Rerehena Imerlin, Irena (2021) Evaluasi Implementasi Program Sanimas di Dusun Kragilan Kota Surakarta. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Dusun Kragilan RT 01 RT 02 RW 024 merupakan kawasan penyandang disabilitas yang mendapat bantuan program Sanimas. Masyarakat pemanfaat program di tempat ini terdiri dari 32 KK disabilitas dan 53 KK non disabilitas, di mana 45 KK dari 85 KK tidak memiliki MCK individu. Kondisi ini menjadi dasar peneliti untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap penerapan program di Dusun Kragilan. Di awali dengan mengidentifikasi permasalahan sanitasi kemudian mengukur kesesuaian sasaran program berdasarkan pedoman teknis sanimas tahun 2018. Peneliti juga melakukan evaluasi non fisik dengan tiga indeks modal sosial meliputi tingkat partisipasi, densitas, dan sentralitas. Tingkat partisipasi dan densitas pada tahap perencanaan dan pelaksanaan masuk ke dalam kategori sedang, sedangkan pada tahap pemeliharaan masuk kategori rendah. Sentralitas, pada tahap perencanaan dan pelaksanaan membentuk 7 aktor sentral masyarakat non disabilitas dan 2 aktor sentral masyarakat non disabilitas, di mana seluruh aktor merupakan anggota kelembagaan yang terbentuk. Sedangkan pada tahap pemeliharaan, tidak terbentuk aktor baik pada masyaakat disabilitas maupun masyarakat non disabilitas.
English Abstract
IRENA REREHENA IMERLIN, Regional and Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Brawijaya, July 2021, Evaluation of Sanimas Program Implementation In Kragilan, Surakarta City, Supervisor: Ismu Rini Dwi Ari and Christia Meidiana. Sanimas is a government program that is implemented with the condition that the community who use the program are able to meet their physical and spiritual needs independently. Kragilan Hamlet is an area with special conditions that receive Sanimas support. There are 32 disabled families and 53 non-disabled families who benefit from the program. People with disabilities who benefit from the Sanimas program comprise people with stroke, polio, and vision impairment/blind. 45 of 85 families who benefit from the program do not have individual toilets. This condition was causing conflicts between TFL officers and people with disabilities. The conflict related to sanitation technology options, construction of technology options (Communal WWTP) on road, connection to Communal WWTP pipes buried under road pavement, and no regular drainage of Communal WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant). In the era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Indonesia should be able to provide the options of sanitation infrastructure and facilities in the Sanimas program all communities can use, starting from the elderly, disabled and nondisabled communities. The sanitation plan for RDTR BWK II Surakarta City in 2018–2037 must also support it to maximize the performance and function of the Communal WWTP and to increase public awareness to carry out waste treatment. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the Sanimas program implemented in Kragilan Hamlet. The program evaluation starts with the chronological identification of sanitation infrastructure and facilities in Kragilan Hamlet. Then it will be analyzed through the suitability of the Sanimas program targets based on the 2018 Sanitation Technical Manual with a logic model analysis tool. The results of the analysis of the logic model then become input for non-physical analysis of social capital, including the level of community participation, density and centrality (Ari et al., 2013) with social network analysis tools. The importance of conducting a social network analysis after analyzing the logic model is because in the era of SDG’s development, the success of the program does not lie with the government but also the community participation. This study aims to (1) identify sanitation infrastructure and facilities in Kragilan Hamlet, (2) measure the suitability of the target of the Sanimas program, and (3) analyze the social capital of the community. The analysis method used is logic model analysis and social network analysis. Based on the logic model results, it shows that each stage of the program is already in accordance with the Sanimas technical manual in 2018. However, the results are not supported by implementation in the field. The program socialization did not include material on equality of position between disabled and non-disabled people, the technology options that were not adapted to the conditions of the community, the determination of the location for the construction of Communal WWTPs that were not adapted to the Ministry of PUPR (2017), and the maintenance of Communal WWTPs that were not in accordance with the regulations from Directorate General of Human Settlements (2016). Based on the analysis of social capital, the participation level index is in the medium category, with an average of people taking part in 4-5 activities out of 7 activities carried out. In the planning, implementation, and maintenance stages, the density values are 51.2%, 59.3%, and 38.6% in the medium category. Meanwhile, the value of centrality at the planning and implementation stages is in the medium category. These xii results showed by the large number of people who are willing to take part in the activities and a central actor formed and at the maintenance stage, which is in the low category. It is showed by the large number of people who do not take part in the activities and the absence of formed actors. The results of the evaluation of the Sanimas Program Implementation are expected to provide benefits for planning and designing practitioners to overcome specific problems so that they can improve the quality of the Sanimas program when applied to conditions such as Kragilan. Based on the results, the government needs to pay more attention to the program socialization material (equality of position of people with disabilities and nondisability). They also need to add variations in the technology options, add regulations for the location of construction and maintenance of Communal WWTPs, and place the key person function in the planning, implementation, and maintenance stage. Keywords: Sanimas, Disability, Social Capital
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 771 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata Kunci : Sanimas, Disabilitas, Modal Sosial--Sanimas, Disability, Social Capital |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 307 Communities > 307.1 Planning and development > 307.121 6 City planning |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email gaby |
Date Deposited: | 21 Oct 2021 00:59 |
Last Modified: | 24 Feb 2022 03:36 |
URI: | |
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