan, Sumberkuning dan Watupereng. Penutupan vegetasi memegang peranan penting dalam pengaturan sistem hidrologi, yang dapat menyekap air hujan dan mengatur pengalirannya sehingga mengurangi kecenderungan banjir dan xii menjaga aliran air di musim kemarau. Fungsi tersebut akan hilang jika vegetasi di daerah aliran sungai yang lebih tinggi hilang atau rusak. Pemilihan spesies tanaman vegetasi seperti tanaman bambu, kaliandra, rotan, beringin, sono, kluwek, kluweh, rengas, kesambi, trengguli dan pohon asem dapat memberikan manfaat pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air Lajer, Dawuan, Sumberkuning dan Watupereng. Pembibitan tanaman seperti bibit tanaman bersertifikat dan tinggi bibit seragam minimal 2 meter memberikan manfaat tumbuhnya tanaman dan pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air Lajer; Dawuan, Sumberkuning dan Watupereng. Kegiatan pemupukan tanaman seperti jenis pupuk organik (pupuk kandang) dan pupuk anorganik (nitrogen, phospor & kalium), pemupukan tanaman dilakukan di awal tanam, dan secara terus menerus setiap selang 3 bulanan, sampai umur tanaman 3 tahun memberikan manfaat tumbuhnya tanaman dan pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air Lajer; Dawuan, Sumberkuning dan Watupereng. Kegiatan penanaman pohon seperti seperti menerapkan peraturan pemerintah desa pelanggar kerusakan hutan, ukuran jarak dan lebar tanaman revegetasi 3 meter x 3 meter (300 pohon/ha) dan menerapkan prosedur yaitu membuat lubang dan tanam bibit pohon dengan posisi tegak, sedalam 3 cm dari leher akar, dan tutup kembali tanah, memberikan manfaat tumbuhnya tanaman dan pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air Lajer; Dawuan, Sumberkuning dan Watupereng. Kegiatan perawatan tanaman meliputi: membersihkan tanaman dari rumput, menyiangi tanaman, membuat sekat bakar ketika musim kemarau, melaporkan hasil perawatan kepada LMDH setiap 1 bulan sekali, memberikan manfaat tumbuhnya tanaman dan pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air Lajer; Dawuan, Sumberkuning dan Watupereng. Persepsi responden menjelaskan bahwa faktor-faktor jenis tanaman dan perawatan tanaman mempunyai peranan lebih tinggi dibandingkan faktor-faktor lainnya dalam revegetasi hutan untuk pelestarian sumber mata air di Gunung Arjuna. Hasil revegetasi hutan untuk pelestarian area sumber mata air di Gunung Arjuna, selama periode tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2017 dengan hasil sebagai berikut: (1) revegetasi hutan tahap pertama area sumber mata air Lajer tahun 2014, jumlah pohon 3000, dengan luasan 10 hektar, prosentase pohon hidup 94%, dan debit air sumber mata air adalah 10,35 liter/detik; (2) revegetasi hutan tahap kedua area sumber mata air Dawuhan tahun 2015, jumlah pohon 1500, dengan luasan 15 hektar, prosentase pohon hidup 92%, dan debit air sumber mata air adalah 25,47 liter/detik; (3) revegetasi hutan tahap ketiga area sumber mata air Sumber Kuning tahun 2016, jumlah pohon 5000, dengan luasan 25 hektar, prosentase pohon hidup 86%, dan debit air sumber mata air adalah 10,25 liter/detik; (4) revegetasi hutan tahap keempat sumber mata air Watu Pereng tahun 2017, jumlah pohon 8000, dengan luasan 46 hektar, prosentase pohon hidup 99%, dan debit air sumber mata air adalah 0,80 liter/detik. Sebagian besar responden menyatakan persetujuannya bahwa kegiatan revegetasi hutan seperti pemilihan spesies tanaman, pembibitan, pemupukan, penanaman dan perawatan berkontribusi terhadap keberhasilan pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air. Sebagian besar responden menyatakan persetujuannya bahwa profil tanaman vegetasi hutan seperti stratifikasi vegetasi, kekayaan burung, kekayaan taksonomi, kerapatan tanaman menggambarkan kondisi pelestarian hutan dan area disekitar sumber mata air. Sebagian besar responden menyatakan persetujuannya bahwa kondisi debit sumber mata air di musim penghujan tetap besar dan airnya jernih, kondisi debit sumber mata air di musim kemarau tetap besar dan airnya jernih, lahan tidak mengalami erosi di waktu musim penghujan dan manfaat air untuk masyarakat tetap ada, point-point tersebut menjelaskan bahwa kondisi pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air tetap terjaga.Formulasi atau bentuk model pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar hutan yaitu masyarakat Desa Leduk, Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo yang berbasis revegetasi Gunung xiii Arjuna dan pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air Lajer, Dawuan, Sumberkuning dan Watupereng adalah kegiatan pengembangan lembaga masyarakat desa hutan (LMDH), sarana dan prasarana, dan merupakan kebaruan penelitian disertasi ini. Persepsi responden menjelaskan bahwa faktor kelembagaan lokal, sarana dan prasarana mempunyai peranan lebih tinggi dibandingkan faktor-faktor lainnya dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna dan pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air. Bentuk pengembangan lembaga masyarakat desa hutan (LMDH) antara lain penguatan struktur organisasi LMDH Mulyorejo Lestari Kelurahan Leduk, LMDH Ngudi Lestari Desa Jatiarjo dan LMDH Indrokilo Manunggal Desa Dayurejo; LMDH bertanggung jawab dalam perencanaan penanaman mencakup pemilihan spesies dan pembibitan tanaman. LMDH bertanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan revegetasi hutan mencakup kegiatan penanaman, pemupukan dan perawatan secara intensif selama 3 tahun. LMDH bersama Perhutani, stakeholder lainnya bertanggung jawab dalam monitoring pertumbuhan tanaman setiap 3 bulan sekali. LMDH bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan tindakan perbaikan terhadap tanaman yang rusak dan mati karena hama dan kondisi alamiah. LMDH merupakan wadah bagi masyarakat Kelurahan Leduk, Desa Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo untuk terlibat aktif dalam pelaksanaan program revegetasi hutan (perencanaan, pembiayaan, organisasi, pelaksanaan, pemantauan dan evaluasi, serta pelaporan). Pengembangan LMDH dalam melakukan kerjasama dengan PT. Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo, Perhutani dan Lembaga Lingkungan Cempaka dan Kaliandra secara berkelanjutan dalam palaksanaan revegetasi hutan dan pelestarian area disekitar sumber mata air. Bentuk pengembangan sarana dan prasarana di Kelurahan Leduk, Desa Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis revegetasi hutan Gunung Arjuna dan pelestarian area di sekitar sumber mata air antara lain: (1) pembangunan dan perbaikan akses jalan dengan menggunakan program dana Desa; (2) meningkatkan kualitas sarana transportasi desa yaitu angkutan desa mikrolet; (3) perbaikan fasilitas air bersih untuk masyarakat Kelurahan Leduk, Desa Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo; (4) perbaikan kualitas layanan kesehatan di Puskesmas pembantu Kelurahan Leduk, Desa Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo dan (5) perbaikan kualitas layanan pendidikan yaitu peningkatan fasilitas di sekolah dasar (SD) dan sekolah menengah pertama (SLTP) untuk masyarakat di Kelurahan Leduk, Desa Jatiarjo dan Dayurejo.
English Abstract
The Environment and Development Conference in Rio de Janeiro, 1992 established a strong awareness policy on the principle of living integral to nature, namely the importance of revegetation of forests by the community in a sustainable manner. Forest vegetation functions as a hydrological system, especially the sponge effect was able to trap rainwater and regulate its drainage, thereby reducing flooding and maintaining water flow in the dry season. However, with the reduction in agricultural land, increasing population living in the surrounding forests, changes in the management of protected forests into production forests and tourist destinations, expansion of industrial investment areas, and increasing people's living needs, these conditions result in uncontrolled taking Forest resources include water, flora and fauna by human activities. The existence of the community around the forest was a component of the community that directly interacts with the surrounding forest, which provides an effective function of the success of forest conservation for the salvage of springs and biodiversity within it. The objectives of this study include: assessing the determinants of community empowerment towards revegetation of the Arjuna mount forest; examine the effect of geography and soil conditions on the revegetation of the Arjuna mount forest; reviewing the effect of revegetation of the Arjuna mount forest on the preservation of spring resources and formulating a model for empowering communities around the forest to successfully revegetate and preserve springs in a sustainable manner. The research method used was descriptive quantitative, with the study population covering the communities around the forest and springs, namely the villages of Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo, Prigen District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. Cluster random sampling data in Ledug, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo villages with a sample of 210 respondents. Data obtained from respondents were analyzed using SEM (structural equation modeling), to find out an overview of respondents' responses about the factors that influence the sustainability of conservation of springs and biodiversity in a sustainable manner. Human resources around the forest, namely the level of education and employment contribute to the success of revegetation of forests; family economic conditions such as individual and family income, ownership of fields and rice fields for business, and livestock and fisheries businesses provide assistance for successful forest revegetation; social characteristics of the community around the forest such as mutual cooperation and kinship between community members contributing to forest revegetation; community institutions, namely forest village community institutions, were a vehicle for the community to successfully revegetate forests; availability of village community facilities and infrastructure such as paved road access, transportation and communication networks, education and health facilities contribute to the successful revegetation of Arjuna mount forest. Most respondents agreed that human, economic, social, institutional and community facilities and infrastructure surrounding the forest contributed to the revegetation of Arjuna mount forests. xv Respondents' perceptions explained that local institutional factors, facilities and infrastructure have a higher role than other factors in community empowerment for revegetation of Arjuna mount forests. The role of forest management institutions such as the forest village community institutions of Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo villages was increasingly functional, and