Sistem Penghitung Benih Ikan Berbasis Sensor Optik dan Imlementasi Gerbang Logika NOR

Firdausa Ilham, Fahma (2021) Sistem Penghitung Benih Ikan Berbasis Sensor Optik dan Imlementasi Gerbang Logika NOR. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan pembenihan dan penetasan telur ikan perlu dilakukan penghitungan benih setelah menetas. Pada umumnya penghitungan benih masih dilakukan secara manual maupun takaran sesuai dengan permintaan jumlah benih dari konsumen. Kedua metode ini masing-masing memiliki kekurangan, baik dalam efisiensi, tenaga maupun tingkat akurasi penghitungan. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sistem penghitung benih ikan yang mampu menghitung benih ikan secara otomatis berbasis sensor optik dan implementasi gerbang logika NOR. Implementasi dari gerbang NOR ini dimaksudkan untuk membedakan benih ikan dengan benda lain atau kotoran yang ikut dialirkan melalui selang bening, sehingga tingat kesalahan pembacaan dapat diminimalisir. Hasil pengujian menujukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata %error pada metode perhitungan dengan 1 sensor infrared tanpa gerbang logika NOR adalah sebesar 1,9%. Sedangkan Nilai rata-rata %error pada metode perhitungan dengan 2 sensor infrared dengan gerbang logika NOR adalah sebesar 0,9%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penambahan dua sensor dan gerbang logika NOR nilai %error pembacaan sensor menjadi lebih rendah sehingga pembacaan sensor infrared menjadi lebih akurat. Kata kunci: Penghitung benih; sensor infrared; gerbang NOR.

English Abstract

Catfish is one type of freshwater fish that has high economic value. This type of fish has been cultivated commercially by the Indonesian people, and is one of the potential sources of income among fish cultivators. The high demand and consumption of catfish in Indonesia has made catfish cultivation widely developed. The demand for the availability of catfish seeds is also the basis for the number of incubators and catfish cultivators. The success rate of hatching catfish depends on environmental conditions. To determine the success rate of hatching, it is necessary to count the seeds after hatching. In general, seed counting is still done manually or according to the number of seeds demanded by consumers. Both of these methods each have shortcomings, both in efficiency, power and level of calculation accuracy. In this study, a fish seed counter system was designed that is able to calculate fish seeds automatically and will be displayed on the user application in the form of an LCD and the IoT BLYNK application. The seed counter system designed using Arduino Nano as the main microcontroller and ESP32-Cam as a microcontroller which features a wi-fi module to connect the system via IoT. The sensor used in the counter system is an infrared (IR) sensor coupled with the implementation of a NOR logic gate. The NOR logic gate used is IC 74LS02 which is assembled with two IR sensors attached to clear hoses. The implementation of the NOR gate is intended to distinguish fish seeds from other objects or dirt that is also flowing through a clear hose, so that the level of reading errors can be minimized. Based on the results of the study, the system can detect catfish seeds properly without the influence of other objects or impurities that are also read by the sensor. The test results show that the average % error in the calculation method with 1 IR sensor without IC 74LS02 is 1.9%. While the average value of % error in the calculation method with 2 IR sensors with IC 74LS02 is 0.9%. It can be concluded that with the addition of two sensors and a logic gate IC NOR 74LS02, the % error value of sensor readings becomes lower so that the IR sensor readings become more accurate. Keywords: Seed counter, IR sensor, NOR gate, IoT.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 621.381
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci : Penghitung benih, sensor IR, gerbang NOR, IoT.--Seed counter, IR sensor, NOR gate, IoT.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.38 Electronics, communications engineering > 621.381 Electronics
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 05:30
Last Modified: 26 Sep 2024 04:15
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