Implementasi Kebijakan Upah Minimum Kota (UMK) Kota Malang Terhadap Kesejahteraan Tenaga Kerja

Tambunan, Chandra (2021) Implementasi Kebijakan Upah Minimum Kota (UMK) Kota Malang Terhadap Kesejahteraan Tenaga Kerja. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kesejahteraan adalah suatu kondisi terpenuhinya kebutuhan manusia atau masyarakat dengan baik dan paripurna diantaranya kebutuhan kemakmuran, kesehatan dan keamanan sehingga memungkin manusia atau masyarakat mengaktualisasikan potensinya dalam menjalani kehidupan. Terkait upah dalam ketenagakerjaan merupakan hak artinya bahwa hal ini keharusan yang harus diberikan karena berkaitan dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar pagi pekerja, kemudian dalam pemberian upah harus berdasarkan dengan ketentuan peraturan yang ada tidak hanya melibatkan pekerja dan pemberi kerja tetapi disini ada aktor ketiga yaitu pemerintah tentunya wujudnya melalui kebijkankebijakannya salah satunya melalui penetapan UMR.

English Abstract

The type of research used is descriptive through a qualitative approach with a research focus that is using the Merilee S. Grindle (1980) policy implementation model. Sources and types of data obtained from primary data and secondary data. The location of the research was carried out at the Department of Manpower, Investment and One Stop Service, Malang City. Data collection techniques are carried out using observation, interviews and documentation methods, while there are 3 data analysis techniques, namely data condensation (data condensation), presenting data (data display), and drawing conclusions or verification (conclusion drawing and verification). The validity of the data using the technique of checking credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of the study indicate that the assessment of the implementation of the city's minimum wage policy in Malang City can be concluded that it has not gone well. This is because there are several companies that have not provided a living wage to their workers. The contents of the policy do provide positive benefits and the government has supervised the provision of minimum wages, however, the lack of discipline of employees who are rarely seen in their offices and in the field, this is a factor causing socialization to the community is lacking, people only know perfunctory. Another factor, namely the level of compliance of the Malang City Manpower Service employees in providing services to external elements is good but still needs a lot of improvement in the future in terms of supervision. Therefore, researchers do not fully agree with the implementation model according to Merilee S. Grindle. Because apart from content and context indicators, the researchers found that the behavior of actors also influenced the success of policy implementation.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052103
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kesejahteraan Tenaga Kerja, Implementasi Kebijakan, dan Upah Minimum Kota Malang, Labor Welfare, Policy Implementation, and Malang City Minimum Wage.
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis / Niaga
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nurmasudah
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2021 02:52
Last Modified: 16 Oct 2024 01:32
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