collaborates with Indonesian state forest company in managing forests together with the community based on the principle of partnership. Forest village community institutions have management rights in lap forest plots in the village areas of Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo, where these institutions are located, in collaboration with Indonesian state forest company and receive a share of the profits from the collaboration. Facilities and infrastructure also have a higher role than other factors in community empowerment for revegetation of Arjuna mount forests. Facilities and infrastructure as facilities used as tools and support for community empowerment in the villages of Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo include village road access, village transportation, clean water infrastructure, health facilities and education facilities. The geographical conditions of the slope of the planting land such as sloping, hilly, steep and rocky soils contribute to the success of forest revegetation; soil depth conditions such as fertility, water absorption and erosion contribute to the success of forest revegetation. The condition of the slope of the land around the spring for the revegetation of Arjuna mount forest was the steepness of the slopes 15O to below 30O, this condition states the area was sloping and hilly. The effective soil depth conditions around the spring for the revegetation of Arjuna mount forests were the reduced surface conditions due to erosion during the rainy season. Observation of effective soil depth in the area around the source of the medium inlet, which was 50-90 cm deep. Most respondents stated their agreement that the condition of the slope and depth of the land effectively contributed to the success of revegetation of Arjuna mount forests. Respondents' perceptions explained that land slope and effective soil depth factors contributed to the success of revegetation of the Arjuna mount forest. Slope factor in revegetation locations of Lajer, Dawuan, Sumber Kuning and Watu Pereng springs influences erosion, the greater the percentage of slope on a slope will provide erosivity to greater rainfall, and damage to forest vegetation. While effective soil depth was the depth of the soil that could still be penetrated by plant roots. Effective soil depth observation was done by observing the distribution of plant roots. The number of roots, both fine roots and coarse roots, and the depth of these roots could penetrate the soil and if no roots were found, the effective depth was determined based on the depth of the soil. The deeper the depth of the soil, the organic material or nutrients play an important role for plants the less and unproductive soil produced. Revegetation of the Arjuna mount forest which began in 2013 which included the selection of plant species, nurseries, fertilizing, planting and care could benefit the preservation of the area around the Lajer, Dawuan, Sumber Kuning and Watu Pereng springs. Vegetation cover plays an important role in regulating the hydrological system, which could trap rainwater and regulate its drainage thereby reducing the tendency of flooding and maintaining water flow in the dry season. This function will be lost if vegetation in the higher watersheds was lost or damaged. The selection of vegetation plant species such as bamboo, calliandra, rattan, banyan, sono, kluwek, kluweh, rengas, porch, trengguli and tamarind trees could provide the benefits of preserving the area around the Lajer, Dawuan, Sumber Kuning and Watu Pereng springs. Plant nurseries such as certified plant seedlings and same heights of at least 2 meters provide the benefits of plant growth and preservation of the area around the Lajer spring; Dawuan, Sumber Kuning and Watu Pereng. Fertilization activities such xvi as organic fertilizer (animal waste) and inorganic fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), fertilizing plants were carried out at the beginning of planting, and continuously every 3 months intervals, until the age of 3 years the plants provide the benefits of plant growth and preservation of the area around the Lajer, Dawuan, Sumber Kuning and Watu Pereng springs. Tree planting activities such as implementing village government regulations that violate forest damage, measuring the distance and width of revegetation plants 3 meters x 3 meters (300 trees/hectare) and implementing procedures namely making holes and planting tree seedlings in an upright position, as deep as 3 cm from the root neck, and cover the land again, providing the benefits of plant growth and preservation of the area around the Lajer, Dawuan, Sumber Kuning and Watu Pereng springs. Plant care activities include: cleaning plants from the grass, weeding plants, making firebreaks during the dry season, reporting treatment results to forest village community institutions once every 1 month, providing plant growth and preserving the area around the Lajer, Dawuan, Sumber Kuning and Watu Pereng springs. Respondents' perceptions explained that the factors of plant type and plant care had a higher role than other factors in revegetation of forests for the preservation of springs on Arjuna mount. The results of revegetation of forests for the preservation of the spring area of Arjuna mount, during the period of 2014 to 2017 with the following results: (1) revegetation of the first phase of the