Uji Kinerja Mesin Poles Beras BAJAKU Tipe KB-20 (Studi Kasus Di Desa Wonokasian, Kecamatan Wonoayu, Kabupaten Sidoarjo)

Ulum, Miftakhul (2021) Uji Kinerja Mesin Poles Beras BAJAKU Tipe KB-20 (Studi Kasus Di Desa Wonokasian, Kecamatan Wonoayu, Kabupaten Sidoarjo). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Beras dimanfaatkan terutama untuk diolah menjadi nasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan masyarakat. Dalam proses pengelolaan saat ini terdapat beberapa kendala yang mengakibatkan hasil atau target yang didapat tidak sesuai dengan yang diingikan seperti kualitas mutu dan waktu pengolahannya. Mesin poles beras BAJAKU tipe KB-20 merupakan solusi dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas beras dengan kualitas mutu yang baik agar lebih menambah minat konsumen. Uji kinerja perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa optimal suatu mesin berfungsi untuk menghasilkan beras sosoh yang diinginkan. Pada penelitian, mesin poles beras BAJAKU tipe KB-20 menggunakan motor AC 20 HP dengan putaran poros utama 850 rpm. Proses pengujian menggunakan beras dengan varietas Inpari 42 dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Berdasarkan pengukuran hasil kapasitas kerja mesin poles beras BAJAKU tipe KB-20 menunjukkan nilai kapasitas masukan mesin sebesar 578,122 kg/jam, kapasitas keluaran mesin sebesar 575,141 kg/jam, kapasitas penyosohan sebesar 575,467 kg/jam, kebutuhan daya sebesar 8691,2 Watt dan energi spesifik sebesar 54,370 kJ/kg. Pengujian kualitas hasil penyosohan menunjukkan nilai persentase beras kepala sebesar 88,467%, persentase beras patah sebesar 10,431%, persentase menir sebesar viii 1,102%, persentase menir keseluruhan sebesar 1,069%, persentase beras keseluruhan sebesar 98,931%, rendemen sebesar 99,485%, kadar air sebesar 13,567%, dan derajat sosoh sebesar 98,889%. Berdasarkan hasil uji, mesin poles beras BAJAKU tipe KB-20 dapat menghasilkan beras sosoh yang telah memenuhi kriteria beras mutu medium I menurut SNI 6128-2015.

English Abstract

Rice is mainly used to be processed into rice to meet the food needs of the community. In the current management process, there are several obstacles that result in the results or targets that are not as desired, such as quality and processing time. The rice polishing machine BAJAKU type KB-20 is a solution in an effort to increase the productivity of rice with good quality so as to increase consumer interest. A performance test needs to be done to find out how optimal a machine is to produce the desired sosoh rice. In the research, the rice polishing machine BAJAKU type KB-20 used a 20 HP AC motor with a main shaft rotation of 850 rpm. The testing process used rice with the Inpari 42 variety with 3 repetitions. Based on the measurement of the results of the work capacity of the rice polishing machine BAJAKU type KB-20 the value of the engine input capacity of 578,122 kg / hour, an engine output capacity of 575,141 kg / hour, an engine capacity of 575,467 kg / hour, a power requirement of 8691,2 Watt and energy specific amount of 54,370 kJ / kg. Testing the quality of the results showed the percentage value of head rice was 88.467%, the percentage of broken rice was 10.431%, the percentage of groats was 1.102%, the overall percentage of groats was 1.069%, the overall rice percentage was 98.931%, the yield was 99.485%, the moisture content was 13.567% , and the x degree of sosoh is 98.889%. Based on the test results, the rice polishing machine BAJAKU type KB-20 can produce sosoh rice that has met the criteria for medium quality I rice according to SNI 6128-2015.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521100148
Uncontrolled Keywords: beras, mesin poles beras BAJAKU tipe KB-20, uji kinerja,rice, rice polishing machine BAJAKU type KB-20, performance test
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 03 Nov 2021 02:14
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 06:53
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/186358
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