
"Pembuatan perhiasan memiliki berbagai macam proses, salah satunya adalah electroforming. Hasil dari proses tersebut dikenal dengan Electroforming Jewelry dan Electroforming jewelry ini merupakan salah satu produk industri kreatif favorit di Kota Malang. Namun pengrajin masih memiliki beberapa kendala dalam produksinya, diantaranya adalah hasil yang memiliki warna terbakar dan hasil pelapisan yang tidak merata pada produk mereka. Di Tesis ini, karakteristik electroforming dimodelkan menggunakan regresi polinomial sebagai plant. Aktuator yang digunakan adalah buck converter dan dimodelkan menggunakan state space. Hasil kedua pemodelan matematis ini disimulasikan ke dalam Scilab bersamaan dengan empat kontroler yang akan dipilih sebagai kontroler terbaik. Empat kontroler itu adalah kontrol konvensional, kontrol P, PI dan PID. Setelah ditemukan kontroler yang terbaik, sistem secara kesuluruhan disimulasikan ke dalam Xcos Scilab untuk mengetahui keberhasilan sistem yang telah dirancang. Hasil simulasi, diimplementasikan pada perangkat keras atau catu daya dan sudah berhasil bekerja secara otomatis untuk mengontrol proses electroforming. Rerata galat pada kontrol tegangan konstan sebesar 2,09% dan rerata galat pada kontrol arus konstan sebesar 9,25%. Dampak dari galat tersebut ternyata berpengaruh pada hasil pelapisannya juga, baik pelapisan yang dilakukan secara satuan (tunggal) ataupun pelapisan paralel (masal). Hasil ketebalan pelapisan berbeda dari perhitungannya, namun tidak menyebabkan warna yang terbakar maupun hasil tidak merata. "

English Abstract

The production of jewelry has several kind of process, one of them is electroforming. The result of this process is known as Electroforming Jewelry and it is the favorite product of creative industry in Malang city. However the craftsman has some problems in their production process. Those problems are the burnt color and uneven results in their Electroforming Jewelry. Those problems have been caused by a change of electric current and have been affected by a change of work unit resistance while the process. The solution for these problems is by creating automatic power supply which it can control electric current to be constant even if there is resistance change while in the process of production. In this thesis, electroforming characteristic was built by the polynomial regression as a plant. The actuator used was buck converter and were built by state space. The results of those models were simulated by Scilab software which would be combined with one of the best four controllers. Those four of controller were Conventional Controller, P Controller, PI and PID Controller. After we knew which one was the best controller, all system would be simulated again in Xcos Scilab software to understand the best performance of system. The results of the simulation were, PI control as the best controller to control electric current and it was already proved by Xcos Scilab simulation. The number of Kp and Ki were 149,0542 and 4968,5, respectively. Those numbers were implemented to Atmega16 (the processor of hardware system) and its integral control used the numeric method of trapezoidal and it was put in Interrupt Timer 0 facility at Atmega16. The result of implementation was the hardware system or the power supply worked well to automatically control the constant electric current.. The average error from the Constant Voltage Mode was 2,09% and the average error of the Constant Current Mode was 9,25%. The effect of that error was actually affecting the coating results, whether in single coating or in parallel (mass) coating. The thickness coating results had different numbers from the calculation, yet it did not affect the burnt color and the uneven results. Keywords: electroforming, control, power supply, buck converter, polynomial regression

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 621.3
Uncontrolled Keywords: : electroforming, kontrol, catu daya, buck converter, regresi polinomial --electroforming, control, power supply, buck converter, polynomial regression
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username saputro
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2021 23:25
Last Modified: 12 Nov 2021 06:16
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184220
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