
Cleaner Production (CP) is defined as the continuous implementation of an integrated environmental strategy applied to production, processes and services to increase production efficiency and reduce risks to the environment and people. The level of development of a cleaner production strategy can be influenced by some aspects; the organization, information gathering, use, and influence of stakeholders and the commitment of top management to the implementation of cleaner production practices. Adopt cleaner production practices in collaboration with the preservation of raw materials and resources, ensuring the reduction or elimination of toxic materials and minimizing the quantity and toxicity of emissions and residues during the production process. The aluminum industry is a priority for the implementation of cleaner production in this study. In its application, the aluminum industry centre in Jombang Regency has not fully implemented cleaner production. Small and medium enterprises do not have sufficient financial resources to invest in cleaner production practices because they require higher investment. This study aimed to determine the factors that influence the application of cleaner production. The method used is regression analysis. The regression analysis results showed that three variables were tested to be significant and had a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value of 3.05 which means good. Three variables that affected the implementation of cleaner production include measurement of fuel usage, efforts to improve production process efficiency and waste reuse by product. From the calculation results, the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.550 (the influence was quite strong).

English Abstract

Industrial symbiosis and the application of cleaner production need to be applied to overcome waste generated by the aluminum industry in Jombang Regency. Improved efficiency, improved environmental performance, and increased competitive advantage are some of the industry's benefits due to the implementation of a cleaner production strategy. This study aims to assess the application of cleaner production and determine the factors that influence the application of cleaner production at the aluminum industrial center in Jombang Regency. One proposed strategy to solve current environmental challenges is industrial symbiosis. However, proper evaluation methods are needed to measure the potential benefits of industrial symbiosis. One method that can be used is material flow analysis (MFA). MFA develops a unified database and a Step by Step process starting from the input, process, and output process to clarify the distribution of waste and the recycling process in the aluminum industry. The aluminum industry is an energy-intensive and high-pollution industry. The development of industrial symbiosis in the aluminum industry has made significant achievements in reducing environmental pressures and facilitating green development and green industry. Home industries that process aluminum slag raw materials require high energy and produce high waste during the production process. The MFA results showed that the production elements of the aluminum slag industry consist of 11 elements ranging from raw materials, fuel, clean water, human resources, capital, production processes, production equipment, housekeeping, products produced, waste, and waste utilization. The industrial symbiosis in the aluminum industry was an open cycle. The open cycle means that the symbiosis that occurred still produces waste, and there was still waste that had not been fully utilized, but in fact, the waste had potential to be used as a source of raw materials, energy, and materials in other industrial processes. Cleaner Production (CP) is defined as the continuous implementation of an integrated environmental strategy applied to production, processes and services to increase production efficiency and reduce risks to the environment and people. The level of development of a cleaner production strategy can be influenced by some aspects; the organization, information gathering, use, and influence of stakeholders and the commitment of top management to the implementation of cleaner production practices. Adopt cleaner production practices in collaboration with the preservation of raw materials and resources, ensuring the reduction or elimination of toxic materials and minimizing the quantity and toxicity of emissions and residues during the production process. The aluminum industry is a priority for the implementation of cleaner production in this study. In its application, the aluminum industry centre in Jombang Regency has not fully implemented cleaner production. Small and medium enterprises do not have sufficient financial resources to invest in cleaner production practices because they require higher investment. This study aimed to determine the factors that influence the application of cleaner production. The method used is regression analysis. The regression analysis results showed that three variables were tested to be significant and had a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value of 3.05 which means good. Three variables that affected the implementation of cleaner production include measurement of fuel usage, efforts to improve production process efficiency and waste reuse by product. From the calculation results, the coefficient of determination (R2 ) was 0.550 (the influence was quite strong). Further research advice is to conduct research focusing on the utilization and treatment of waste from the aluminum slag recycling industry and conduct in-depth research on the economic feasibility of the application of cleaner production. Keywords: industrial symbiosis, material flow analysis, cleaner production

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 771
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: simbiosis industri, material flow analysis, produksi bersih-- industrial symbiosis, material flow analysis, cleaner production
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username saputro
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 01:01
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 03:14
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