Maharani, Destiana (2020) Studi Perbandingan Pelarut Ekstrak Biji Alpukat Terhadap Hama Plutella xylostella. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Plutella xylostella menjadi salah satu hama utama pada pertanaman kubis. Di Indonesia kehilangan hasil panen dapat mencapai 100% akibat serangan P. xylostella. Ekstrak biji alpukat (EBA) adalah salah satu pestisida nabati yang dapat mengendalikan populasi P. xylostella. Pelarut menjadi salah satu komponen yang menentukan keberhasilan dari metode ekstraksi, sehingga diperlukan pemilihan yang selektif untuk mendapatkan senyawa yang terkandung dalam biji alpukat. EBA merupakan salah satu ekstrak yang dapat mematikan larva P. xylostella. Ekstrak ini juga dapat menurunkan kemampuan serangga dalam menyerap makanan. Pemilihan biji alpukat dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi limbah dari konsumsi masyarakat yang hanya mengonsumsi daging buah alpukat. Kemudian perlu ditemukan pelarut yang memiliki nilai mortalitas dan penurunan aktivitas makan P. xylostella tertinggi yang diperlakukan dengan EBA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh EBA dengan pelarut metanol, etanol dan kloroform terhadap mortalitas dan penurunan aktivitas makan larva P. xylostella. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Juni 2020 di Laboratorium Toksikologi Pestisida, Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya. Pelarut yang diujikan sebanyak tiga jenis yaitu metanol, etanol dan kloroform dengan empat level konsentrasi yaitu 10.000, 20.000, 30.000, 40.000 ppm dan satu kontrol. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 13 perlakuan dan tiap perlakuan diulang tiga kali sehingga terdapat 39 unit percobaan. Biji alpukat diekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi dengan perbandingan 1:5 antara serbuk biji dan pelarut. Setelah itu, serbuk biji dan pelarut dimasukkan dalam tabung Erlenmeyer dan didiamkan pada orbital shaker selama 24 jam. Kemudian disaring untuk mendapatkan filtrat dan diekstrak menggunakan rotary vacuum evaporator selama dua jam. Hasil ekstrak digunakan sebagai perlakuan. Serangga berupa larva P. xylostella didapatkan dari lahan budidaya tanaman kubis dan diperbanyak dalam stoples dan diberi makan daun kubis saat larva, sementara saat imago diberi makan larutan madu 20%. Pengujian pada P. xylostella dilakukan dengan metode pencelupan daun (leaf dipping methods). Larva yang digunakan adalah larva instar III dan setiap stoples diinvestasti dengan 10 individu larva pada masing-masing perlakuan, sehingga dibutuhkan 390 individu larva. Pada stoples dimasukkan daun kubis yang sudah ditimbang berukuran 5×5 cm dan sudah dicelup masing-masing perlakuan kemudian stoples ditutup dengan kain kasa. Setelah itu dilakukan pengamatan dengan interval 24, 48 dan 72 jam setelah aplikasi. Pada setiap pengamatan, daun kubis yang telah dimakan ditimbang kemudian diganti dengan daun kubis baru yang sudah ditimbang. Variabel yang diamati adalah mortalitas dan aktivitas penurunan makan larva P. xylostella. P. xylostella dianggap mati apabila tidak menunjukkan pergerakan saat disentuh menggunakan kuas. Mortalitas larva dihitung menggunakan rumus jumlah larva yang mati dibagi dengan jumlah larva yang diinvestasi kemudian dikalikan 100%. Pengujian penurunan aktivitas makan diamati melalui penurunan bobot pakan yang dimakan larva. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan menimbang bobot pakan setiap perlakuan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pada larva. Persentase penurunan aktivitas makan larva dihitung menggunakan rumus satu dikurangi berat daun yang dimakan serangga pada perlakuan dibagi dengan berat daun yang dimakan serangga pada kontrol kemudian dikalikan 100%. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS Statistics Versi 26 dan analisis sidik ragam dengan SPSS Statistics Versi 26 pada tarah signifikan (α) 0,05. Apabila dalam analisis sidik ragam perlakuan berbeda nyata, kemudian dilakukan menggunakan uji lanjutan Duncan multiple range test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa EBA dengan tiga pelarut berpengaruh pada mortalitas dan penurunan aktivitas makan larva. Mortalitas P. xylostella yang diperlakukan EBA dengan pelarut metanol 40.000 ppm adalah tertinggi yaitu 96,67%, sedangkan EBA dengan pelarut kloroform 10.000 ppm adalah terendah yaitu 10,00%. Secara morfologi, larva yang mati akibat aplikasi EBA tubuhnya menjadi mengerut dan berwarna cokelat kehitaman. Nilai LC50 EBA dengan pelarut metanol, etanol dan kloroform berturut-turut adalah 16.671,93, 22.855,69, dan 49.985,67 ppm. Kemudian nilai LT50 EBA dengan pelarut metanol dan etanol dari perhitungan interpolasi adalah 62,03dan 58,88 jam, sedangkan EBA dengan pelarut kloroform belum ditemukan nilai LT50 dari perhitungan interpolasi. Penurunan aktivitas makan larva P. xylostella yang diperlakukan EBA dengan pelarut metanol tergolong dalam kelas III atau kuat, kemudian etanol dan kloroform tergolong dalam kelas I atau lemah.
