Suprapto, Dodik (2021) Evaluasi Pemanfaatan Ozon untuk Menekan Aktivitas Mikroba dan Residu Antibiotik Golongan Penisilin pada Susu Segar. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh ozonisasi terhadap kualitas fisiko-kimia, aktivitas mikroba dan degradasi residu antibiotik golongan penisilin pada susu segar. Materi yang digunakan adalah susu segar yang berasal dari ternak sehat dan ternak dalam masa pengobatan menggunakan antibiotik dengan komposisi Amoxycillin trihydrate 100 mg dan Neomycin sulphate 50 mg. Ozon diproduksi oleh generator ozon komersial merk HANACO, kapasitas produksi per menit mencapai 0,702 mg/L pada suhu 24-27 ºC dengan sumber oksigen berasal dari udara bebas yang tersedia di alam. Metode yang digunakan adalah percobaan labolatorium dengan paparan ozon selama 0, 10, 20, dan 30 menit. Percobaan pertama mengevaluasi pengaruh ozonisasi terhadap berat jenis, kadar protein, kadar lemak, electrical conductivity, total plate count, dan produksi malondialdehyde pada susu segar. Percobaan kedua mengevaluasi pengaruh lama paparan ozon terhadap berat jenis, kadar protein, kadar lemak, analisa kualitatif dan kuantitatif residu antibiotik Penisilin pada susu segar dalam masa pengobatan. Data yang dihasilkan dianalisis menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Pola Searah dan secara deskriptif. Selanjutnya, perlakuan terbaik pada percobaan pertama dan kedua yaitu ozonisasi selama 30 menit digunakan untuk mengevaluasi degradasi residu antibiotik penisilin selama withdrawal time pada hari pertama, ketiga, kelima, kemudian dibandingkan dengan perlakuan tanpa ozonisasi dan dianalisis menggunakan uji beda rata-rata berpasangan. Ozonisasi tidak memberikan perbedaan nyata (P>0,05) terhadap berat jenis, kadar protein, dan kadar lemak pada susu dengan dan tanpa mengandung antibiotik, tetapi berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap electrical conductivity, total plate count, produksi malondialdehyde pada susu yang berasal dari ternak sehat, dan degradasi residu penisilin pada susu dalam masa pengobatan antibiotik. Ozonisasi selama 30 menit dapat menurunkan residu antibiotik penisilin hingga mencapai ambang minimum cemaran yang dipersyaratkan dalam SNI 01-6366-2000 pada hari ke-5 dan memperpendek withdrawal time antibiotik dengan rata-rata penurunan sebesar 37,46% per hari jika dibandingkan dengan susu segar tanpa perlakuan ozonisasi. Disimpulkan bahwa paparan ozon efektif untuk menurunkan aktivitas mikroba dan residu antibiotik penisilin tanpa mengakibatkan perubahan kualitas fisiko-kimia pada susu segar.
English Abstract
Indonesian people's milk consumption in 2020 was 16.27 kilograms per capita per year, much lower than other ASEAN countries such as the Philippines 17.8 kilograms per capita per year, Thailand 22.2 kilograms per capita per year, Myanmar 26.7 kilograms per capita per year, Malaysia 36.2 kilograms per capita per year and Singapore 48.6 kilograms per capita per year. It wasn’t not only caused by a small population of dairy cows and lower milk production in Indonesia, but also influenced by food habits and public awareness of the importance milk consumption. Currently, the population of dairy cattle in Indonesia reaches 543.55 thousand heads and produces 909.64 thousand tons of fresh milk per year. This figure was only able to meet 20.92% of the total national milk demand, which was 4.45 million tons per year. If this condition still continues, Indonesia had the potential exposed "food trap" from developed countries which have an impact on economic stability and human welfare. Strategic steps were needed to fulfill the domestic milk consumption such as increasing dairy cows population and reducing losses on milk production by applying the principles of Good Dairy Practices (GDP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP). Enhance the population of dairy cattle for increasing milk production is a long-term programme that needs serious attention by all elements, but this step is not an easy to do. It’s needed long time periods, large capitals and also highly dependence on the country providing dairy breeds. The shortterm programme that possible to implement are minimize losses on milk production in order to reduce dependence on importing countries. The farmers awareness in the GDP and GHP of dairy milk also contributes to the stagnant domestic milk production. The yield loss on milk production in Indonesia reaches 10% of total milk production which is mostly cause by adulteration, repeat incidence of mastitis during the lactation period, high contamination of microorganisms and antibiotic residues. Therefore, further studies are needed about effective technologies to reduce yield loss on milk production cause by microbial activity and antibiotic residues without changes physico-chemical quality of dairy