Implementasi Load Balancing Web Server dengan Algoritma Source IP Hash pada Software Defined Network (SDN)

Sumiati, Anita and Ir. Primantara Hari Trisnawan, M. Sc. and M. Ali Fauzi, S.Kom., M.Kom, (2020) Implementasi Load Balancing Web Server dengan Algoritma Source IP Hash pada Software Defined Network (SDN). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Software Defined Network (SDN) adalah arsitektur jaringan yang memisahkan control plane dan data plane. Arsitektur jaringan SDN membagi permintaan yang masuk untuk diberikan ke suatu server. SDN menggunakan OpenFlow versi 1.3 sebagai protokol dan load balancing untuk mendistribusikan beban pada dua atau bahkan lebih koneksi jaringan secara seimbang. Load balancing memiliki algoritma yang digunakan untuk membagikan request ke setiap server. Terdapat beberapa algoritma yang telah digunakan sebelumnya, salah satunya adalah algoritma least traffic. Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma Source IP Hash, dan Ryu sebagai controller yang berfungsi untuk mengalokasikan server dengan melakukan hash pada alamat IP sumber. Algoritma ini akan diuji dan dianalisis kinerjanya pada, response time, throughput, dan packet loss. Nilai throughput dari algoritma source ip hash mencapai 206 mbps sedangkan algoritma least traffic 106 mbps. Packet Loss yang terjadi saat melakukan pengiriman data pada algoritma source IP hash mencapai 0% sedangkan algoritma least traffic mengalami packet loss dengan kategori high mencapai 4,009%. Dari kedua hasil pengujian troughput dan packet loss disimpulkan bahwa algoritma source IP hash menghandle request dari client lebih baik dibanding least traffic. Algoritma Source IP Hash dapat mengalokasikan alamat IP sumber yang sama masuk ke server yang sama, sedangkan algoritma least traffic harus melakukan pemilihan server dengan melakukan perulangan berdasarkan traffic rendah.

English Abstract

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a network architecture that separates the control plane from the data plane. SDN network architecture divides incoming requests to be given to a server. SDN uses OpenFlow version 1.3 as a protocol and load balancing to distribute the load on two or even more balanced network connections. Load balancing has an algorithm that is use to distribute requests to each server. There were several algorithms that have been used before, one of them is the least traffic algorithm. This research uses the Source IP Hash algorithm, and Ryu as the controller that functions to allocate the server by doing a hash on the source IP address. This algorithm is tested and analyzed its performance on, response time, throughput, and packet loss. The throughput value of the source IP hash algorithm reaches 206 mbps while the least traffic algorithm is 106 mbps. Packet Loss that occured in the source IP hash algorithm is 0% while the least traffic algorithm experienced packet loss with the category high as much as 4.009%. From the two results of throughput and packet loss tested, it is concluded that the source IP hash algorithm handles requests from clients better than least traffic. The Source IP Hash algorithm could allocated the same source IP address to the same server, while the least traffic algorithm must selected the server by making a loop based on low traffic.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520150021
Uncontrolled Keywords: load balancing, software defined network, OpenFlow, ryu controller, source IP hash. load balancing, software defined network, OpenFlow, ryu controller, source IP hash
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science > 004.6 Interfacing and communications
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 23 Feb 2021 07:32
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2024 02:37
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