English Abstract
Plutella xylostella is one of the main pests in cabbage. In Indonesia, yield losses can reach 100% due to P. xylostella attacks. Avocado seed extract (AVE) is one of the botanical pesticides that can control P. xylostella populations. The solvent is one of the components that determines the success of the extraction method, so a selective selection is needed to obtain the compounds contained in avocado seeds. AVE is one of the extracts that can kill P. xylostella larvae. This extract can also reduce the ability of insects to absorb food. The selection of avocado seeds is intended to reduce waste from the consumption of people who only consume avocado flesh. Then it is necessary to find the solvent that has the highest mortality and decreased feeding activity of P. xylostella treated with AVE. This study aimed to examine the effect of AVE with methanol, ethanol and chloroform solvents on mortality and decreased feeding activity of P. xylostella larvae. This research was conducted from March to June 2020 at the Pesticide Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University. Three types of solvents were tested, namely methanol, ethanol and chloroform with four levels of concentration, namely 10,000, 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 ppm and one control. The study used a randomized block design with 13 treatments and each treatment was repeated three times so that there were 39 experimental units. Avocado seeds were extracted using the maceration method with a ratio of 1: 5 between the seed powder and the solvent. After that, the seed powder and solvent were put in an Erlenmeyer tube and allowed to stand in the orbital shaker for 24 hours. Then filtered to get the filtrate and extracted using a rotary vacuum evaporator for two hours. The extract was used as a treatment. Insects in the form of P. xylostella larvae were obtained from the cabbage cultivation area and multiplied in jars and fed cabbage leaves as larvae, while when imago was fed 20% honey solution. Testing on P. xylostella was carried out by the leaf dipping method. The larvae used were third instar larvae and each jar was investigated with 10 individual larvae in each treatment, so that 390 individual larvae were needed. In the jar are put cabbage leaves that have been weighed measuring 5×5 cm and have been dipped in each treatment then the jar is closed with gauze. After that, observations were made at intervals of 24, 48 and 72 hours after application. At each observation, the eaten cabbage leaves were weighed then replaced with new cabbage leaves that had been weighed. The variables observed were mortality and decreased feeding activity of P. xylostella larvae. P. xylostella is considered dead if it shows no movement when touched with a brush. Larval mortality was calculated using the formula for the number of larvae that died divided by the number of larvae invested then multiplied by 100%. The test for decreasing feeding activity was observed through the decrease in feed weight eaten by larvae. Observations were made by weighing the feed weight for each treatment before and after being given to larvae. The percentage reduction in larval feeding activity was calculated using formula one minus the leaf weight eaten by insects in the treatment divided by the weight of leaves eaten by insects in the control then multiplied by 100%. Data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics Version 26 and analysis of variance with SPSS Statistics Version 26 at a significant level (α) of 0.05. If the analysis of treatment variance was significantly different, then the Duncan multiple range test continued. The results showed that EBA with three solvents had an effect on mortality and decreased feeding activity of larvae. The highest mortality of P. xylostella treated with AVE with methanol 40,000 ppm solvent was 96.67%, while AVE with 10,000 ppm chloroform solvent was the lowest, namely 10.00%. Morphologically, larvae that die due to the application of AVE become shriveled and blackish brown. The LC50 AVE values with methanol, ethanol and chloroform solvents were 16,671.93, 22,855.69, and 49,985.67 ppm, respectively. Then the value of LT50 AVE with methanol and ethanol solvents from the interpolation calculation is 62.03 and 58.88 hours, while the AVE with chloroform solvent has not found the LT50 value from the interpolation calculation. The decreased feeding activity of P. xylostella larvae treated with AVE with methanol was classified as class III or strong, then ethanol and chloroform were classified as class I or weak.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0520040030 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.3 Edible leaves, flowers, stems > 635.34 Cabbage > 635.349 Cabbage (Injuries, diseases pests) > 635.349 95 Cabbage (Pesticides) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 03 Feb 2021 06:53 |
Last Modified: | 17 Apr 2023 06:21 |
URI: | |
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