Uji Kinerja Mesin Penyawut Serbaguna Tipe DM-TEP Menggunakan Komoditi Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume)

Cahya Copa Revmonaldo, Thegar (2021) Uji Kinerja Mesin Penyawut Serbaguna Tipe DM-TEP Menggunakan Komoditi Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mesin penyawut serbaguna tipe DM-TEP masih tergolong baru dan belum memiliki spesifikasi teknis, diperlukan adanya uji kinerja guna mengoptimalkan kapasitas pengolahan dan hasil penyawutan serta sebagai bahan informasi sehingga mesin penyawut siap dipasarkan kepada masyarakat dan industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan mengetahui uji kinerja mesin, kualitas hasil penyawutan, dan pengaruh ukuran rongga mata pisau terhadap proses penyawutan menggunakan mesin penyawut porang tipe DM-TEP. Penelitian ini menggunakan massa input seragam yaitu umbi porang sebanyak 1 kg dengan perlakuan ukuran rongga pisau sebesar 2, 3 dan 4 mm. Parameter uji kinerja yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kapasitas aktual dan teoritis penyawutan, torsi, energi spesifik, efektifitas penyawutan dan analisis kualitas hasil penyawutan (ketebalan rata – rata, keragaman, persentase buah yang rusak dan rendemen). Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan nilai rata-rata uji kinerja mesin penyangrai meliputi: kapasitas aktual dan teoritis sebesar 60,912 Kg/jam dan 89,128 Kg/jam, torsi sebesar 3,86407 Nm, energi spesifik sebesar 3,1201 J/Kg, efisiensi mesin sebesar 68,342 %. Analisis kualitas hasil penyawutan terbaik yaitu pada perlakuan 4 mm dimana ketebalan hasil sawutan porang sebesar 1,790 mm, persentase koefisien keragaman sebesar 12,0938 %, persentase hasil sawut rusak sebesar 55,599 % dan rendemen sebesar 97,57 %. Dapat disimpulkan, bahwa ukuran rongga mata pisau pada mesin penyawut lebih berpengaruh pada hasil penyawutan dibandingkan alat penyawut manual dengan nilai F hitung lebih besar dari Ftabel pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%.

English Abstract

The DM-TEP multipurpose copier machine is still relatively new and does not yet have technical specifications, it is necessary to have a performance test to optimize the processing capacity and the results of the slurry as well as information material so that the copulatory machine is ready to be marketed to the public and industry. This study aims to measure and determine the performance test of the machine, the quality of the results of slicing, and the effect of the size of the blade cavity on the process of slicing using a porang porang machine of type DM-TEP. This study used a uniform input mass, namely 1 kg of porang tubers with a knife cavity size of 2, 3 and 4 mm. The performance test parameters used in this study were the actual and theoretical capacity of peeling, torque, specific energy, effectiveness of peeling and analysis of the quality of the yield (average thickness, diversity, percentage of damaged fruit and yield). From the research results, the average value of the roasting machine performance test includes: actual and theoretical capacity of 60.912 Kg/hour and 89.128 Kg/hour, torque of 3.86407 Nm, specific energy of 3.1201 J/Kg, engine efficiency of 68.342%. The analysis of the quality of the best palm fruit yields was in the 4 mm treatment where the thickness of the porang sawutan was 1,790 mm, the percentage of the coefficient of diversity was 12,0938%, the percentage of damaged oil palm yields was 55,599% and the yield was 97,57%. It can be concluded, that the size of the blade cavity on the shaving machine has more influence on the results of the pruning compared to the manual shaving machine with a calculated F value greater than Ftable at a 95% confidence level.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 630
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mesin Penyawut Serbaguna Tipe DM-TEP, Uji Kinerja, Umbi Porang, DM-TEP Type Multipurpose Pruning Machine, Performance Test, Porang Bulbs.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2021 07:48
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 01:49
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/185978
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