"Degradasi lingkungan akibat aktivitas alih fungsi hutan berdampak negatif terhadap hilangnya biodiversitas, penurunan kualitas jaya layanan lingkungan, dan terganggunya fungsi ekologis. Salah satu upaya pemulihan fungsi ekosistem hutan terdegradasi dapat dilakukan dengan restorasi melalui penanaman berbagai jenis tanaman hutan dan multiguna. Penilaian cepat (rapid assessment) keberhasilan restorasi, yang sensitif terhadap perubahan struktur vegetasi, diperlukan saat ini untuk melengkapi sistem pemantauan yang selama ini ada. Kawasan lindung UB Forest (UBF) adalah contoh ekosistem hutan pegunungan tropis yang mengalami degradasi akibat konversi dan membutuhkan pemulihan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggali informasi sosial petani hutan terkait kegiatan restorasi dan konservasi biodiversitas hutan, menganalisis dampak aktivitas alih fungsi hutan terhadap lingkungan biotik dan abiotik, menentukan organisme bioindikator, menganalisis keberhasilan hidup dan pertumbuhan tanaman restorasi serta menentukan interaksi variabel-variabel dan faktor pembatas. Penelitian ini dilakukan di area hutan lindung UBF yang telah dialihfungsikan menjadi lahan pertanian, meliputi area pertanian intensif (PI), kebun kopi monokultur tidak terawat (KTT), hutan lindung terdegradasi dengan tanaman campuran (HLS). Area hutan sekunder terkonservasi digunakan sebagai reference site (RS). Sebanyak 13 petani hutan menjadi responden dalam kegiatan survei sosial menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam (depth interview) pada penelitian ini. Pengambilan contoh makrofauna tanah dilakukan dengan botol jebak yang ditanam secara acak di masing-masing area. Selain itu, contoh tanah juga diambil secara komposit untuk penentuan karakteristik fisika (agregat, bobot isi, kelembaban), kimia (pH, bahan organik, konduktivitas elektrik), dan komunitas bakteri tanah. Profil kondisi lingkungan biotik dan abiotik ditentukan berdasarkan pengamatan diversitas dan struktur vegetasi, kualitas tanah, komunitas makrofauna dan bakteri tanah. Penentuan organisme bioindikator dilakukan dengan menggunakan indeks nilai indikator (IndVal) pada komunitas makrofauna dan bakteri tanah. Pengamatan tanaman restorasi dilakukan setiap satu bulan sekali dengan mengukur diameter batang dan tinggi tanaman selama 6 – 12 bulan. Data survei sosial dianalisis dengan metode statistik deskriptif untuk mendapatkan informasi hubungan dari data kategorik tersebut. Data kuantitatif dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan ANOVA untuk menentukan variasi spasial nekromassa serasah, karakteristik tanah, diversitas makrofauna, dan komunitas bakteri tanah, serta pertumbuhan tanaman restorasi di masing-masing area. ANOVA diterapkan dengan menggunakan RStudio sementara untuk penyajian data menggunakan Ms. Excel, XLSTAT, dan QIIME untuk deskripsi komunitas dan diversitas bakteri tanah. Analisis komponen utama (PCA) dan korelasi Pearson dilakukan untuk menentukan hubungan antara struktur vegetasi, karakteristik tanah, komunitas makrofauna dan bakteri tanah. Pemodelan interaksi dari berbagai variabel yang berkontribusi terhadap tanaman restorasi dilakukan dengan pemodelan struktural SEM-PLS menggunakan WarpPLS 7.0. Petani hutan yang mengelola lahan di area penelitian memiliki pengetahuan cukup baik terkait kondisi awal, biodiversitas, dan fungsi hutan lindung. Petani menyatakan sikap setuju dalam upaya pemulihan hutan dan bersedia berpartisipasi dalam restorasi. Namun, adanya petani yang kurang peduli menjadi salah satu kendala penyebab terganggunya tanaman restorasi pada penelitian ini. Struktur vegetasi (tiang dan pancang) di tiga area pertanian (PI, KTT, HLS) memiliki kemiripan yang didominasi oleh kopi (Coffea sp.) dan gamal (Gliricidia sepium). PI adalah area dengan diversitas jenis pohon, tiang, pancang paling rendah sebaliknya area RS memiliki diversitas terbesar. Vegetasi bawah menunjukkan keanekaragaman jenis tinggi dan komposisi taksa yang bervariasi antar lokasi. Kemantapan agregat, bobot isi, kelembaban, pH, bahan organik, dan konduktivitas elektronik tanah menunjukkan kesamaan kondisi di tiga lahan pertanian namun berbeda ketika dibandingkan dengan RS (p<0,05). Karakter tanah di area pertanian saat ini menunjukkan kecenderungan penurunan kualitas. