Karakteristik Pembakaran Wood Pellet Dengan Bahan Baku Campuran Kayu Sengon-Daun Tebu

Alfian Ambong, Muhammad (2021) Karakteristik Pembakaran Wood Pellet Dengan Bahan Baku Campuran Kayu Sengon-Daun Tebu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Wood pellet merupakan salah satu bahan bakar alternatif berupa biomassa yang diproduksi dari hasil limbah kayu berupa serbuk gergaji dan juga dapat dicampur dengan limbah tanaman seperti daun, jerami, atau sekam. Penggunaan wood pellet sebagai sumber energi dapat mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil serta emisi gas rumah kaca. Keunggulan wood pellet dibandingkan jenis biomassa lainnya adalah nilai kalor yang lebih tinggi serta kemudahan dalam penyimpanan. Agar suatu jenis wood pellet dapat terjual di pasar, penting untuk wood pellet tersebut memilki karakteristik-karakteristik pembakaran yang cocok baik dalam tingkat rumahan maupun industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pembakaran wood pellet dengan bahan baku campuran kayu sengon dan daun tebu. Pada penelitian ini, karakteristik pembakaran wood pellet yang diamati meliputi ignition delay, waktu pembakaran, laju pembakaran, temperatur pembakaran, visualisasi nyala api, serta massa residu pembakaran dengan menggunakan dua pengujian sebagai pembanding yaitu single wood pellet dan wood pellet stove. Pada penelitian ini variasi yang digunakan berupa persentase campuran serbuk kayu sengon dan daun tebu sebesar 100%:0%, 90%:10%, 80%:20%. 70%:30%, 60%:40%, dan 50%:50%. Hasil kedua pengujian menunjukkan semakin tinggi persentase daun tebu pada wood pellet, semakin panjang waktu ignition delay, semakin besar persentase massa residu, semakin panjang waktu pembakaran, dan semakin pendek laju pembakaran. Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh kadar volatile matter daun tebu yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kayu sengon serta kadar abu daun tebu yang lebih besar. Pada pengujian single wood pellet, waktu pembakaran yang semakin panjang diakibatkan oleh laju pembakaran yang semakin rendah akibat kadar fixed carbon daun tebu yang semakin besar, lalu turun pada K50T50 akibat penurunan densitas wood pellet lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kenaikan kadar fixed carbon, sehingga mengakibatkan laju pelepasan kalor yang semakin tinggi akibat porositas yang semakin besar. Selain itu, temperatur pembakaran maksimum diperoleh pada sensor thermocouple tepat pada bagian api berwarna kuning terang.

English Abstract

Muhammad Alfian Ambong, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, June 2021, Combustion Characteristics of Albizia Sawdust-Sugar Cane Leaves Based Wood Pellets, Advising lecturer: Lilis Yuliati, Nurkholis Hamidi. The depletion of fossil fuels and environmental degradation worldwide has resulted the use of biomass as an alternative source of energy lately. One type of biomass used as an alternative source of energy are wood pellets. Wood pellets are primarily produced from wood waste and can also be combined with agricultural waste such as leaves, straws, or even husks. For wood pellets to be selected in the market, it is important to find out if they have the proper combustion characteristic suitable for everyday or even industrial use. This study employed two experimental researches which are single wood pellet combustion and wood pellet combustion with stove as a comparison. The study was conducted by varying the percentages of albizia wood and sugar cane leaves consisted within the pellets from 100%:0%, 90%:10%, 80%:20%. 70%:30%, 60%:40%, and 50%:50% without the use of any binding agent. Single wood pellet combustion experiment was conducted to obtain each wood pellet’s combustion characteristics such as ignition delay, combustion time, combustion rate, combustion temperature, flame visualization, and percentage of mass residue. Meanwhile wood pellet stove experiment was aimed to obtain combustion characteristics such as combustion time, combustion rate, combustion temperature, flame visualization, and percentage mass of combustion residue of 200 grams of wood pellets. Both single wood pellet combustion and wood pellet stove results showed that ignition delay, percentage mass of combustion residue, and combustion time of wood pellets increased due to higher percentage of sugar cane leaves in the pellets. The increase of percentage mass of combustion residue was due to higher ash content within sugar cane leaves. Ignition delay increased due to the lower volatile matter content of sugar cane leaves. Higher combustion time in single wood pellet combustion was influenced by lower burning rates due to higher fixed carbon content of sugar cane leaves, then decreased at 1:2 albizia sawdust-sugar cane leaves ratio due to the decline of wood pellet’s density, causing higher heat release rate of the wood pellet caused by higher porosity. In both experiments, higher percentage of sugar cane leaves led to lower combustion rate due to lower volatile matter content and calorific value within sugar cane leaves. Apart from that, maximum combustion temperature was obtained at 70%:30% due to the positioning of thermocouple sensors right on the hottest part of the flame. Also, the highest flame height was obtained at pellets 100%:0% due to volatile matter content in albasian wood being higher than in sugar cane leaves’. Keywords : Wood Pellet, biomass, sugar cane leaves, single wood pellet, wood pellet stove

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 621.8
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci : Wood pellet, biomassa, daun tebu, single wood pellet, wood pellet stove-- Wood Pellet, biomass, sugar cane leaves, single wood pellet, wood pellet stove
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.8 Machine engineering
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2021 03:40
Last Modified: 30 Sep 2024 01:43
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184532
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