Pengaplikasian Vacuum Cooling Pasca Pasteurisasi Pada Madu Hutan Riau Terhadap Aktivitas Enzim Diastase dan Sifat Fisik. Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si. dan Dr.Ir. Sandra Malin Sutan, MP.

Cahyani, Silvi Astri (2021) Pengaplikasian Vacuum Cooling Pasca Pasteurisasi Pada Madu Hutan Riau Terhadap Aktivitas Enzim Diastase dan Sifat Fisik. Dr. Ir. Anang Lastriyanto, M.Si. dan Dr.Ir. Sandra Malin Sutan, MP. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Madu didefinisikan sebagai cairan alami yang biasanya memiliki rasa manis, yang berasal dari nektar bunga. Komponen utama madu merupakan larutan gula jenuh alami yang terdiri atas campuran karbohidrat kompleks serta mengandung berbagai komponen minor yang sangat penting seperti vitamin, mineral, enzim, senyawa organic. Komponen minor tersebut sangat rentan rusak selama proses pengolahan madu berlangsung. Pada penelitian ini diaplikasikan metode pendinginan berupa vacuum cooling dengan tujuan untuk mempertahankan komponen minor yang terdapat dalam madu. Vacuum cooling yang diaplikasikan setalah proses pasteurisasi bertujuan untuk melepaskan panas latent yang terperangkap dalam madu dengan waktu yang relative singkat serta meminimalisir kerusakan pada komponen minor terutama enzim diastase. Rancangan penelitian terdiri dari 2 faktor yakni volume chamber yang terdiri dari 12,5%, 25%, dan 50%. Faktor kedua yaitu metode pendinginan yang terdiri dari konvensional dan vacuum cooling. Sampel hasil penelitian dilakukan pengujian terhadap aktivitas enzim diastase serta sifat fisik madu seperti kadar air, kerapatan massa jenis, serta keasaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendinginan dengan metode vacuum cooling memiliki hasil pengujian yang lebih baik dibandingkan pendinginan konvensional. Aktivitas enzim diastase pada volume chamber 125 ml sebesar 2,111 DN, volume chamber 250 ml sebesar 1,328 DN, dan volume chamber 50% sebesar 2,193 DN. Kadar air pada volume chamber 12,5% sebesar 13,66%, volume chamber 25% sebesar 12,90%, dan volume chamber 50% sebesar 14,26%. Kerapatan massa jenis pada volume chamber 12,5% sebesar 1,527 gr/cm3, volume chamber 25% sebesar 1,530 gr/cm3 , dan volume chamber 50% sebesar 1,508 gr/cm3. Keasaman pada volume chamber 12,5% sebesar 40,7 ml NaOH /Kg, volume chamber 25% sebesar 39,7 ml NaOH /Kg, dan volume chamber 50% sebesar 40 ml NaOH /Kg.

English Abstract

Honey is defined as a natural liquid which usually has a sweet taste, which comes from the nectar of flowers. The main component of honey is a natural saturated sugar solution consisting of a mixture of complex carbohydrates and contains various very important minor components such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, organic compounds. These minor components are very susceptible to damage during the honey processing process. In this study, a cooling method in the form of vacuum cooling was applied with the aim of maintaining the minor components in honey. Vacuum cooling that is applied after the pasteurization process aims to release the latent heat trapped in the honey in a relatively short time and minimize damage to minor components, especially the diastase enzyme. The research design consisted of 2 factors, namely the volume chamber consisting of 12,5%, 25%, dan 50%. The second factor is the cooling method which consists of conventional and vacuum cooling. The samples from the research were tested on diastase enzyme activity and the physical properties of honey such as moisture content, density, and acidity. The results showed that cooling with the vacuum cooling method had better test results than conventional cooling. The diastase enzyme activity in the 12,5 % chamber volume was 2.111 DN, the chamber volume 25% was 1.328 DN, and the chamber volume 50% was 2.193 DN. The water content in the 125 ml chamber volume was 13.66%, the chamber 25% volume was 12.90%, and the 50% chamber volume was 14.26%. The density at the volume of the 12,5% chamber is 1.527 gr / cm3, the volume of the chamber 25% is 1.530 gr / cm3, and the volume of the chamber 50% is 1.508 gr / cm3. The acidity of the 12,5% chamber volume was 40.7 ml NaOH / Kg, the chamber volume 25% was 39.7 ml NaOH / Kg, and the chamber volume 50% was 40 ml NaOH / Kg.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521100163
Uncontrolled Keywords: Madu; vacuum cooling; enzim diastase; kadar air,Honey; vacuum cooling; enzyme diastase; water content
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 03 Nov 2021 06:37
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 01:56
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