Analisis Yuridis Penghentian Penuntutan Demi Kepentingan Hukum Berlandaskan Asas Keadilan Restoratif

Astuti, Novi Widi (2021) Analisis Yuridis Penghentian Penuntutan Demi Kepentingan Hukum Berlandaskan Asas Keadilan Restoratif. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menemukan makna penghentian penuntutan demi kepentingan hukum dalam hukum positif di Indonesia serta konsep penghentian penuntutan demi kepentingan hukum berlandaskan asas keadilan restoratif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual, serta bahan hukum primer dan sekunder yang digunakan menggunakan teknis analisis interpretasi sistematis, interpretasi gramatikal dan interpretasi futuristis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, makna penghentian penuntutan demi kepentingan hukum merupakan proses penghentian penuntutan terhadap tindak pidana yang terdapat alasan-alasan meniadakan penuntutan yang diatur oleh undang-undang. Kemudian, konsep penghentian penuntutan demi kepentingan hukum berdasarkan keadilan restoratif yang diatur dalam Peraturan Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 15 Tahun 2020 dapat menciptakan pemulihan kembali keadaan seperti semula (restutio in integrum). Kemudian sebagai peraturan perundang-undangan, peraturan tersebut memiliki beberapa kelemahan. Selain itu dalam pelaksanaan peraturan tersebut memiliki batasan dan syarat tertentu terhadap tindak pidana. Peraturan tersebut diperlukan adanya penyempurnaan pengaturan penghentian penuntutan demi kepentingan hukum dengan konsep keadilan restoratif dalam RUU KUHAP dan RUU Kejaksaan.

English Abstract

In this thesis, the author raises the issue of the Termination of the Prosecution in the Interests of Law Based on the Principles of Restorative Justice, which was triggered by Regulations of the Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 Year 2020 has expanded the meaning of the termination of the prosecution in the interests of law contained in Article 104, paragraph (2) of Law Number 8 of 1981 on Criminal Law. Based on the above, this paper raised the formulation of the problem: (1) How the meaning of the termination of the prosecution in the interests of law viewed from the positive law in Indonesia? (2) How the concept of the termination of the prosecution in the interests of law based on the principles of restorative justice? Then the method of the research in this paper use this type of research is normative juridical with the approach of legislation and conceptual approach. Primary legal materials derived from laws and regulations as well as secondary legal materials comes from the journal of law, expert opinion, and books with the technique of searching the literature study are analyzed using the technique of the analysis of the systematic interpretation that interprets a law which is connected with the regulation of other laws, the interpretation of grammatical, and interpretation of futuristic. From the results of the study authors, shows that the meaning of the termination of the prosecution in the interests of law is the process of termination of prosecution because there are reasons waived prosecution of which is regulated by the law itself, namely the revocation of a complaint, nebis in idem, the suspect died, the time of expiration, payment of fines for violations, and restorative justice. Then, the concept of the termination of the prosecution in the interests of law based on restorative justice is set in the Regulations of the Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 Year 2020 that has limitations and requirements in the implementation. In addition, as the laws and regulations, have some weakness that has violated the terms of the norm in the criminal procedure code as the law of a higher position, as well as blur the norm so it does not have binding legal force. Therefore, it is necessary refinement of the meaning of the termination of the prosecution in the interests of law based on restorative justice Article 42 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the BILL criminal procedure code, as well as in Article 30 paragraph (1) letter f of the BILL Prosecutor's office. So the refinement of the norm in the provisions of the BILL criminal procedure code and the draft law on the Prosecutor's office can provide expediency, justice, and the certainty of legal norms as well as not to conflict of norms in the hierarchy of laws and regulations.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052101
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 340 Law
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username lilik
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2021 04:14
Last Modified: 04 Oct 2024 06:42
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