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai kelembaban, bahan organik, pH, dan konduktivitas elektrik tanah lebih rendah dan bobot isi tanah yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanah di RS. Komposisi taksa makrofauna tanah memperlihatkan perbedaan di setiap tipe lahan. Famili Gryllidae dan Isotomidae lebih banyak ditemukan di area PI dibandingkan dengan lokasi lain. Komposisi taksa makrofauna di RS lebih seimbang dibandingkan tiga area pemanfaatan. Sementara itu, pola komposisi taksa penyusun komunitas bakteri tanah memperlihatkan kesamaan pada tingkat filum tetapi berbeda pada tingkat genus. Kegiatan alih fungsi hutan menjadi area pertanian ternyata meningkatkan diversitas alpha bakteri tetapi hal ini tidak diikuti oleh diversitas beta. Diversitas beta bakteri di ketiga area pertanian jika dibandingkan dengan RS. Bakteri tanah sebagai bioindikator tanah terdegradasi meliputi kelompok Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, dan Firmicutes. Kelompok makrofauna tanah yang berpotensi sebagai bioindikator lingkungan berkualitas baik di antaranya Silphidae (0,439), Talitridae (0,375), Armadillididae (0,304), sedangkan indikator lingkungan dengan kualitas kurang baik diindikasikan oleh Formicidae (0,543), Gryllidae (0,507), Isotomidae (0,405), dan Araneidae (0,301). Kelulushidupan tanaman penghijauan berada pada rentang 60 – 80%, dengan yang terendah teramati di area PI. Pertambahan diameter tanaman restorasi cenderung rendah berkisar 0,06 – 4,35 mm per bulan. Beberapa jenis tanaman penghijauan dengan daya hidup dan pertumbuhan yang bagus di antaranya bendo (Artocarpus elasticus), daun kari (Murraya koenigii), nangka (A. heterophyllus), Homalanthus giganteus, Mallotus sp., damar (Agathis borneoensis), gondang (Ficus variegata), dan trete (Microcos tomentosa). Ukuran bibit tanaman yang kecil, terbatasnya ketersediaan air, dan gangguan antropogenik menjadi beberapa kendala yang memengaruhi daya hidup dan pertumbuhan tanaman restorasi. Hasil pemodelan menginformasikan bahwa daya hidup dan pertumbuhan tanaman restorasi lebih dipengaruhi faktor lingkungan tumbuh, seperti tanah dan vegetasi, dibandingkan faktor lain. Karakteristik fisika tanah (kelembaban dan bobot isi tanah) menjadi variabel paling signifikan memengaruhi tanaman restorasi. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bagaimana interaksi antara faktor lingkungan, tanaman, dan juga aktivitas antropogenik dalam memengaruhi keberhasilan restorasi hutan dalam jangka pendek. Integrasi aspek ekologi dan antropogenik penting dilakukan untuk mendukung keberhasilan restorasi hutan dalam jangka panjang. Hasil temuan penelitian seperti jenis tanaman yang unggul pertumbuhannya dan jenis bioindikator menjadi luaran yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam evaluasi dan pemantauan kemajuan restorasi pada penelitian lanjutan dan di lokasi lain pada ekotipe serupa. Ekosistem baru (novel ecosystem) yang terbentuk dari hasil restorasi dalam penelitian ini melengkapi informasi pengembangan hutan lindung dan kesesuaian rancangan program tersebut dengan kebutuhan saat ini. Akan tetapi, evaluasi keberhasilan restorasi hutan lindung UBF perlu dilakukan secara periodik untuk memantau dinamika ekosistem tersebut dan peningkatan jasa layanan ekologi."