Lajer spring area of 2014, the number of trees 3000, with an area of 10 hectares, the percentage live trees 94%, and spring water flow was 10.35 liters/second; (2) revegetation of the second stage of the Dawuan spring area in 2015, the number of trees 1500, with an area of 15 hectares, the percentage of living trees 92%, and the spring water flow was 25.47 liters/second; (3) revegetation of the forest in the third phase of the Sumber Kuning spring area, number of 5000 trees, with an area of 25 hectares, the percentage of living trees 86%, and the spring water source discharge was 10.25 liters / second; (4) revegetation of the fourth stage of Watu Pereng spring forest in 2017, the number of trees was 8000, with an area of 46 hectares, the percentage of living trees was 99%, and the spring water flow was 0.80 liters/second. Most respondents expressed their agreement that forest revegetation activities such as selection of plant species, nurseries, fertilizing, planting and care contributed to the success of the preservation of the area around the spring. Most respondents stated their agreement that the profiles of forest vegetation plants such as vegetation stratification, bird wealth, taxonomic wealth, plant density describe the condition of forest preservation and the area around the spring. Most respondents stated their agreement that the condition of spring water discharge in the rainy season remained large and the water was clear, the condition of spring water discharge in the dry season remained large and the water was clear, the land did not experience erosion during the rainy season and the benefits of water for the community remained, these points explain that the condition of preservation of the area around the spring was maintained. Formulation or form of community empowerment model around the forest namely Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo community based on the revegetation of Arjuna mount and preservation of the area around the spring of Lajer, Dawuan, Sumber Kuning and Watu Pereng the activities of developing forest village community institutions, facilities and infrastructure, and was the novelty of this dissertation research. Respondents' perceptions explained that local institutional factors, facilities and infrastructure have a higher role than other factors in community empowerment based on the revegetation of Arjuna mount forest and preservation of the area around the spring. The forms of development of forest village community institutions include strengthening the organizational structure of forest village community institutions of Mulyorejo Lestari in Leduk Village, forest village community institutions of Ngudi xvii Lestari in Jatiarjo Village and forest village community institutions of Indrokilo Manunggal in Dayurejo village; forest village community institutions was responsible for planting planning including species selection and plant nurseries. Forest village community institutions responsible for carrying out forest revegetation including intensive planting, fertilizing and maintenance activities for 3 years. Forest village community institutions together with Indonesian state forest companies, other stakeholders are responsible for monitoring plant growth every 3 months. Forest village community institutions was responsible for taking corrective action on plants that were damaged and die due to pests and natural conditions. Forest village community institutions was a place for Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo villages to be actively involved in the implementation of forest revegetation programs (planning, financing, organization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting). Development of forest village community institutions in collaborating with PT. Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo, the Indonesian state forest company and the Cempaka and Kaliandra Environmental Institute in a sustainable manner in the implementation of forest revegetation and conservation of the area around the spring. Forms of development of facilities and infrastructure in Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo villages in community empowerment based on the revegetation of Arjuna mount forest and preservation of the area around the spring, include: (1) construction and improvement of access roads using the village funding program; (2) improving the quality of village transportation facilities, namely microbus village transportation; (3) improvement of clean water facilities for the people of Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo village; (4) improvement in the quality of health services in sub-district community health centers of Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo villages and (5) improvement in the quality of education services, namely improving facilities in primary and junior high schools for the community in Leduk, Jatiarjo and Dayurejo village.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DIS/631.64/NUG/m/2019/061911403 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | revegetation |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.6 Clearing, drainage, revegetation |
Divisions: | Program Pascasarjana > Doktor Kajian Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 08 Nov 2021 04:46 |
Last Modified: | 08 Nov 2021 04:46 |
URI: | |
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