Pembuatan Dan Karakterisasi Filter Particulate Matter 0,1 (Pm0,1 ) Menggunakan Komposit Berbahan Filler Serat Limbah Kokon Dengan Penambahan Bubuk Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa Paradisiaca L) Dan Matriks Putih Telur

Marani, Renhard Baldus John (2020) Pembuatan Dan Karakterisasi Filter Particulate Matter 0,1 (Pm0,1 ) Menggunakan Komposit Berbahan Filler Serat Limbah Kokon Dengan Penambahan Bubuk Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa Paradisiaca L) Dan Matriks Putih Telur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Particulate matter 0,1 (PM0,1) adalah padatan atau cairan yang tersuspensi di udara dengan ukuran 0,1 μm. PM0,1 berdampak pada negatif pada kesehatan manusia. Oleh sebab itu, dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan filter berbasis komposit untuk mengurangi konsentrasi PM0,1 yang dihasilkan dari emisi sepeda motor. Filter dibuat dengan metode hand lay-up. Bahan filler pada filter komposit terdiri atas 3 lapis lembaran kokon dengan penambahan bubuk kulit pisang kepok, sedangkan untuk matriks digunakan 4 ml putih telur. Perbandingan massa antara kokon dan bubuk kulit pisang kepok, yaitu Filter A (1 : 0,6), Filter B (1 : 0,8), Filter C (1 : 1), Filter D (1 : 1,2), Filter E (1 : 1,4), sedangkan Filter F adalah tanpa penambahan bubuk. Efisiensi filter diperoleh melalui pengukuran konsentrasi PM0,1 sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan filter di knalpot motor dengan alat P-Track Model 8528, sedangkan karakteristik fisis filter diperoleh melalui uji densitas, morfologi, porositas, flowrate, dan ketahanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa filter memiliki ukuran pori yang beragam dan tersebar secara acak dengan densitas filter A, B, C, D, E, dan F adalah sebesar 0,70 gr/cm3, 0,76 gr/cm3, 0,77 gr/cm3, 0,86 gr/cm3, 1,12 gr/cm3 dan 0,66 gr/cm3, serta nilai efisiensi filter sebesar 4% hingga 53% yang bergantung dari komposisi penambahan bubuk kulit pisang kepok. Filter juga memiliki blocking sebesar 21% hingga 68% dengan batas ketahanan filter yang ditinjau dari uji flowrate sebesar 23 m/s, dimana filter dengan kompoisi sedikit lebih mudah rusak.

English Abstract

Perticulate matter 0,1 (PM0,1) is a solid or liquid that suspensed in air with a size of 0,1 μm. PM0,1 is one of air pollution source which has negative impact on human health. Therefore, in this reasearch, a filter based on composite was developed to reduce the concentration of PM0,1 that resulted from motorcycle emissions. Filter were made using the hand lay-up method. The filler material in the composite filter consists of three layers of cocoon sheets with the addition of Kepok banana peel powder, while 4 ml of egg white is used to matrix. The comparison of mass between cocoon and kepok banana peel powder, namely Filter A (1 : 0,6), Filter B (1 : 0,8), Filter C (1 : 1), Filter D (1 : 1,2), Filter E (1 : 1,4), while Filter F is without the additon of powder. Filter efficiency was obtained by measuring PM0,1 concentration before and after using a filter in the motor exhaust with the P-Track Model 8528, while the physical characteristics of filter were obtained through density, morphology, porosity, flowrate, and resistance tests. The results showed that the filters had various pore sizes and were scattered randomly with filter densities A, B, C, D, E, and F of 0.70 gr / cm3, 0.76 gr / cm3, 0.77 gr / cm3, 0.86 gr / cm3, 1.12 gr / cm3 and 0.66 gr / cm3, and filter efficiency values of 4% to 53% depending on the composition of the addition of Kepok Banana peel powder. The filter also has a blocking of 21% to 68% with a filter resistance limit in terms of the flowrate test of 23 m / s, where filters with compositions are slightly more easily damaged.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520090295
Uncontrolled Keywords: Emisi; PM0,1; Filter Komposit; Serat Kokon; Bubuk Kulit Pisang Kepok; Efisiensi.
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 534 Sound and related vibrations > 534.3 Characteristics of sound
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika
Depositing User: ismanto
Date Deposited: 22 Feb 2021 11:44
Last Modified: 26 Jul 2022 04:28
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