Kinerja Panil Interior Penyerap Polutan dan Kelembapan Udara Bermaterial Alami (Ruang Uji: Rumah di Probolinggo)

Ainun Nabilah, Asti and Wasiska Iyati, ST., MT (2021) Kinerja Panil Interior Penyerap Polutan dan Kelembapan Udara Bermaterial Alami (Ruang Uji: Rumah di Probolinggo). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tingginya tingkat polusi udara masih menjadi problematika. Polutan di dalam ruangan 2-5 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan polutan di luar ruangan. Maka dari itu kebutuhan akan udara sehat sangat diperlukan, mengingat manusia 90% lebih banyak beraktivitas di dalam ruangan. Indonesia dengan banyak kekayaan alam salah satunya adalah tanaman kelapa dengan limbah yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pemurni udara. Penelitian ini mencoba memberikan solusi untuk mereduksi polutan dan kelembapan udara di dalam ruangan dengan metode adsorpsi menggunakan bahan adsorben berupa arang karbon aktif tempurung kelapa dan sabut kelapa. Penelitian menggunakan metode pemikiran rancangan untuk mewujudkan purwarupa panil penyerap dan metode komparatif dengan membandingkan beberapa uji kinerja adsorpsi kedua bahan tersebut. Bahan adsorben dirancang menjadi elemen interior berupa panil partisi. Dengan model panil penyerap yang telah dirancang dapat memberikan kesan fleksibel, multi-fungsi, serta menambah nilai estetika ruangan baik dalam pengaplikasian tunggal maupun jamak. Dari hasil pengukuran kinerja panil menunjukkan hasil adsorpsi terbaik pada pengaplikasian ruang uji dengan penambahan sumber polutan yaitu, adsorpsi kelembapan sebesar 7%, PM2,5 39%, PM10 39%, TVOC 29%, HCHO 20%. Sedangkan untuk pengujian 1 modul panil penyerap mampu mereduksi CO sebesar 32,63% dan CO2 sebesar 38%.

English Abstract

High levels of air pollution are still a problem faced by the global community. Not only in the outdoor environment, but indoor pollutants are also 2-5 times higher than outdoor pollutants. Sources of air pollution in buildings include smoke or pollutants from outside the building, as well as pollutants from the inside such as cigarette smoke, stove smoke, chemicals released furniture and building materials, as well as the danger of viruses and bacteria in the air. In addition to some types of pollutants, excessive indoor air humidity can also result in sick building syndrome in residents. Therefore, the need for healthy air is very necessary, considering that humans are 90% more active indoors. The dominant air filter technology used as a solution to the problem still has weaknesses in terms of effectiveness, price, and flexibility in its use or application. Indonesia is one of the tropical countries with a lot of natural wealth, one of which is coconut plants, this plant has waste that can be used. Such as coconut shell waste that can be processed into activated carbon charcoal so that it has the properties of absorbing bacteria, viruses, pollutants in the air, and reducing moisture with its adsorbent power. In addition, coconut husk waste has also been tested to have the same ability to reduce the humidity of the air in the room. This study tries to provide solutions to reduce pollutants and humidity in the room with adsorption methods using adsorbent materials from coconut waste, namely processed activated carbon charcoal granular coconut shell and coconut husk. The research used the design thinking method to realize the absorbent panel prototype and comparative method by comparing several variations of adsorption power measurement treatment in the test room. Adsorbent material in the form of activated carbon charcoal coconut shell and coconut husk is designed into an interior element of the room in the form of a partition panel measuring 1x0.12x1m with an area of adsorbing hole ±20% and the addition of skeletal material in the form of wood. The partition panel was tested for performance in a 3m3 residential room in Kraksaan Subdistrict, Probolinggo Regency. The designed pollutant and moisture-absorbent panel model can present an interior element that can give an economical, flexible, multi-function impression, as well as add aesthetic value to the room in its application, both in singular and plural form. And the results of performance measurement showed that the absorbent panel was proven to reduce pollutants in the test room without the addition of pollutants by 0.2%, PM2.5 45%, PM10 43%, TVOC 8%, HCHO 50%. As for the application of test rooms with the addition of pollutant sources showed higher adsorption results overall namely, humidity 7%, PM2.5 39%, PM10 39%, TVOC 29%, HCHO 20%. For variations in the addition of pollutant sources and treatment with fans as a passive pollutant drive moisture adsorption is only 1%, PM2.5 19%, PM10 18%, TVOC 17%, HCHO 20%. As for testing 1 module Panel Absorbent is able to reduce CO by 32.63% and CO2 by 38%. Keywords: activated carbon charcoal, coconut husk, adsorption, air pollutant, air humidity

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052107
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: arang karbon aktif, sabut kelapa, adsorpsi, polutan udara, kelembapan udara--activated carbon charcoal, coconut husk, adsorption, air pollutant, air humidity
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 720 Architecture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 02:36
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 02:26
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