Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Kapasitas Sampah berbasis Wireless Sensor Network menggunakan Protokol ESP-MESH

Mahendra, Dandy Fajar (2021) Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Kapasitas Sampah berbasis Wireless Sensor Network menggunakan Protokol ESP-MESH. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jumlah produksi sampah semakin meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk. Hal ini seringkali menyebabkan terjadi penumpukan sampah pada area tertentu sebelum jadwal pengangkutan sampah oleh petugas kebersihan tiba. Oleh karena itu, dirancang suatu sistem monitoring kapasitas sampah berbasis Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) menggunakan protokol jaringan ESP-MESH. Protokol ESP-MESH digunakan untuk mengatasi keterbatasan penggunaan infrastruktur jaringan WiFi tradisional yang memiliki jangkauan terbatas serta jumlah maksimum node yang dibatasi oleh kapasitas access point. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis performansi jaringan menggunakan parameter QoS yang meliputi Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay, dan Jitter dengan variasi jarak 10, 20, 30, 40, dan 50 meter pada kondisi LoS dan N-LoS. Kemudian dilakukan juga pengujian current consumption ESP32 ketika melakukan transmisi data, serta pengujian tingkat akurasi hasil pembacaan sensor HC-SR04 dan GPS Modul NEO 6M dalam menunjang kinerja sistem. Hasil analisis QoS menunjukkan semakin jauh jarak transmisi maka nilai throughput semakin kecil, sedangkan packet loss, delay, dan jitter semakin besar. Pada pengujian mode penyesuaian power output RF suplai arus terkecil adalah sebesar 121 mA pada mode POUT -1 dBm dengan jarak maksimal transmisi data sejauh 10 meter. Sedangkan, kebutuhan suplai arus terbesar adalah sebesar 152 mA pada mode POUT 19,5 dBm dengan jarak transmisi data terjauh yaitu 50 meter. Besar rata-rata error pembacaan sensor HC-SR04 sebesar 1,83% sedangkan nilai rata-rata galat penentuan lokasi oleh GPS NEO 6M pada kondisi dalam ruangan sebesar 7,52 meter dan kondisi luar ruangan sebesar 3,95 meter.

English Abstract

The amount of waste production increases along with the population. This often results in the generation of garbage in certain areas before the garbage collection by the cleaning staff arrives. Therefore, designed a waste capacity monitoring system based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that uses the ESP-MESH network protocol. The ESPMESH protocol is used to overcome the limitations of using traditional WiFi network infrastructure which has limited coverage and the maximum number of nodes is limited by the capacity of the access point. In this research, network performance analysis was carried out using QoS parameters including Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay, and Jitter with variations in distances of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 meters in LoS and N-LoS conditions. Then the ESP32 consumption test was also carried out when transmitting data, as well as testing the accuracy of the HC-SR04 sensor readings and the NEO 6M GPS Module to support system performance. The results of the QoS analysis show that the farther the transmission distance, the smaller the throughput value, while the packet loss, delay, and jitter are getting bigger. In testing the RF output power adjustment mode, the smallest current supply is 121 mA at POUT mode -1 dBm with a maximum data transmission distance of 10 meters. Meanwhile, the largest current supply requirement is 152 mA at 19.5 dBm POUT mode with the farthest data transmission distance of 50 meters. The average error reading the HC-SR04 sensor is 1.83% while the average location error value by GPS NEO 6M in indoor conditions is 7.52 meters and outdoor conditions is 3.95 meters. Keywords: WSN, ESP-MESH, ESP32, GPS, QoS, monitoring, bin

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 621.381
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: WSN, ESP-MESH, ESP32, GPS, QoS, monitoring, tempat sampah--WSN, ESP-MESH, ESP32, GPS, QoS, monitoring, bin
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.38 Electronics, communications engineering > 621.381 Electronics
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 04:24
Last Modified: 25 Feb 2022 15:31
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184277
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