Pengaruh Rangkaian H-Bridge Inverter pada Keluaran Ballast Elektronik

Prasojo, Ario (2021) Pengaruh Rangkaian H-Bridge Inverter pada Keluaran Ballast Elektronik. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ballast electronic berfungsi untuk membatasi aliran arus listrik agar rangkaian lampu bekerja sesuai dengan range daya yang dibutuhkan. Tetapi dalam implementasinya, output dari ballast electronic ini DC sehingga membuat ketahanan lampu khusunya lampu fluorescent menjadi cepat rusak dikarenakan arus searah menyebabkan salah satu dari anoda atau katoda mengalami pembakaran yang berlebih. Rangkaian H-bridge inverter adalah rangkaian yang dapat mengubah gelombang DC menjadi AC,sehingga ketahanan lampu bisa bertahan lebih lama karena arus yang mengalir bolak-balik. H-bridge inverter ini bekerja menggunakan MOSFET sebagai switching untuk membangkitkan arus bolak-balik dengan driver IC IR2110. Ballast electronic dan rangkaian H-bridge inverter dengan beban berupa lampu TL 18W ini menghasilkan output dari H-bridge inverter sebesar 284V dan frekuensi 27.17 KHz, Lampu dapat menyala. Tetapi nyala lampu tidak stabil atau terang redup secara bergantian diakibatkan modulasi frekuensi 50Hz dari H-bridge inverter dengan frekuensi ballast electronic 30.00 KHz.

English Abstract

Electronic ballast serves to limit the flow of electric current so that the lamp circuit works in accordance with the required power range. Ballasts should be efficient, simple, have no impact on lamp life and support the process of starting and operating lamps. In its development, ballasts have two groups, namely magnetic ballasts and electronic ballasts. But in its implementation, the output of this electronic ballast is Direct Curent (DC) so that the resistance of the lamp, especially fluorescent lamps, is damaged quickly because direct current causes one of the anodes or cathodes to experience excessive combustion. From the problem of DC output, it is changed to Alternating Current (AC) so that the lamp resistance can be longer because alternating current makes the cathode and anode work simultaneously. The H-bridge inverter circuit is a circuit that can convert DC waves into AC, so that the lamp resistance can last longer because of the alternating current. This Hbridge inverter works using the MOSFET as a switching to generate alternating current with the IR2110 IC driver. The IR2110 driver IC is controlled by an Arduino nano microcontroller which is connected to the HIN and LIN pins on the IR2110 IC. The electronic ballast and the H-bridge inverter circuit with a load of 18W TL lamps produce an output from the H-bridge inverter of 284V and a frequency of 27.17 KHz, the lamp can light up. But the lights are unstable or light dim alternately due to 50Hz frequency modulation from the H-bridge inverter with an electronic ballast frequency of 30.00 KHz.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 621.381
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ballast Electronic,H-Bridge,Inverte
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.38 Electronics, communications engineering > 621.381 Electronics
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2021 08:45
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 04:55
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