Uji Performansi Mesin Pengering RH (Relative Humidity) Rendah pada Laju Penurunan Kadar Air Biji Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum annuum L.).

Sriprahana, Widyawati (2021) Uji Performansi Mesin Pengering RH (Relative Humidity) Rendah pada Laju Penurunan Kadar Air Biji Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum annuum L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pengeringan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas bahan yang dikeringkan. Pengeringan dapat dilakukan secara konvensional dan mekanis. Cara konvensional dapat dilakukan dengan cara menjemur bahan menggunakan tenaga matahari. Sedangkan pengeringan mekanis dapat menggunakan mesin, akan tetapi sejauh ini masih menggunakan suhu tinggi yang dapat merusak bahan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut digunakan mesin pengering mekanis yang telah dimodifikasi dengan penambahan dehumidifier. Mesin pengering ini dapat menurunkan kelembaban udara pengering sehingga akan menghasilkan udara kering yang mempercepat penguapan air dan mencegah kerusakan fisik dan non fisik bahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji performansi mesin pengering RH rendah meliputi RH (Relative Humidity), suhu, kecepatan aliran udara, menghitung dan menganalisis penurunan kadar air cabai merah besar, konsumsi energi dan efisiensi mesin. Pada penelitian ini digunakan tiga metode dengan menggunakan bahan biji cabai sebanyak 200 gram. Pengeringan konvensional dengan sinar matahari. Mesin RH dengan suhu yaitu 340C dan kecepatan aliran udara 3,2 m/s. Serta pengeringan oven menggunakan suhu 340C. Pengeringan dilakukan hingga benih cabai mencapai kadar air 10 % dengan pengamatan tiap 10 menit sekali. Mesin pengering RH rendah menghasilkan RH udara pengering yang lebih rendah dibandingkan pengeringan konvensional dengan penurunan RH 65,23% sedangkan oven mampu menurunkan RH sebesar 44,78 dari RH lingkungan. RH rata-rata yang diperoleh dari pengeringan mesin RH rendah 22,6% sedangkan pada oven 41,2% %. Untuk mencapai kadar air 10% mesin pengering RH rendah membutuhkan waktu 37 menit sedangan pada oven selama 3230 menit dan pada pengeringan konvensional membutuhkan waktu 165 menit. Selain itu, nilai efisiensi pada ketiga metode pengeringan juga lebih besar menggunakan mesin RH rendah. Dimana nilai pada mesin pengering RH rendah sebesar 38,98%, sedangkan pada pengeringan oven efisiensi yang diperoleh sebesar 18,13% dan untuk pengeringan konfensional memperoleh efisiensi sebesar 0,025%.

English Abstract

The production and consumption figures of large red chilies in Indonesia have increased each year. With the increasing demand, continuous availability of seeds is required. One process that affects the quality of chili seeds is drying. The drying method that is still widely practiced is generally dried in the sun with the weakness of long drying times and uncontrolled temperatures. Then it can also be mechanical drying. Mechanical dryers can obtain relatively short drying times by increasing the drying temperature. The risk is that the seeds lose their moisture content suddenly which decreases the viability of the seeds. To solve this problem, a dehumidifier is needed to reduce humidity from the drying air. With this drying, the humidity of the drying air is low, so the water content in the material will evaporate more quickly. Based on this, a modified mechanical dryer with the addition of a dehumidifier was used. This machine is used for fast drying of red chili seeds while maintaining the quality of the seeds. The purpose of this study was to test the performance of low RH drying machines including RH (Relative Humidity), temperature, air flow velocity, calculating and analyzing the decrease in water content of large red chilies, energy consumption and engine efficiency. In this study, 200 grams of chili seeds were used. The temperature standard used in drying chili seeds is 340C with an air flow rate of 3.2 m/s. Drying is carried out until the chili seeds reach a moisture content of 10% with observations every 10 minutes. A low RH drying machine produces a lower RH of drying air than conventional drying with a reduction in RH of 65.23% while an oven is able to reduce the RH of 44.78 from the RH of the environment. The average RH obtained from drying for 40 minutes was 22.6%. Low RH dryer has a faster drying time and better efficiency compared to oven drying and conventional drying with an efficiency of 38.98%, while in oven drying the efficiency obtained is 18.13% and for conventional drying it gets an efficiency of 0.025%. The low RH drying machine takes 37 minutes to reach a moisture content of 10% from the initial 50% moisture content. Whereas for drying using the oven it took 2 days 6 hours or 3,230 minutes to reach a moisture content of 10% from the initial water content of 50%. Meanwhile, conventional drying takes 165 minutes or 2 hours 45 minutes to reach a moisture content of 10% with an initial moisture content of 55%.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521100102
Uncontrolled Keywords: Biji Cabai Merah, Kadar Air, Pengering RH rendah, Uji Performansi,Red Chili Seeds, Moisture Content, Low RH Dryer, Performance Test, Energy Efficiency.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 27 Oct 2021 02:34
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2024 08:51
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/186088
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