English Abstract
Analysis of Environmental Degradation and Plant Growth in Restoration Program after Protected Forest Conversion at UB Forest, Malang Muhammad Yusuf, Endang Arisoesilaningsih, Adji AR Fernandes, Syahrul Kurniawan Biology Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya 2021 Environmental degradation due to forest conversion activities has a negative impact on biodiversity loss, decreased quality of environmental services, and disruption of ecological functions. One of the efforts to restore the function of degraded forest ecosystems can be carried out by restoration through planting various types of forest and multipurpose trees species. Rapid assessment of restoration success, which is sensitive to changes in vegetation structure, is needed now to complement the existing monitoring system. The protected area of UB Forest (UBF) is an example of a tropical mountain forest ecosystem that has been degraded due to conversion and needs to be restored. This research was conducted to explore forest farmers' social information related to forest restoration and biodiversity conservation activities, analyze the impact of forest conversion on the biotic and abiotic environment, determine bioindicator organisms, analyze the survival and growth of restoration plants, and determine the interaction of variables that contribute to it. This research was conducted in UBF protected forest area, which has been converted into agricultural land, including intensive agriculture area (PI), untreated monoculture coffee plantation (KTT), degraded protected forest with mixed crops (HLS). In addition, the conserved secondary forest area is used as a reference site (RS). Thirteen forest farmers became respondents in the social survey using in-depth interview techniques in this study. A sampling of soil macrofauna was carried out with trap bottles planted randomly in each area. Composite soil samples were also taken to determine physical characteristics (aggregate, bulk density, moisture), chemical (pH, organic matter, electrical conductivity), and soil bacterial community. Profiles of biotic and abiotic environmental conditions were determined based on observations of vegetation structure, soil quality, soil macrofauna, and soil bacterial communities. Determination of bioindicator organisms was carried out using the indicator value index (IndVal) in the macrofauna and soil bacterial communities. Observations of restoration plants were carried out once a month by measuring stem diameter increment and plant height for 6-12 months. Social survey data were analyzed by descriptive statistical methods to obtain related information from the categorical data. The research data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA to see differences in litter necromass, soil characteristics, macrofauna diversity, soil bacterial communities, and the growth of restoration plants in each area. ANOVA was applied using RStudio while for data presentation using Ms. Excel, XLSTAT, and QIIME to describe community and soil bacterial diversity. Principal component analysis (PCA) and Pearson correlation were performed to determine the relationship between vegetation structure, soil characteristics, macrofauna community, and soil bacteria. The interaction modeling of various variables that contribute to the restoration plants was carried out by SEM-PLS using WarpPLS 7.0. Forest farmers who manage land in the research area had good knowledge of the initial conditions, biodiversity, and functions of protected forests. Farmers expressed their agreement in forest restoration efforts and were willing to participate in restoration. However, farmers who did not care are one of the obstacles that cause the disruption of restoration plants in this study. Vegetation structures (poles and saplings) in three agricultural areas (PI, KTT, HLS) showed similarities, which were dominated by coffee xi (Coffea sp.) and Gamal (Gliricidia sepium). PI was the area with the lowest diversity of tree species, poles, and saplings, while the RS area had the greatest diversity. The lower vegetation showed high species diversity, and the composition of taxa varied between locations. Aggregate stability, bulk density, moisture, pH, organic matter, and soil electrical conductivity showed similar conditions in the three agricultural fields but differed from RS (p<0.05). Soil conditions in agricultural areas currently informed a tendency to decrease in quality. This condition could be seen from the lower values of moisture, organic matter, pH, and electrical conductivity of the soil and a higher bulk density than the soil in RS. The composition of taxa making up the soil macrofauna community showed differences in each land type. The Gryllidae and Isotomidae families were more commonly found in the PI area compared to other locations. The composition of macrofauna taxa in RS was more balanced than the three utilization areas. Meanwhile, the compositional patterns of taxa making up the soil bacterial community had similarities at the phylum level but differences at the genus level. The activity of converting forest into other forms of utilization area had increased the diversity of alpha bacteria, but this was not followed by the value of the beta diversity. The diversity of beta bacteria in the three utilization areas was different when compared to RS. Soil macrofauna groups that have the potential as environmental bioindicators of good quality included Silphidae (0.439), Talitridae (0.375), Armadillididae (0.304), while environmental indicators with poor quality were indicated by Formicidae (0.543), Gryllidae (0.507), Isotomidae (0.405), and Araneidae (0.301). Soil bacteria as bioindicators of degraded soil were indicated by the Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, and Firmicutes groups. The survival rate of reforestation plants was 60 – 80%, with the lowest observed in the PI area. The increase in diameter of restoration plants tended to be slow, ranging from 0.06 to 4.35 mm.month-1 . Several types of trees species with good viability and growth included bendo (Artocarpus elasticus), daun kari (Murraya koenigii), jackfruit (A. heterophyllus), Homalanthus giganteus, Mallotus sp., damar (Agathis borneoensis), gondang (Ficus variegata), and trete (Microcos tomentosa). The small size of plant seeds, limited water availability, and anthropogenic disturbances were some of the obstacles that affect the viability and growth of restoration plants. The modeling results informed that the viability and growth of restoration plants were more affected by growing environmental factors, such as soil and vegetation, than other factors. Soil physical characteristics (moisture and bulk density) were the most significant variables affecting restoration plants. This study illustrated how the interaction between environmental factors, plants, and anthropogenic activities influenced forest restoration success in the short term. Integration between ecological and anthropogenic aspects is essential to support the success of forest restoration in the long term. Research findings such as kind of plant species with superior growth, bioindicators become outputs that can be utilized in ecosystem restoration and monitoring in other locations in similar regions. The new ecosystem (novel ecosystem) formed from the restoration results in this study complements information on the development and suitability of the concept with current conditions. However, to monitor the dynamics of the ecosystem, evaluation of the success of UBF protected area restoration needs to be carried out according to the objectives and periodically.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | 570 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | -- |
Subjects: | 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 570 Biology |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Biologi, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username verry |
Date Deposited: | 22 Oct 2021 03:32 |
Last Modified: | 24 Sep 2024 07:01 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184920 |
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