Penilaian Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi Air Tanah Di Daerah Oncoran Sdta 608 Kecamatan Bandung Kabupaten Tulungagung Jawa Timur

Nepriyana, Elfita (2020) Penilaian Kinerja Jaringan Irigasi Air Tanah Di Daerah Oncoran Sdta 608 Kecamatan Bandung Kabupaten Tulungagung Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jaringan irigasi air tanah pada daerah oncoran SDTA 608 Kecamatan Bandung Kabupaten Tulungagung mengalami penurunan debit air seiring dengan perkembangan waktu, kondisi perubahan alam sekitar, dan kondisi sosial ekonomi petani maka suplai dan kebutuhan akan air irigasi untuk mengairi areal sawah mengalami perubahan yang berpengaruh pada tingkat kecukupan air terutama pada petak sawah terjauh dari sumur yang kadang tidak tercukupi kebutuhan airnya. Sesuai dengan amanat Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat No. 12/PRT/M/2015 bahwa penilaian kinerja sistem irigasi dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kondisi kinerja sistem irigasi, agar kebutuhan air tanaman dapat tercapai dengan optimal. Penilaian kinerja dilakukan terhadap 6 (enam) parameter yaitu; prasarana fisik, produktivitas tanam, sarana penunjang, organisasi personalia, dokumentasi dan Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air (P3A). Penilaian kinerja jaringan irigasi air tanah di daerah oncoran SDTA 608 pada segi teknis dilakukan dengan metode observasi lapangan dan pengukuran efisiensi saluran irigasi untuk dapat menilai kinerja prasarana fisik dan sarana penunjang dibantu oleh petugas operasi pompa. Selanjutnya untuk segi ekonomi dilakukan perhitungan produktivitas tanaman berupa perhitungan faktor K, realisasi luas tanam, pemenuhan kebutuhan air, produktivitas padi dan palawija dan nilai panen. Berikutnya dari aspek sosial dilakukan wawancara kepada 24 responden petani mengenai Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air (P3A). Hasil penilaian kinerja jaringan irigasi air tanah daerah oncoran SDTA 608 Desa Kesambi Kabupaten Tulungagung berdasarkan Permen PU No. 12/PRT/M/2015 dari segi teknis mendapatkan nilai sebesar 72,5 % pada aspek prasarana fisik dan sarana penunjang termasuk pada kategori rusak ringan dan dibutuhkan pemeliharaan berkala bersifat perawatan yang dilakukan berdasarkan skala prioritas, dari aset yang mendapat nilai paling rendah yaitu aset Sumur Bor berupa perpanjangan pipa pompa air sumur sekitar 2 - 3 meter agar pompa dapat menyedot air bila terjadi penurunan muka air. Kemudian dari segi ekonomi diperoleh nilai 74,6 % termasuk pada kategori baik dengan upaya peningkatan sistem gilir yang tepat agar tidak terjadi kekurangan air. Dari segi sosial mendapat nilai akhir sebesar 73 % termasuk pada kategori baik namun dibutuhkan strategi peningkatan peran P3A dalam pengelolaan jaringan utama yang didukung dengan pelatihan teknis dan pengembangan SDM

English Abstract

Groundwater irrigation systems of SDTA 608 in Bandung District Tulungagung Regency has decreased in its water discharge due to the time development, along in conditions of surrounding natural changes, and farmers' socioeconomic conditions that affects a decrease in water discharge and also level of water sufficiency, especially in the paddy fields furthest from the wells which sometimes have insufficient water needs. In accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 12 / PRT / M / 2015 that assessment of irrigation system performance was intended to determine the condition of irrigation system performance, so that crop water needs can be achieved optimally. Irrigation performance is an indication in order to describe an irrigation system management. Performance assessment was conducted on 6 (six) parameters, i.e; Physical Infrastructure, Plant Productivity, Supporting Facilities, Personnel Organization, Documentation, and Water User Farmer Association. The performance assessment of the groundwater irrigation system in the SDTA 608's area on a technical aspect was conducted directly in the field by observation methods and measurement of the efficiency of irrigation channels to be able to assess the performance of physical infrastructure and supporting facilities assisted by pump operation officers. Furthermore, based on the economic aspect, the calculation of crop productivity, including; K factors, a realization of planting area, a fulfillment of water needs, productivity of paddy and secondary crops and harvest value. Moreover, based on social aspect interviews were conducted with 24 farmer respondents regarding the Water Users Farmers' Association. The results of the performance assessment of SDTA 608 groundwater irrigation systems in Bandung District Tulungagung Regency based on the mandate of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 12 / PRT / M / 2015 based on technical aspect gave a value of 72.5% in the physical infrastructure and supporting facilities was included in the category of minor damage and required periodic maintenance based on priority scale, from the assets that received the lowest value, it is the Drill Well assets and required extension of the wells pumps pipe around 2-3 meters so that the pump can suck up water when there is a decrease in water level. Moreover, based on economic aspect, gave a value of 74.6% was included in the good category and required a rotation system to prevent water shortages. Based on social aspect, a final score of 73% was included in the good category and required a strategy to increase the role of Water User Farmer Association in managing the main network supported by technical training and human resources development

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2020/6/052003610
Uncontrolled Keywords: Irigasi air tanah, Penilaian kinerja jaringan irigasi, Irigasi pompa, Groundwater irrigation system, Performance Assesment of Groundwater Irrigation System, Wells Pump
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 627 Hydraulic engineering > 627.5 Reclamations, Irrigation, related topics > 627.52 Irrigation
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2020 14:04
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2024 07:16
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