milk, that is ozonation. Ozone (O3) is a strong oxidizing agent and has the potential as a disinfectant that can kill pathogenic microbes, minimize the presence of heavy metals and antibiotic residues. Ozonation has been used in various fields including drinking water treatment, liquid waste treatment, sterilization of medical equipment, textile industry, sterilization of raw foodstuffs and food preservation. In the dairy industry, this technology has been introduced for sterilization because it has the ability to inactivate microbes, but there is not much information about the use of ozone to reduce microbial activities and antibiotic residues in dairy milk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ozone exposure to the physico-chemicals, microbial activities and penicillin residues in dairy milk. The results of this study were expected to be a source of scientific information about the used of ozone exposure in the milk handling, especially to reduce the yield loss of milk production due to microbial activities and antibiotic residues to xv produce fresh milk that was safe and suitable for human consumption, which will have an impact on increasing income and farmers welfare, reducing dependence on imported dairy products and increasing distribution area of dairy farm in Indonesia. The research was carried out in July 2019 – June 2020 at the Dairy Cattle Division and Milk Processing Laboratory, National Animal Husbandry Training Center at Batu, the Laboratory of Veterinary at Wates Jogjakarta, the Pharmacology Laboratory, Medicine Faculty at Brawijaya University, and the Laboratory of Quality Control and Animal Product Certification at Bogor. The research material was fresh milk from dairy cows, with and without treated using antibiotic Biomycin-M, each mL contains Amoxycillin trihydrate 100 mg and Neomycin sulphate 50 mg. The ozone was produced by a commercial ozone generator brand HANACO, the production capacity in a minute was monitored to reach 0.702 mg/L at a temperature of 24-27 ºC with the oxygen source coming from ambient air in the nature. The method used was an experiment with ozone exposure for 0, 10, 20, and 30 minutes. The first experiment evaluated the effect of ozone exposures to the density, protein, fat, electrical conductivity, total plate count, and production of malondialdehyde in dairy milk. The second experiment evaluated the effect of ozone exposures to the density, protein, fat, qualitative and quantitative analysis of penicillin residues in dairy milk during antibiotic treatment. All data were analyzed using One Way Annova and descriptive analysis. Furthermore, the best treatment in the first and second experiments, namely ozone exposure for 30 minutes was used to evaluate degradation of penicillin residues during withdrawal time on first, third and fifth days, then compared with treatment without ozonation and analyzed using Paired T-test. The first experiment results shown that ozonation had no significant difference (P>0.05) to the density, protein, and fat, but had significant (P<0.05) to the electrical conductivity, total plate count, and production of malondialdehyde in healthy milk. Ozone exposures for 0; 10; 20; 30 minutes resulted the average of density was 1.0285 g/mL; 1.0280 g/mL; 1.0282 g/mL; 1.0288 g/mL, the average of protein was 3.39%; 3.38%; 3.40%; 3.40%, the average of fat was 4.40%; 4.44%; 4.49%; 4.57%, the average of electrical conductivity was 376.67 units; 376.67 units; 386.67 units and 400.00 units, the average of total plate count was 0.15x106 CFU/mL; 0.13x106 CFU/mL; 0.12x106 CFU/mL; 0.10x106 CFU/mL, the average of malondialdehyde was 0.0137 g/mL; 0.1941 g/mL; 0.2234 g/mL; 0.2809 g/mL. The second experiment results shown that of ozonation had no significant difference (P>0.05) to the density, protein, and fat, but had significant (P<0.05) to the degradation of penicillin residues in dairy milk during antibiotic treatment. Ozone exposures for 0; 10; 20; 30 minutes resulted the average of density was 1.0267 g/mL; 1.0266 g/mL; 1.0266 g/mL; 1.0264 g/mL, the average of protein was 3.13%; 3.15%; 3.13%; 3.16%, the average of fat was 3.78%; 4.29%; 3.95%; 4.49%, the average of penicillin residues was 4.67 mg/kg; 4.00 mg/kg; 3.67 mg/kg; 3.43 mg/kg, while the qualitative analysis of antibiotic residues in each treatment showed positive results. The third experiment results shown that the ozone exposure for 30 minutes had significant (P<0.05) to the degradation of penicillin residues during withdrawal time on the first; third; and fifth days when compared between before and after ozonation, respectively resulted the average of Penicillin residues was 4.53:3.42 mg/kg; 3.94:2.6 mg/kg; 1.23:0.05 mg/kg with the percentage decrease of penicillin residues between before and after ozonation was 26.55%; 34.01% and 95.93%. xvi