Pengaruh Hold-Melt Terhadap Ketahanan Kejut dan Unsur Kimia Hasil Recasting AlSi+Cu Pada Tungku Induksi

Aflahul Fikri, Deny (2021) Pengaruh Hold-Melt Terhadap Ketahanan Kejut dan Unsur Kimia Hasil Recasting AlSi+Cu Pada Tungku Induksi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perkembangan teknologi dibidang industri manufaktur berkembang sangat pesat seiring dengan peningkatan permintaan dan kebutuhan dari konsumen. Dengan dampak yang dialami oleh berbagai industri ini memberikan peluang terhadap industri pengecoran logam untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan umumnya terbuat dari aluminium. Namun bahan dasar aluminium, yaitu bauksit semakin berkurang dengan skala yang besar setiap waktunya. Untuk itu perlu adanya penghematan dalam pengguanaan bahan dasar aluminium tersebut dengan menggunakan aluminium bekas yang diolah kembali (recycling) dengan cara peleburan kembali. Bahan yang digunakan yaitu skrap Al-Si yang ditambahkan 4% Cu untuk menambah kekuatan paduan karena hasil peleburan kembali skrap Al-Si memiliki sifat mekanik yang kurang baik. Selain itu, kekuatan mekanik juga dapat ditingkatkan dengan proses holt-melt. Proses hold-melt dilakukan pada suhu 700⁰C dengan variasi hold-melt 0 menit, 30 menit, 60 menit, dan 90 menit. Setelah spesimen hasil coran jadi, kemudian dilakukan pengujian ketahanan kejut dengan charpy impact machine dan persebaran unsur Si dan Cu dengan menggunakan SEM-EDS. Hasil yang ditunjukkan yaitu ketahanan kejut semakin meningkat seiring bertambahnya waktu hold-melt dan persebaran unsur Si dan Cu semakin merata.

English Abstract

-The development of technology in the manufacturing industry is growing very rapidly, in line with the increasing demand and needs of consumers, especially the manufacturing industry in the automotive field. Motor vehicle components mostly use aluminum alloy as the base material. This indicates that the basic need for aluminum is very high in the automotive manufacturing industry. With this fact, it is necessary to hold the savings of the basic materials of the maker, one way by doing the recycling process. Recycling aluminum can be done in several ways, one of them by recasting or the process of re-smelting unused aluminum components. Where the waste is then reprocessed by means of metal casting. However, in the casting itself also has drawbacks such as the mechanical properties of the resulting object is not good so it is necessary to provide improvement by adding other elements. Copper is one of the elements that can help strengthen or increase the strength of metal casting results. In addition, by doing engineering at the time of casting can also increase its strength. Hold-melt is one of the engineering that can be done to increase the strength of casting yield. Based on the theoretical basis as well as previous studies, it can be found that the increasing hold-melt time will cause the resulting product to have a high toughness value. This can occur because the increasing hold-melt time, the resulting grain will be smaller and increase the toughness. The longer the hold-melt will also affect the existing Si and Cu elements. This happens because the longer the hold-melt is, the more evenly the distribution of Si and Cu elements will be. This research was conducted by varying the hold-melt time at the time of melting using Al-Si as a base material with 4% Cu added to the impact resistance and the resulting chemical elements. Hold-melt variations in this study were 0 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes. Melting was carried out using an induction furnace at a hold-melt temperature of 700⁰C and the molds used were permanent molds. The impact resistance test was carried out xi using a charpy impact testing machine and for testing the distribution of Si and Cu elements was carried out using SEM-EDS. In the 0 minute hold-melt variation, the impact resistance value was 0.475². In the 30 minute hold-melt variation, the impact resistance value was 0.5083². In the 60 minute hold-melt variation, the impact resistance value was 0.5833². In the 90 minutes hold-melt variation, the impact resistance value was 0.6416². The SEM-EDS test results show that the distribution of Cu and Si alloys is the most evenly distributed to the specimens with 90 minutes hold-melt with 4.12% Cu and 14.61% Si levels, then the 60 minutes hold-melt specimens with levels Cu 5.73% and Si 17.8%, then specimens with a hold-melt of 30 minutes with a Cu content of 4.78% and Si 15.74%, and specimens with a hold-melt of 0 minutes with a Cu content of 5.5% and Si 16.36%. Keywords : aluminum, recasting, impact resistance, chemical elements, hold-melt, induction furnace

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 621.8
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci : aluminium, recasting, ketahanan kejut, unsur kimia, hold-melt, tungku induksi--aluminum, recasting, impact resistance, chemical elements, hold-melt, induction furnace
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.8 Machine engineering
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 04:38
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 06:45
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