Efektivitas Fitoremediasi Air Lindi Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah Talangagung Kepanjen Menggunakan Indikator Diatom Bentik

Mursyidah, Adinda Aimatul (2020) Efektivitas Fitoremediasi Air Lindi Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah Talangagung Kepanjen Menggunakan Indikator Diatom Bentik. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan penelitian ini menentukan perubahan kualitas fisika kimia air lindi TPA Talangagung yang diberi perlakuan fitoremediasi menggunakan polikultur Alternanthera paronychioides, Cyperus iria, dan Lepironia articulata melalui pemantauan diatom bentik sebagai bioindikator. Penelitian true experiment ini menggunakan lima perlakuan yaitu polikultur tiga tanaman dengan luas tutupan 25%, 50% dan 75%, substrat dengan air lindi, dan air lindi tanpa substrat masing-masing empat ulangan. Aklimatisasi tumbuhan dilakukan pada bak berisi substrat pasir dan kerikil setinggi lima cm dan 10 cm dengan pemberian air sumur. Air sumur selanjutnya diganti dengan air lindi sebanyak 18 L. Substrat diatom bentik berupa keramik ukuran 10x10 diletakkan pada saat awal pemberian air lindi. Kualitas air lindi dipantau tiap empat hari sekali selama 12 hari (suhu air, suhu udara konduktivitas, dan BOD). Sampel diatom pada substrat diambil pada hari ke-12. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi suhu udara, air, BOD dan konduktivitas air selama proses fitoremediasi yaitu (berturut turut 290C -310C ; 280C -230C; 139-385 mg/L; dan >2,020 mS/cm), dan mampu menurunkan lebih dari 50% BOD pada polikultur 25%. Proses fitoremediasi mampu meningkatkan jumlah taksa dan kelimpahan total Diatom. Berdasarkan INP spesies yang dominan yaitu Synedra sp (polikuktur 25-75%). Proses fitoremediasi selama 12 hari berdasarkan nilai H telah mampu meningkatkan kualitas air dari heavily polluted menjadi Lightly polluted. Meskipun berdasarkan nilai TDI masih termasuk kategori eutrofik sampai hipereutrofik. Tingkat pencemaran bahan organik berdasarkan % PTV menurun dari tercemar sangat berat menjadi tercemar bahan organik ringan (perlakuan 50 dan 75%) dan sedang (perlakuan 25%). Kata kunci: Air lindi, diatom, fitoremediasi, PTV, TDI

English Abstract

The aim of this study was to determine changes in the physical and chemical quality of the Talangagung landfill leachate which were treated with phytoremediation using polyculture Alternanthera paronychioides, Cyperus iria, and Lepironia articulata through monitoring benthic diatoms as bioindicators. This true experiment study used five treatments are three plants polyculture with 25%, 50% and 75% cover area, substrate with leachate water, and leachate water without substrates. Plant acclimation is carried out in a tub containing sand and gravel substrates as high as 5 cm and 10 cm by providing well water. The well water is then replaced with 18 L. leachate with benthic diatom substrates in the form of 10x10 ceramic placed at the beginning of leachate. Leachate water quality is monitored every 4 days for 12 days (water temperature, conductivity temperature, and BOD). Diatom samples on the substrate were taken on the 12th day. The results showed that variations in air temperature, water, BOD and water conductivity during the phytoremediation process were small (successively 290C-310C; 280C -230C; 139-385 mg / L; and> 2,020 mS / cm), and poluculture 25% can reduce more than 50% BOD levels. Phytoremediation process can increase the number of taxa and the total abundance of Diatoms. Based on the dominant INP species, Synedra sp (25-75% polycrystalline). Phytoremediation process for 12 days based on H value has been able to improve water quality from heavily polluted to Lightly polluted. Although based on TDI values are still in the eutrophic to hypereutrophic categories. The level of pollution of organic matter based on% PTV decreased from being heavily polluted to mildly polluted organic matter (50% and 75% treatment) and moderate (25% treatment). Keywords: diatoms, leachate, phytoremediation, PTV, TDI

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520090006
Uncontrolled Keywords: Air lindi, diatom, fitoremediasi, PTV, TDI
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 577 Ecology > 577.2 Specific factors affecting ecology > 577.27 pollution ecology
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Biologi
Depositing User: ismanto
Date Deposited: 29 Jan 2021 23:16
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2024 01:57
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/181986
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