It was concluded that ozone exposure effective to decrease microbial activities and penicillin residues without change physico-chemical properties in dairy milk. Ozonation for 30 minutes effective to decrease penicillin residues up to the minimum contamination threshold required in SNI 01-6366-2000 at days of 5 and shorten withdrawal time of antibiotics with an average decrease reach 37.46% per day when compared with dairy milk without ozonation. Ozone exposure was possible to reduce yield loss on milk production that caused by microbial activities and antibiotic residues in dairy milk. Keywords: Dodik Suprapto, Student of Animal Science Doctoral Programme, Animal Science Faculty, Brawijaya University, Evaluation of Ozone Exposures to the Microbial Activities and Antibiotic Residues of Penicillin in Dairy Milk. Supervisor : Lilik Eka Radiati, Co-Supervisor: Chanif Mahdi and Herly Evanuarini. Indonesian people's milk consumption in 2020 was 16.27 kilograms per capita per year, much lower than other ASEAN countries such as the Philippines 17.8 kilograms per capita per year, Thailand 22.2 kilograms per capita per year, Myanmar 26.7 kilograms per capita per year, Malaysia 36.2 kilograms per capita per year and Singapore 48.6 kilograms per capita per year. It wasn’t not only caused by a small population of dairy cows and lower milk production in Indonesia, but also influenced by food habits and public awareness of the importance milk consumption. Currently, the population of dairy cattle in Indonesia reaches 543.55 thousand heads and produces 909.64 thousand tons of fresh milk per year. This figure was only able to meet 20.92% of the total national milk demand, which was 4.45 million tons per year. If this condition still continues, Indonesia had the potential exposed "food trap" from developed countries which have an impact on economic stability and human welfare. Strategic steps were needed to fulfill the domestic milk consumption such as increasing dairy cows population and reducing losses on milk production by applying the principles of Good Dairy Practices (GDP) and Good Handling Practices (GHP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ozone exposures to the physico-chemicals, microbial activities and Penicillin residues in dairy milk. The researched material was fresh milk from dairy cows, with and without treated using antibiotic Biomycin-M, each mL contains Amoxycillin trihydrate 100 mg and Neomycin sulphate 50 mg. The ozone was produced by a commercial ozone generator brand HANACO, the production capacity in a minute was monitored to reach 0.702 mg/L at a temperature of 24-27 ºC with the oxygen source coming from ambient air in the nature. The method used was a labolatory experiment with ozone exposure for 0, 10, 20, and 30 minutes. The first experiment evaluated the effect of ozone treatments to the density, protein, fat, electrical conductivity, total plate count, and production of malondialdehyde in dairy milk. The second experiment evaluated the effect of ozone treatments to the density, protein, fat, qualitative and quantitative analysis of penicillin residues in dairy milk during antibiotic treatment. All data were analyzed using One Way Annova and descriptive analysis. Furthermore, the best treatment in the first and second experiments, namely ozonation for 30 minutes was used to evaluate degradation of Penicillin residues during withdrawal time on first, third and fifth days, then compared with treatment without ozonation and analyzed using Paired T-test. Ozonation had no significant difference (P>0.05) to the density, protein, and fat both in milk with and without antibiotic treatments, but had significant (P<0.05) to the electrical conductivity, total plate count, production of malondialdehyde in healthy milk, and degradation of penicillin residues in dairy milk during antibiotic treatment. Ozonation for 30 minutes possible to decrease penicillin residues up to the minimum contamination threshold required in SNI 01-6366-2000 at days of 5 and shorten withdrawal time of antibiotics with an average decrease reach 37.46% per day when compared with dairy milk without ozonation. It was concluded that ozone exposures effective to decrease microbial activities and penicillin residues without change physico-chemical properties in dairy milk. Keywords: ozone, physico-chemical, microbial activity, antibiotic, penicillin, withdrawal time, dairy mil
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | 636 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ozon, fisiko-kimia, aktivitas mikroba, antibiotik, penisilin, withdrawal time, susu segar. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username verry |
Date Deposited: | 22 Oct 2021 03:40 |
Last Modified: | 14 Oct 2024 08:58 |
URI: | |
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