Puspa Febryanti, Indira (2021) Literature Review: Efektivitas Terapi Musik Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Persalinan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
"ABSTRAK Febryanti, Indira Puspa. 2021. Literature Review: Efektivitas Terapi Musik Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan. Tugas Akhir, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya. Pembimbing: (1) Lilik Indahwati, SST, M.Keb (2) Yulia Silvani, S.Keb, Bd., M.Keb Latar Belakang: Kecemasan pada persalinan dapat meningkatkan hormon stress yang akan menimbulkan dampak negatif pada ibu maupun janin. Teknik distraksi yang paling mudah dilakukan yaitu terapi musik. Terapi musik merupakan metode intervensi untuk menurunkan kecemasan dikarenakan musik menimbulkan relaksasi dan memberikan stimulasi, serta ketika mendengarkan musik kelenjar hipofisis melepaskan endorfin sehingga kecemasan dapat menurun. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik terhadap penurunan kecemasan pada persalinan. Metode: Melakukan pengkajian dari 10 literatur yang sudah dikumpulkan dari 70 artikel yang sesuai dengan tema dan kriteria inklusi yang sudah ditentukan. Desain Penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Literature Review. Analisis data dan sintesis data menggunakan metode PICOT. Hasil: Hasil penelitian didapatkan berdasarkan pengkajian yang telah dilakukan bahwa terapi musik efektif sebagai metode intervensi dalam penurunan kecemasan pada persalinan pada kala 1 fase laten dan fase aktif. Terapi dapat meningkatkan hormon endorfin sehingga dapat menurunkan kecemasan secara signifikan terhadap persalinan kala 1 fase laten maupun fase aktif. Dalam pemberian musik juga harus memperhatikan karakteristik musik, jenis musik, dan cara pemberian musik. Selain itu, masih banyak ibu yang belum mendengar informasi mengenai terapi musik sebagai metode intervensi yang dapat dilakukan dalam menurunkan kecemasan pada persalinan. Kesimpulan: Terapi musik efektif dalam menurunkan kecemasan pada persalinan kala 1 fase laten maupun fase aktif. Terapi musik juga dapat membuat ibu merasakan kenyaman pada persalinan. Kata Kunci: terapi musik, kecemasan, intervensi musik, kecemasan pada persalinan ABSTRACT Febryanti, Indira Puspa. 2021. Literature Review: The Effectiveness of Music Therapy on Reducing Anxiety Levels During Labor. Final Assignment. Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University. Supervisors: (1) Lilik Indahwati, SST, M.Keb (2) Yulia Silvani, S.Keb, Bd., M.Keb Background: Anxiety on labour can increase stress hormones that will have an adverse impact on the mother and her fetus. The easiest distraction technique to do is music therapy. Music can make mothers feel relaxed, and it also gives them stimulation during labor. Listening to music can help the pituitary gland to release endorphins, which can reduce anxiety. Aim: To find out the effect of music therapy on reducing anxiety during childbirth. Method: Conducted an assessment of 10 articles that have been collected from 70 articles that fit predetermined themes and inclusion criteria. This research used literature review as research design, and PICOT method as data analysis and data synthesis. Result: The results were obtained after the study showed that music therapy was effective as an intervention method in reducing anxiety during labor in the first stage of latent phase and the active phase of labor. Music therapy could increase endorphins so it could significantly reduce anxiety during the first stage of labor in the latent and active phase. The characteristics of music, the type of music, and the way music is given were things that should be considered in giving music as therapy. In addition, there were still mothers who had not heard information about music therapy as an intervention method in reducing anxiety during childbirth. Conclusion: Music therapy is effective in reducing anxiety during the first stage of labor in the latent and active phase. Music therapy can also make mothers feel comfortable during labor. Keywords: music therapy, anxiety, music intervention, anxiety on labour "
English Abstract
Background: Anxiety on labour can increase stress hormones that will have an adverse impact on the mother and her fetus. The easiest distraction technique to do is music therapy. Music can make mothers feel relaxed, and it also gives them stimulation during labor. Listening to music can help the pituitary gland to release endorphins, which can reduce anxiety. Aim: To find out the effect of music therapy on reducing anxiety during childbirth. Method: Conducted an assessment of 10 articles that have been collected from 70 articles that fit predetermined themes and inclusion criteria. This research used literature review as research design, and PICOT method as data analysis and data synthesis. Result: The results were obtained after the study showed that music therapy was effective as an intervention method in reducing anxiety during labor in the first stage of latent phase and the active phase of labor. Music therapy could increase endorphins so it could significantly reduce anxiety during the first stage of labor in the latent and active phase. The characteristics of music, the type of music, and the way music is given were things that should be considered in giving music as therapy. In addition, there were still mothers who had not heard information about music therapy as an intervention method in reducing anxiety during childbirth. Conclusion: Music therapy is effective in reducing anxiety during the first stage of labor in the latent and active phase. Music therapy can also make mothers feel comfortable during labor.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052106 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | music therapy, anxiety, music intervention, anxiety on labour |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics > 618.2 Obstetrics |
Divisions: | Fakultas Kedokteran > Kebidanan |
Depositing User: | agung |
Date Deposited: | 20 Oct 2021 09:47 |
Last Modified: | 30 Sep 2024 07:21 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184378 |
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