Analisis Safety & Health Hazard Pada Proses Pekerjaan di Warehouse Alfamart branch Sumatera Utara Menggunakan Metode Job Safety Analysis dan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis saat pandemic covid-19

Siregar, Macvin Frivaldo (2021) Analisis Safety & Health Hazard Pada Proses Pekerjaan di Warehouse Alfamart branch Sumatera Utara Menggunakan Metode Job Safety Analysis dan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis saat pandemic covid-19. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kegiatan pendistribusian barang menjadi hal esensial saat di masa pandemic covid-19. Kegiatan pendistribusian tidak dapat terlepas dari Gudang pendistribusian (distribution warehouse). Warehouse Alfamart branch Sumatera Utara merupakan salah satu warehouse distribution Alfamart yang memiliki luas fisik 8.754 m2 yang dapat diisi dengan 6.272 palet barang dan mencakup pengiriman ke 430-450 toko retail Alfamart.Sebagai warehouse yang besar, warehouse Alfamart branch Sumatera Utara belum menerapkan kebijakan K3 maupun SMK3 apapun, dan saat ini hanya mengikuti anjuran protokol kesehatan yang diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah terkait pencegahan penyebaran covid-19. Oleh karena hal tersebut, kegiatan di warehouse distribution layak mendapatkan sorotan karena tingginya tingkat pekerjaan dan timbulnya potensi bahaya melalui identifikasi alur proses pekerjaan warehouse dan beberapa gangguan kesehatan dan kecelakaan kerja dirasakan oleh karyawan. Apabila potensi bahaya dapat diidentifikasi dan dilakukan analisa sebabpenyebab, maka angka kemunculan kecelakaan pun dapat menurun. Identifikasi serta analisa awal potensi bahaya dapat dilakukan dengan form Job Safety Analysis (JSA) melalui identifikasi proses pekerjaan secara rinci dan klasifikasi juga perangkingan potensi bahaya menggunakan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Hasil observasi menemukan 42 potensi bahaya (hazard), dan digolongkan menjadi 15 klasifikasi potensi bahaya yang berbeda. Berdasarkan klasifikasi tingkat potensi bahaya yang terbagi menjadi 3 yaitu; basic risk, residual risk; dan predicted risk, diperoleh dari 15 potensi bahaya yang diidentifikasi, di tingkat basic risk terdapat 5 potensi bahaya dengan kategori “critical”, 6 potensi bahaya kategori “major”, dan 4 potensi bahaya kategori “minor”. Dilanjutkan kepada tahapan setelah melihat bagaimana potensi bahaya menjadi risiko di warehouse tersebut, selanjutnya pada tingkat residual risk terdapat 2 potensi bahaya kategori “critical” dan 7 potensi bahaya kategori “major”, dan 6 potensi bahaya lainnya mengalami penurunan menjadi kategori “minor”. Penelittian ini menghasilkan rekomendasi pengendalian potensi bahaya berupa perancangan perbaikan fasilitas kerja di warehouse. Substitusi fasilitas yang ada, pemasangan rambu-rambu bahaya dan poster, penerapan fasilitas pendukung kebijakan 5M untuk mencegah penyebaran virus covid-19,serta pemakaian APD berupa sarung tangan polyurethane

English Abstract

Distribution of goods is essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. Distribution activities cannot be separated from the distribution warehouse. Warehouse Alfamart branch North Sumatra is one of Alfamart's warehouse distribution which has a physical area of 8,754 m2 which can be filled with 6,272 pallets of goods and includes delivery to 430-450 Alfamart retail stores. Any SMK3, and currently only following the health protocol recommendations issued by the Government regarding the prevention of the spread of COVID-19. Because of this, activities in the warehouse distribution deserve the spotlight because of the high level of work and the emergence of potential hazards through the identification of the warehouse work process flow and several health problems and work accidents felt by employees. If potential hazards can be identified and cause analysis is carried out, the number of accidents can also decrease. Identification and initial analysis of potential hazards can be done using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) form through detailed job process identification and classification as well as ranking of potential hazards using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method. The results of the observations found 42 potential hazards (hazards), and were classified into 15 different classifications of potential hazards. Based on the classification of the level of potential hazard which is divided into 3, namely; basic risk, residual risk; and predicted risk, obtained from 15 identified potential hazards, at the basic risk level there are 5 potential hazards in the “critical” category, 6 potential hazards in the “major” category, and 4 potential hazards in the “minor” category. Continued to the stage after seeing how the potential hazards became risks in the warehouse, then at the residual risk level there were 2 potential hazards in the "critical" category and 7 potential hazards in the "major" category, and 6 other potential hazards decreased to the "minor" category. This research resulted in recommendations for controlling potential hazards in the form of designing work facilities improvements in the warehouse. substitution of existing facilities, installation of hazard signs and posters, implementation of 5M policy support facilities to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus, and the use of PPE in the form of polyurethane gloves

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052107
Uncontrolled Keywords: Warehouse distribution, Potensi Bahaya (hazard), Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3), Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Samsul Arifin
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2021 06:47
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2024 07:37
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