Pengujian Visual Display Prototype Papan Informasi untuk Antrian Adaptif pada Platform Mrt dengan Usability Method

Ridhayanto, Iqbal (2021) Pengujian Visual Display Prototype Papan Informasi untuk Antrian Adaptif pada Platform Mrt dengan Usability Method. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pandemi Covid-19 menyerang Indonesia pada tahun 2020. Hal ini menyebabkan pemberlakuan PSBB yang mempengaruhi fasilitas umum seperti transportasi publik. MRT Jakarta merupakan transportasi publik yang banyak digunakan warga Jakarta, menghasilkan stasiun MRT menjadi tempat yang rawan akan penyebaran Covid-19. Oleh karena itu dikembangkan Prototype Visual Display Antrian Adaptif dengan tujuan untuk meminimalisir keramaian antrian pada platform MRT. Namun, prototype yang dikembangkan belum memiliki nilai kegunaan terhadap user yang berarti user belum tentu dapat memahami apa yang visual display tersebut tampilkan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan usability testing terhadap prototype visual display untuk mengetahui nilai usability visual display tersebut. Usability testing dilakukan menggunakan usability method, dimana terdapat empat aspek objek penelitian yang akan diuji yakni learnability, efficiency, error, dan satisfaction. Setelah usability testing dilakukan maka akan dirancang rekomendasi perbaikan visual display. Rancangan rekomendasi perbaikan tersebut akan diuji kembali untuk melihat apakah terdapat peningkatan nilai usability.

English Abstract

Iqbal Ridhayanto, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University, July 2021, Visual Display Prototype Information Board Testing for Adaptive Queue Line on MRT Platform with Usability Method, Supervisor: Sugiono MRT Jakarta is one of busiest public transportation operating in Jakarta. MRT train consist of six carriages with two doors each on its side, resulting chaotic queue lines by the MRT users. On March 2020, Covid-19 emerged and causing a pandemic around the world including Indonesia. This pandemic is causing public transportation to become a dangerous place since it’s easy to contract Covid-19 in a place with a lot of people. Hence, the visual display prototype for adaptive queue line is developed in order to make the queue on MRT platform more organized and to minimalize the spread of the virus. But the visual display prototype has to be tested first to know its usability for the user. The study conducted using usability testing method and SUS (System Usability Scale) questionnaire. On this usability study there are four aspects of the object to be measured to the user, which are learnability, efficiency, errors, and satisfaction. The testing is done upon 25 respondents that have been on MRT before and conducted through online video call using Zoom and Google Meet. The result shows the value of success rate on learnability is 74%, the value of time-based efficiency on efficiency is 0,14 goals/sec with 7,34 seconds of task completion time, the value of error rate on errors is 0,25, and the SUS score is 69 with acceptability range score of Marginal, grade scale score of C, and adjective score of OK. Other than quantitative data, a qualitative data is also collected which then processed as an input for improvement recommendation. Improvement recommendation is designed based on inputs by respondents and errors made by respondents while completing task on usability testing. These results in three main problems on visual display prototype, which are priority seat symbol, blank space on right side, and announcement font on bottom side. Therefore, the improvement recommendation is designed based on those three main problems. After the improvement recommendation is designed, the new visual prototype design have to tested so it can be compared to the old design. The result shows the value of success rate on learnability is 93%, the value of timebased efficiency on efficiency is 0,15 goals/sec with 6,74 seconds of task completion time, the value of error rate on errors is 0,06, and the SUS score is 81,6 with acceptability range score of Acceptable, grade scale score of C, and adjective score of Excellent. Kata kunci: Ergonomic, Visual Display, Usability Testing, SUS Questionnaire

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 670
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: Ergonomi, Visual Display, Usability Testing, Kuesioner SUS-- Ergonomic, Visual Display, Usability Testing, SUS Questionnaire
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2021 00:57
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 03:49
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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