Sistem Pengontrolan Suhu Air Pada Budidaya Ikan Patin Menggunakan PID Controller Berbasis Arduino

Gadang Alfaruki, Indyanto (2021) Sistem Pengontrolan Suhu Air Pada Budidaya Ikan Patin Menggunakan PID Controller Berbasis Arduino. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Budidaya ikan merupakan salah satu budidaya yang mudah dan banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Ikan yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia salah satunya adalah ikan patin. Budidaya dilakukan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari penjualan hasil budidaya itu sendiri. Walaupun mudah dilakukan, terdapat beberapa parameter yang harus dijaga. Parameter yang cukup penting pada budidaya ikan adalah suhu air. Suhu air kolam ideal untuk budidaya ikan patin berkisar pada 25 hingga 30 derajat celcius. Perubahan suhu siang dan malam, serta perubahan cuaca mendadak menyebabkan suhu pada kolam ikan berubah-ubah. Permasalahan ini menyebabkan suhu air pada kolam terkadang tidak berada pada suhu ideal. Maka dari itu diperlukan suatu sistem untuk mengontrol suhu air agar tidak berada di luar batas suhu ideal yang seharusnya. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sistem untuk mengontrol suhu air menggunakan elemen pemanas yang dikontrol menggunakan kontroler PID. Didapatkan parameter PID dengan aturan Ziegler Nichols kurva reaksi yaitu nilai Kp sebesar 16.8, Ki sebesar 0.0168, dan Kd sebesar 4200. Dilakukan juga pembandingan menggunakan kontroler PI dengan nilai parameter Kp sebesar 12.6 dan Ki sebesar 0.0075. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapatkan sistem menggunakan kontroler PID menghasilkan respon yang baik karena mencapai settling time selama 2557 detik, error steady state sebesar 0.4%, dan recovery time selam 315 detik setelah diberi gangguan. Sedangkan pengujian menggunakan kontroler PI menghasilkan respon dengan settling time selama 3420 detik, tidak memiliki error steady state, dan recovey time selama 374 detik.

English Abstract

Indyanto Gadang Alfaruki, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, July 2021, Water Temperature Control System in Catfish Cultivation Using Arduino-Based PID Controller, Supervisor : Rachmadwati and Ponco Siwindarto. Fish cultivation is one of the easy cultivations and is mostly done by the community, both freshwater and seawater fish cultivation. One of the most popular fish in Indonesia is catfish. Cultivation is carried out to earn income from the sale of the cultivation itself. Although easy to do, there are some parameters that must be maintained. An important parameter in fish farming is water temperature. The ideal pond water temperature for catfish cultivation ranges from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. Changes in temperature day and night, as well as sudden weather changes cause the temperature in the fish pond to fluctuate. This problem causes the water temperature in the pond sometimes not to be at the ideal temperature. Temperatures that are too cold result in disturbed fish metabolism. Therefore we need a system to control the water temperature so that it does not fall outside the ideal temperature limit that should be. This system can help the continuity of cultivation because it will automatically adjust the water temperature in the pond. In this research, a system is designed to control the water temperature using a heating element which is controlled using a PID controller. The output of the PID controller will regulate the amount of voltage issued by the heating element. The design was carried out using the Ziegler-Nichols reaction curve method. The PID parameters were obtained using the Ziegler Nichols reaction curve, namely the Kp value of 16.8, Ki of 0.0168, and Kd of 4200. Comparison was also carried out using the PI controller with the parameter value of Kp of 12.6 and Ki of 0.0075. Tested without interruption and with interference. The setpoint in the test is a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius which is the lower limit of the ideal pool water temperature. Based on the test results, the system using a PID controller produces a good response because it reaches a settling time of 2557 seconds, a steady state error of 0.4%, and a recovery time of 315 seconds after being disturbed. While the test using the PI controller produces a response with a settling time of 3420 seconds, has no steady state error, and a recovery time of 374 seconds. Keywords: temprature control system, PID Controller, Ziegler Nichols

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 621.381
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: sistem pengontrolan suhu, kontroler PID, Ziegler Nichols-- temprature control system, PID Controller, Ziegler Nichols
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.38 Electronics, communications engineering > 621.381 Electronics
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2021 00:53
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2024 02:51
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