Identifikasi Bearing Capacity Improvement Pada Tanah Lunak yang Distabilisasi Menggunakan Deep Cement Mixing Pola Segitiga Dengan Variasi Jarak

Rofik, Mohammad Ainur (2021) Identifikasi Bearing Capacity Improvement Pada Tanah Lunak yang Distabilisasi Menggunakan Deep Cement Mixing Pola Segitiga Dengan Variasi Jarak. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Salah satu metode perbaikan tanah adalah stabilisasi tanah dengan menggunakan Deep Cement Mixing (DCM). Metode ini cocok untuk digunakan pada tanah berbutir halus. Dimana dalam penelitian ini menggunakan DCM dengan kadar semen sebesar 10 % yang menggunakan pola segitiga dengan variasi jarak pemasangan antar DCM. Menggunakan jarak 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm dan 30 cm, nantinya akan menghasilkan daya dukung yang berbeda antar jarak DCM. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium dengan benda uji bervolume 50x50x30 cm yang dibuat dalam box 50x50x50 cm. DCM ditempatkan sesuai dengan pola segitiga dengan masing – masing variasi jarak yang kemudian dilakukan curing selama 7 hari. Setelah proses curing kemudian dilakukan uji pembenanan pada sampel tanah menggunakan plat berukuran 30x30 cm.

English Abstract

Mohammad Ainur Rofik, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya, June 2021, Identification of Bearing Capacity Improvement of Variable Spaced Triangle Pattern Stabilized Soft Soil Using Deep Cement Mixing, Academic Supervisor: Dr.Eng. Ir. Yulvi Zaika, ST. MT. and Dr. Ir. Harimurti, MT. The world of construction serves the construction of facilities that support the ongoing human activities. Soil is a very important part in the world of construction. The planning of a construction must be supported by stable soil conditions where soils that have low bearing capacity need to be improved so that they are able to support the load of the structure. Soil improvement can be done with various methods that are adapted to soil conditions and implementation conditions in the field. Due to the need for soil reinforcement, this study will examine one method of soil improvement. This study used soft soil samples from the Gempol – Pasuruan toll road section Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) is one method of soil improvement that can be carried out in field. This method is suitable for use on fine-grained soils. Where in this study using DCM with a cement content of 10% using a triangular pattern with variations in the installation distance between DCM. Using 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm and 30 cm distances, it will produce different bearing capacities between variation of DCM distances. This research was conducted in a laboratory with a test object with a volume of 50x50x30 cm made in a 50x50x50 cm box. DCM is placed according to a triangular pattern with each variation in distance which is then cured for 7 days. After the curing process, the loading test was carried out on the soil sample using a 30x30 cm plate. From this study, it was found that changes in the variation spacing between the columns in the DCM has a large effect on the increase in the bearing capacity of the soil. In this study, the largest carrying capacity of 0.32 kg/cm2 was obtained at the smallest installation space of 15 cm and the bearing capacity will decrease as the DCM column spacing increases. When compared with the carrying capacity of the natural soil, there will be a significant increase. Keywords: Deep Cement Mixing, Bearing Capacity Improvement, soil stabilization, bearing capacity, soft soil

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 624
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: Deep Cement Mixing, Bearing Capacity Improvement, stabilisasi tanah, daya dukung, tanah lunak--Deep Cement Mixing, Bearing Capacity Improvement, soil stabilization, bearing capacity, soft soil
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 624 Civil engineering
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2021 02:14
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2024 01:20
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