Pengaruh Variable Helix And Pitch Angle Tool Terhadap Transformasi Stability Lobe Diagram Dan Kekasaran Permukaan Sebagai Chatter Control Pada Proses Permesinan

Kusuma, Muhammad Adhitya Ihza (2020) Pengaruh Variable Helix And Pitch Angle Tool Terhadap Transformasi Stability Lobe Diagram Dan Kekasaran Permukaan Sebagai Chatter Control Pada Proses Permesinan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kemajuan bidang teknologi, sains, dan teknologi mempengaruhi perkembangan dalam dunia manufaktur, proses produksi pada bidang otomotif, aerospace, mould intustries, machinery part, hingga kemiliteran membutuhkan tingkat efesiensi produksi serta kepresisian produk yang tinggi. Penggunaan mesin vertical milling center merupakan mesin produksi yang sering digunakan dalam proses permesinan. Salah satu masalah yang kerap terjadi dalam proses permesinan adalah chatter, chatter atau getaran pada proses permesinan, selain memberikan hasil yang buruk pada permukaan benda kerja chatter juga mengurangi tool life dan memberikan kerusakan pada mesin yang digunakan. Berbagai cara digunakan untuk mengurangi timbulnya chatter seperti penggunaan SSV (Spindle Speed Variation), penggunaan damper pada tool holder, membuat stability lobe diagram, dan menggunakan variable helix and pitch angle tool. Penelitian ini terfokus pada pembuatan stability lobe diagram dan melihat perbedaan hasil acceleration shifting antara pahat normal helix and pitch dan variable helix and pitch angle tool yang nantinya akan memberikan perbedaan antara dua diagram tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membandingkan getaran (acceleration shifting) yang terjadi pada proses slot milling menggunakan normal helix (30o) dan variable helix (36 o/38o) and pitch (83 o/97o) tool dalam variasi spindle speed 3000, 3250, 3500, dan 3750 rpm pada material Stainless Steel AISI 304 yang sering digunakan pada ranah manufaktur seperti machinery part, piping, petrochemical, dan aero-engine casing. Mesin CNC HAAS-VF2 digunakan dalam pengambilan data dan justifikasi dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan nilai kekasaran hasil permesinan menggunakan kedua variasi cutting tool dan spindle speed yang telah ditentukan menggunakan Surface Roughness Tester SJ-301 Mitutoyo.

English Abstract

Advances in technology, science, and technology have influenced developments in the world of manufacturing, production processes in the automotive, aerospace, mold industries, machinery parts, to military sectors requiring high levels of production efficiency and high product precision. The use of vertical milling center machines is a production machine that is often used in the machining process. One of the problems that often occur in the machining process is chatter, chatter or vibration in the machining process, in addition to giving bad results on the surface of the workpiece chatter also reduces tool life and gives damage to the machine used. Various methods are used to reduce the emergence of chatter such as the use of SSV (Spindle Speed Variation), the use of dampers on tool holder, making stability lobe diagrams, and using variable helix and pitch angle tools. This study focuses on making stability lobe diagrams and looking at differences in the results of the acceleration shifting between the normal helix tool and the variable helix angle tool which will give the difference between the two diagrams. The study was conducted by comparing the vibration (acceleration shifting) that occurs in the slot milling process using normal helix (30 o) and variable helix (36 o/38o) and pitch (83 o/97o) tools in spindle speed variations of 3000, 3250, 3500, and 3750 rpm in AISI 304 Stainless Steel material which is often used in the realm of manufacturing such as machinery parts, piping, petrochemicals, and aero-engine casings. The HAAS-VF2 CNC machine is used in data collection and justification is done by comparing the roughness values of machining results using both variations of cutting tool and spindle speed which have been determined using the Surface Roughness Tester SJ-301 Mitutoyo.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520070131
Uncontrolled Keywords: slot milling, chatter, spindle speed, variable helix, pitch helix, stability lobe diagram , slot milling, chatter, spindle speed, variable helix, pitch helix, stability lobe diagram
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.8 Machine engineering
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: Users 31 not found.
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2021 21:33
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2023 06:21
0520070131-Muhammad Adhitya Ihza Kusuma.PDF
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