Pengaruh Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Terintegrasi Terhadap Kinerja Keberlanjutan Perusahaan Dimediasi Kinerja Mutu, Kinerja Lingkungan Dan Kinerja Sosial (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Farmasi Di Kota Jakarta)

Erwin, - and Dr. Mintarti Rahayu, SE., MS., CSRS and Dodi W. Irawanto, SE., M.Com., Ph.D., CPHR (2021) Pengaruh Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Terintegrasi Terhadap Kinerja Keberlanjutan Perusahaan Dimediasi Kinerja Mutu, Kinerja Lingkungan Dan Kinerja Sosial (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Farmasi Di Kota Jakarta). Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


"Erwin,ProgramDoktor IlmuManajemen,Pascasarjana, FakultasEkonomi danBisnis, Universitas Brawijaya, 2021, Pengaruh Implementasi SistemManajemen Terintegrasi Terhadap Kinerja Keberlanjutan PerusahaanDimediasi KinerjaMutu,KinerjaLingkungan danKinerjaSosial (Studi PadaPerusahaanManufakturFarmasi di Kota Jakarta),Promotor:Ubud Salim,MintartiRahayudanDodi W.Irawanto. Penelitianiniberupayamenjelaskanargumentasimengenaipenelitianterdahulutentang hubungan kausalitas dari implementasi sistem manajemenmutu,lingkungan,keselamatan dankesehatan kerjayang terintegrasiatauyang disebutdengan “Implementasi SistemManajemen Terintegrasi” (Implementasi SMT)terhadap capaian kinerja mutu, lingkungan, sosial, dan kinerja keberlanjutanperusahaan. Penelitiandilakukan di perusahaanmanufaktur farmasi di Indonesia.Sampelpenelitianadalahseluruhunit populasiyangmerupakan unit-unit organisasiyangada dalam perusahaan manufaktur farmasi. Penelitian ini menguji sepuluhhipotesis dengan menggunakan metode analisis Generalized StructuresComponentsAnalysis. Temuanpenelitian ini mengungkapkanbahwadari sepuluhhipotesisyangdiuji,terdapat satuhipotesisyangdapat diterimayaituhubunganantara pencapaiankinerja sosial berpengaruh nyata terhadap pencapaian kinerja keberlanjutanperusahaan. Hipotesis tentang pengaruh signifikan positif Implementasi SMTterhadapkinerjamututidakdapatditerima,namunmenunjukkanadanyapengaruhnegatif yang signifikan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistemmanajementerintegrasi di industri manufakturfarmasitidakharusseimbang antarasistemmanajemenmutu, lingkungan,keselamatandankesehatankerja, sesuaistandar audit implementasi SMT,mengingat industri farmasi harusmemenuhipersyaratankhususuntukmenjaminkualitasdankeselamatan penggunaproduk,serta etika bisnis. Dengan memenuhi persyaratan khusus tersebut citradandaya saing perusahaan akan meningkat dan dengan demikian mendukungpencapaiankinerjakeberlanjutanperusahaan. Kebaruan dari penelitian ini adalah pembuktian secara empirik bahwaimplementasiSMTdalamperiode jangkapanjangbelummemberikankontribusibagi peningkatanpencapaiankinerjakeberlanjutanperusahaan.Keseimbanganimplementasisistemmanajemenmutu, lingkungan,kesehatandankeselamatankerjamemberikandampak pada penurunanpencapaian kinerjamutu, karenaprioritas industri manufaktur farmasi di Indonesiamengutamakankualitasdankeamanan produk. Pencapaian kinerja sosial mendukung pencapaian kinerjakeberlanjutanperusahaan,hal ini memberikankontribusi bagi program tujuanpembangunan berkelanjutan dan etika bisnis untuk peningkatan kesehatanmasyarakat danperlindungan terhadap lingkungan.Peranvariabel mediasi darikinerjamutu, lingkungandansosial belumberpengaruhkuat padahubunganimplementasi SMT terhadap pencapaian kinerja keberlanjutan perusahaan,sehinggaperludipertimbangkanvariabel mediasi lainnyaseperti faktor eksternal,budayakerja,dankolaborasi denganparapihakberkepentingan. Katakunci: Implementasi SistemManajemenTerintegrasi,KinerjaMutu,KinerjaLingkungan,Kinerja Sosial dan KinerjaKeberlanjutanPerusahaan."

English Abstract

Erwin, Erwin. Doctoral Program in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya. 2021. The Effect of the Implementation of Integrated Management System on Corporate Sustainability Performance with the Mediation of Quality Performance, Environmental Performance, and Social Performance (A Study of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies in Jakarta City). Promoter: Ubud Salim, Co-Promoters: Mintarti Rahayu and Dodi W. Irawanto. This study attempts to explain argumentations on previous researches examining the causal relationship between the integrated implementation of quality management system, environment, and workplace safety and health, which is called the Integrated Management System Implementation, and the achievement of quality, environmental, social, and corporate sustainability performance. Conducted in Indonesia, all population units comprising the organizational units of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies were selected as the sample. Ten hypotheses were assessed in this research using the Generalized Structured Component Analysis. Of the ten hypotheses, one is accepted: the achievement of social performance significantly affects the achievement of corporate performance. The hypothesis stating the significant and positive effect of Integrated Management System Implementation on quality performance is rejected, but a significant and negative effect was indicated. This shows that the implementation of Integrated Management System in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies is no necessarily required to achieve balances between quality management system, environment, and the conformance of workplace safety and health system with Integrated Management System audit standard as pharmaceutical industry must meet special requirements to ensure product quality and consumer safety as well as the business ethics. The fulfillment of such requirements enhances the companies’ image and competitiveness, which supports their sustainable performance achievement. The novelty of this research lies on the empirical argumentation that long-term implementation integrated management system does not contribute to the attainment of corporate sustainability performance. The balance between quality management system, environment, and workplace safety and health in fact hinders the achievement of quality performance as Indonesian manufacturing companies prioritize product quality and safety. The achievement of social performance supports the attainment of corporate sustainability performance, which contributes to programs concerning sustainable development goals and business ethics for better public health and environmental protection. The role of the mediating variables of quality performance, environment, and social is significant in the attainment of corporate sustainable performance. Therefore, other mediating variables, such as external factors, work culture, and collaboration with stakeholders, need to be considered. Keywords: Implementation of Integrated Management Systems, Quality Performance, Environmental Performance, Social Performance and Corporate Sustainability Performance

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 658
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Terintegrasi, Kinerja Mutu, Kinerja Lingkungan, Kinerja Sosial dan Kinerja Keberlanjutan Perusahaan.--Implementation of Integrated Management Systems, Quality Performance, Environmental Performance, Social Performance and Corporate Sustainability Performance.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username verry
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 05:14
Last Modified: 03 Nov 2023 01:07
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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