Kinerja Bangunan Gedung Hijau Pada Gedung Koridor Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya

Ainun Rosyidah, Firda (2021) Kinerja Bangunan Gedung Hijau Pada Gedung Koridor Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Permasalahan kerusakan lingkungan dan pemanasan global secara general yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan energi secara berlebihan masih menjadi isu penting hingga saat ini. Salah satu solusi yang dapat diterapakan adalah melalui konsep arsitektur hijau. Universitas Brawijaya turut berkontribusi dengan pencanangan program green campus pada tahun 2015 dengan salah satu agendanya yaitu smart building seperti konsep penerapan bangunan hijau. Penelitian ditujukan untuk menilai kinerja bangunan gedung hijau pada Gedung Koridor Fakultas Ilmu Komputer yang dibangun setelah pencanangan program green campus mengacu pada Sistem Rating Bangunan Hijau Kementerian PUPR dengan 10 kriteria. Hasil dari evaluasi, Gedung Koridor dikategorikan sebagai Hijau Madya dengan perolehan poin 97. Rekomendasi dilakukan dari segi arsitektural dan non arsitektural pada aspek-aspek dengan nilai kurang untuk memaksimalkan kinerja gedung. Dengan adanya rekomendasi, Gedung Koridor berpotensi memperoleh poin sebanyak 187 dengan kategori Hijau Utama. Kata kunci: Bangunan Hijau, Gedung Koridor, rating, rekomendasi

English Abstract

Firda Ainun Rosyidah, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering University of Brawijaya, July 2021, Green Building Performance in Corridor Building of the Faculty of Computer Science Brawijaya University, Academic Supervisor: Ir. Agung Murti Nugroho, ST., MT., Ph.D. Until now, issues regarding global warming and environmental damage problems are still issues that are widely discussed along with the efforts made to overcome them. Environmental damage can be caused by using energy exceeding what is needed in numbers of cities around the world. One of the efforts that can be a solution in terms of architecture is the application of green architecture concept. This effort has been noticed by ‘Universitas Brawijaya’, one of the state universities in Malang City. ‘Universitas Brawijaya’ contributes through a program called green campus. The program was announced and implemented in 2015 with raising one of its targets, namely smart building through the application of the green building concept throughout the university area. One of the building targets in implementing this concept is the Corridor Building of the Faculty of Computer Science which was built after the green campus program was launched. This study is intended to assess the performance of the green building Corridor Building ‘Universitas Brawijaya’. The study refers to the PUPR Ministry's Green Building Rating System with 10 criteria and through the PUPR Ministry's information system website, the evaluation results can be used to analyze aspects that still require attention to the building under study. The results of the evaluation, the Corridor Building received 97 points and can be categorized as ‘Hijau Madya’. Furthermore, several recommendations are given on aspects with poor points both in terms of architectural and non-architectural with the aim of maximizing the building performance. With the recommendation, if it can be implemented, the Corridor Building has the potential to earn 187 points in the ‘Hijau Utama’ category. Keywords: green bulding, Corridor Building, rating, recommendation

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 720
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: bangunan hijau, Gedung Koridor, rating, rekomendasi--green bulding, Corridor Building, rating, recommendation
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 720 Architecture
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 07:21
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 07:30
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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